《The backup Bride》EPISODE 14


15/11/2019 - At Chennai, Tambaram.

Shiva's P. O. V :

Don't you dare send her another message! Self respect! She didn't reply to your message, you shouldn't push that!

I was repeating the same to myself , to break away my thoughts from Aparna.

I walked downstairs after wearing my blue shirt.

Amma was sitting in the living room with her foot over a stool. She still had the bandage and couldn't walk properly.

Anni called in a maid to take care of house chores.

Rajiv was still stuck in Bangalore because of his work.

Anni was looking depressed for the past two days, maybe because my brother didn't return.

Pratap Uncle walked in with Anjali. They greeted my mother as soon as they came in.

" Akka, what is this? Who will come with us now? " Uncle asked my amma.

" Take Prerna with you. " My Amma said.

Both me and Anjali looked at Anni shocked.

What has gotten into my Amma?

" That's won't be needed, Shiva will take care of the dress selection by himself " Anni said.

" If you go with them, I would be quite peaceful here, you haven't seen our family temple yet. " Amma said to Anni.

Anni nodded back.

Uncle had taken a car for rent. As soon as I saw the car, Anjali smiled at me slyly. Of course, as if she was born with all these.

I sat on the back seat, Anjali sat between me and Anni.

Uncle sat in front.

We planned to finish the dress shopping and then visit our family temple.

The driver started the car and all of us stayed quiet.

Anjali was convincingly within her boundaries.

" So, Prerna, what does your father do? " Uncle finally asked to break the silence.

" He is a retired Business man. " Anni said.


" What business did he do? " Uncle asked.

" Real estate " She said and I looked at her shocked.

" Then your family would have had good income. " He said laughing.

" Yes, we did, but we sold our company three years ago. " She said.

" Did you run into loss? " Anjali asked.

" No, in fact, Dad wanted me and my sister to have a fresh start on our own. The company is still running good. We have good amount of shares. " She said and more than ever , I was jealous of her.

" What would be the net worth of your assets? " Anjali asked and I face palmed.

" I don't know, my dad takes care of his taxes. I know nothing. " Anni said smiling.

I shook my head and looked out of the window.

We reached the shop and Anni told that it would be best to finish Anjali's saree first.

So we walked into saree section.

I sat with Uncle as Anjali started torturing the counter people.

" So how is this? " Anjali asked pointing to a dark red saree which was laid before her.

Anni's facial reaction told me that she didn't approve of it.

" You should go with a lighter tone for your skin tone. Only then you would look bright. " Anni said and for the first time ever Anjali accepted.

Anjali then took a light red saree on her hand.

" Is this okay? " She asked Anni.

" Yeah, good! " Anni said smiling.

" Okay! Pack this! " Anjali said getting up.

If this was happening with my Amma, I could easily imagine all of us being stuck here for the next four hours.

We moved to the gents section.

I looked at all the colours confused. I picked up a white shirt and grey pants.


" Really? " Anjali asked smirking.

" Be colorful atleast on your engagement! " Anni said.

" Please help me then! " I told her.

Anni selected a similar shade of red for my shirt matched it with a very dark blue.

Anni looked at me with raised eyebrows.

" Fine, I get it. My dressing sense sucks. " I said.

Anjali laughed at me.

" Good choice Prerna! Now I match with Shiva! " Anjali said.

I looked at her annoyed.

We paid and came back to the car.

" You people go on, I have work here! " Uncle said and asked us to go to the temple.

Anni sat near the driver and I was thrown in the backseat with Anjali.

She started her thing as soon as the car started. She held my hand and pulled me to her.

Maybe she was decent only because her dad was there.

I was helplessly staring out of the window. She was leaning on to my shoulder and I was feeling totally irritated.

Anni was controlling her laughter. She saw us through the rear view mirror.

" Anna, how long will it take? " Anni asked the driver.

" One hour madam " Driver said.

Anni looked at me sideways and bit back her laughter.

She did nothing to stop Anjali. She was signalling me to enjoy.

I tried taking my phone out of my pocket, but Anjali had caught my hand so tightly that I literally should pull my hand out. I gave up and started looking out of the window.

That's when I heard Anni's phone ringing. She took the call and became silent for few minutes.

" Priya, are you serious? They can't! " She was murmuring in the phone. Her eyes suddenly became red and was brimming with tears.

" Anna, please stop the car! " She said and walked out swiftly as the car stopped, with the phone in her hand.

As I moved to open the door, Anjali pulled me back.

" What? " I asked Anjali.

"What Anni Anni? Remember I was there even before she came ! Now suddenly everyone are like Prerna this Prerna that! It's so annoying! " Anjali said with her face scrunched.

This bitch is two faced! Oh my god!

I removed her hold over my hand and looked at her.

" Even your Amma, after that small accident, she is always talking about Prerna. Now, I don't want you to do the same! I hate her already, I am digesting her so that everything would go smooth. Don't test my patience. " She said staring at me.

" Excuse me Madam, I am not a prey for your narcissistic mind. My brother left her here believing that we would take care of her. Leave me or I won't be scared to push you off " I said and stepped out of the car.

Anni was crying with the phone, few steps away from the car. I was scared to go near her.So I stood behind and waited.

She was constantly yelling in the phone.

I haven't seen her like that.

After few minutes, she cut the call and wiped the tears off her face.

She walked to me.

" If I may ask, what happened? " I asked slowly.

" Can we go back to home? " She asked.

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