《The backup Bride》EPISODE 15


15/11/2019 - Friday -At Chennai, Tambaram.

Aparna's P. O. V :

" Aparna, Michael has filed a cased on you in our Bangalore Architect's Association. He is working to strike your name off the association. And the company that you worked for has signed in Michael's petition. They are into this. " She said without breathing.

If that happens it would become obvious that I can't work in Bangalore anymore. He had damaged my name already and why my firm joined with him!?

" Priya, are you serious? They can't! " I said. My vision was clouded with my tears. I was aware of Shiva looking at me. I need some space.

" Anna, please stop the car! " I told the car driver abruptly.

As soon as he stopped, I swinged the door open and walked behind the car.

" Is there something that we can do? " I asked priya hopelessly.

" I am sorry to say this. But I don't know. I can't help " She said.

" Fine, thanks. Will talk to you soon" I said quickly wiping my tears.

I cut her call instantly and dialled Michael's number right away.

" Who the fuck do you think you are? " I started yelling as soon as he picked up the call.

" Calm down, Aparna " He said.

" Look, what do you want? " I asked.

" You know it baby " He said slyly.

"I want nothing to do with you. " I said and that's when I heard someone laughing behind, a voice I was very familiar with. It was Snegha, the chief Architect.

" Wait, why is Snegha with you? " I asked clutching my teeth.

" You thought I was alone? She was with me ever since you left. " He said.

That's why he was able to contact every firm where I took an interview. But why would she?

I was about to faint when I heard him speak again.

" Surprised aren't you? , curse my charm. I can almost feel you begging under my feet, that day is so near. You apologizing for slapping me. I can almost enjoy that scene. " He said with menace laced in his voice.


" In your dreams " I yelled at him.

" Yeah, yeah, Remember who is your boss." He said.

" Go to hell! You bastard! Oh my bad, I should have stabbed you instead of slapping you ! How dare you put a black mark on my name? " I yelled again.

" Didn't you? Didn't you put a black mark on me? It's karma bitch! " He said laughing.

I cut the call as I can't take in his fucked up works anymore. That's when I saw Shiva standing.

I wiped away my tears, took a deep breath and pretended that I was okay.

I walked to him, and he was terrified looking at me.

" If I may ask, what happened? " He asked quite frightened.

" Can we go back to home? " I asked, I had no mind to go anywhere.

I was surprised that he didn't push me to open up.

He nodded back and stepped inside the car.

I sat on the front seat and closed my eyes as the driver took a detour back to Rajiv's home.

All the way, Anjali was pestering Shiva, and he was constantly trying to push her off. I understand that she loved him for four years, but she should respect his feelings too.

Didn't anyone teach this girl about consent?!

Oh I forgot, she was Suicidal, I shouldn't even try telling her what's right.

I thought to myself and shook my head.

I took my phone and rang Rajiv's number.

" When are you coming back? " I asked him. As soon as he comes, I am going back. I just want to go home.

Only if I am there, I could face Michael directly and stop him.

" Aparna, I know I should have been there two days ago. But I am completely stuck here.

The police are asking us to do so many formalities and your sister is not feeling well too. " He said.

" What happened? " I asked.

" Nothing to worry, just some high pressure. Doctor said she will be fine and it is very common during pregnancy. " He said.

She was two months pregnant and in a week, she would be three.


" I don't know. You know what I am going through " I said.

" I do yaar. I come or don't, you leave Chennai by Sunday , I'll talk to my parents later, Okay? " He said.

I breathed out relieved.

" Okay, take care " I said and cut the call.

Through the rear view mirror, I saw Shiva looking at me confused.

I ran my hand over my hair and turned to look out.

We dropped Anjali at her Aunt's place and drove back to Rajiv's home.

Shiva was much relieved as Anjali was going back to her home town by that night.

The time was around 6 in the evening.

We got down from the car and Rajiv's mom gave a surprised look as we came sooner than she expected.

Rajiv's mom left with Rajiv's dad to the hospital to take off the bandage. T

I walked upstairs and Shiva walked behind me.

I went inside my room and locked it. I called Priya multiple times but she didn't pick up my call at all.

Fuck this! Fuck that! , I threw my phone away and laid on my bed.

I was trying to take a nap and Shwetha's call woke me up.

" Why did you leave without telling me? " She asked in a threatening tone.

" Sorry yaar, we had a little problem here so I had to leave urgent. "I said.

" Okay, I forgive you. We are having a small get together tomorrow, just all our hostel peeps. Be there. " She said.

It would be safe if only hostel friends are going to be there. I am not even sure if I would get to attend her wedding, at least I can do this.

" Okay! " I said after a minute.

" Why do you sound off? " She asked.

" Nothing, just office pressure. " I said.

" You know what , don't take it in too much. You haven't changed at all. Share the pressure baba. " She said.

I laughed nervously, I couldn't let anybody know. I don't want anybody to look at me with pity.

" It's for your own good. Maybe someone else would have an easy answer to something that you were looking for everywhere! " She said.

" Yeah " I lied. Who could save me? Super man? Bat man? Spider man?

" Okay, I'll send you the address. Take care " She said and cut the call.

Just when I went back to my nap, someone knocked the door .

I lazily woke up and opened the door.

It was Shiva.

" Are you okay now? " He asked.

I nodded back with a fake smile.

" Okay! Good! " He said slowly. He was looking around as if he had something else to say.

" And?? " I asked.

" Did your sister say anything about me? " He asked.

Oh not again, why God!

"No, she didn't. Was she supposed to tell me something? " I asked him.

" Yeah, I sent her request in fb and she accepted it. She sent a message too. But after that, there was nothing. Like zero reply " He told confused.

Does this boy have no person in this planet with 7 billion population to share his confusion other than me?

" Maybe she got busy or something " I said and he nodded back slowly as if he was processing something.

It was my mistake in the first place to accept his request, what was I thinking! Now I need to clear off his head!

After knowing how much he is going through, I shouldn't ever try to confuse him. I don't want him to suffer the same regret again because of my stupidity.

" I was scared that she thought of me as a creep, really, I know what you must be thinking, that I am doing this even after knowing that I am almost married to someone, I know. But just, I thought, maybe I could get to know her. Nothing else " He said looking at me innocently.

Oh boy! You have no idea what is going on in my mind!

He is definitely into me, what am I going to do?

Should I think for him? For Anjali? For his mom? Or for just myself ?

Is it wrong to be selfish sometimes?

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