《The backup Bride》EPISODE 13


12/11/2019 - Tuesday- Chennai

Aparna's P. O. V:

" Hi! " A reply came from Shiva, much faster than I expected.

He acted so strong yesterday and today he was sending me friend request. Great improvement.

I laughed at his message and started typing a reply back.

Suddenly I heard Rajiv's mom shouting, it sounded like she was in pain.

I rushed out of my room and ran downstairs. She must have slipped and fell down from the stairs.

" Are you okay? " I asked her.

Her face was scrunched in pain.

I helped her up and made her sit on the sofa nearby.

" My ankle! It hurts! " She said.

" Can I take you to a hospital nearby? " I asked her.

" No. Just help me sit up. I'll be okay " She said.

" Aunty, in this age , you shouldn't take these things lightly. It's only safe if we get checked right now. " I said.

" Our family doctor is one street away, let's go there" She said.

" Okay. Aunty, don't move your ankle! Just keep it the way it is! " I said to her.

I went out, called an autowala and helped her walk out.

We went to the clinic she told and we rushed inside. It was quite empty.

As soon as the receptionist saw us, she directed us to the observation room. A nurse came in and asked me to wait outside.

An old lady hastened into the observation room with a nurse behind her. She must be in her 60s.

After few minutes, the same lady came out and I stood up.

" Nothing to worry, just a sprain. I have put the bandage. Meet me in 15 minutes. " She told me and walked back to her room.

Few minutes later, Rajiv's mom came out. I helped her walk to the doctor's room. She was slightly limping because of the bandage.

" Come in Sumathi! " The old doctor said as we walked in.

Rajiv's mom sat on the patient's chair and I sat near her.

" Thank god , you didn't try any home medicine for the sprain " The doctor said laughing.


Rajiv's mom looked at me and smiled.

" Who is this? " The doctor asked pointing at me.

" She is my first daughter in law. She is the one who quickly brought me here. " Rajiv's mom said.

" Good thinking. Many people try to treat at home. Then the sprain swells, they tie clothes, they put hot water, ice. After the condition gets very severe, they bring the patient here. You are blessed that you have a well educated daughter in law " The doctor said to Rajiv's mom.

" She is three months pregnant " Rajiv's mom said happily to the doctor.

Oh fuck.

" Really! " The doctor said adjusting her spectacles.

I just nodded and smiled.

" You should get a check up done Prerna,your weight seems low,just the BP or the blood test. " Rajiv's mom said looking at me.

Why Lord why!

" That won't be necessary Aunty. All my check up reports are in Bangalore. " I said.

" Leave it Sumathi. Let her be with the doctor that she feels comfortable with. By the way dear, what tablets are you taking? " The doctor asked me.

" The usual, iron and folic acid. I am taking tablets to prevent my food sickness too. " I said. Thank god I knew what my sister was eating.

" Well, you should have gained at least 5 kgs by now. It depends on each person's body though. But avoid long travels at this period. " The doctor said and I nodded back.

"Thank you doctor " Rajiv's mom said as we came out.

We took an auto and reached home.I had just one thought running on my mind, I should leave this place before anyone finding one. If I get caught , my sister and Rajiv, both would loose their dignity.

Meeting that doctor made me realise what huge mistake I was doing, made me realise that this plan had a huge loop hole and it was not my sister,but myself.

What if the doctor knew? Thank god, I escaped.

I was plotting on reasons to leave by the coming weekend, I would say some urgent check up, dad fell sick or anything. I should leave as soon as I can.


I helped Rajiv's mom sit on her bed.

Their room was quite different. It was smaller than both Rajiv and Shiva's room.

I instantly called Rajiv, but he didn't pick up my call. He was supposed to reach here by tonight. I texted him about his mom's accident and went inside the kitchen.

I drank some water and walked back to Rajiv's parents room.

I took out the tablets and handed her a glass of water.

"Thank you Prerna , please sit down." She said.

What's with this family and sitting down while talking?

" You are welcome " I said and sat near her.

" You know what, there were days when I really wished I had a daughter. I hoped that Shiva would be a girl. " She said.

And I smiled back.

" My sons were my biggest treasure. But for the past four years I lived under the illusion that my son had taken a wrong choice by marrying you. " She said honestly.

" It was a natural character for me. I was scared for him. Rajiv's appa worked day and night to take the shop to the level it is now. It was built with his blood and sweat.

Tell me, was it so wrong of me to ask my sons to uphold that hard work? " She asked.

I had no answer for her question. I looked at her silently.

" But, I should have given the chance for Rajiv, to let him introduce you to us. I was so clouded by the caste issue then . Even now, I am scared. " She said.

" I am really sorry Aunty. " I said quite embarrassed.

I wasn't even the one who ran away and got married!

"When my brother came up with the proposal of Anjali and Rajiv getting married, we were so happy. My brother has acres of farming land in his village. They didn't want someone out of the family to enjoy all these assets in the future.

He was keeping away all other marriage proposals for Anjali, because of my promise.

When Rajiv ran away, everyone started gossiping about the poor girl. That's how people are. They started speaking all non sense that Anjali has some flaw, that's why Rajiv ran away. " She said.

I was so shocked,that I can't utter any sensible reply to her.

" Anjali attempted suicide by taking sleeping tablets , which nobody knows except for me in this family. Then I consoled my brother by saying that Shiva will marry her. " She said with her eyes filled with tears.

" A mother would always know what's best for her child. Shiva stopped talking with me for an year after his marriage became serious. It was not right to put the pressure on Shiva,but I had no choice.Even now, he just talks to me for the sake of it. We have lost the bond. " She said.

" Tell me Prerna, what would you do, if you were in my situation? " She asked me wiping away her tears.

" My father always told me that I had full control over my life. Sometimes, life proves me wrong. But he told me that whatever decision I take, should be in my best interest.

It wasn't right to shift the pressure from your elder son to the younger one.

We always have a choice, even in the worst situation. If I was in your place, maybe I would consider what my son wants before what this society thinks.

But it's your son in the end, who is going to be the most affected in this. I don't know what to say. " I said and left her room swiftly.

I walked upstairs, locked the room and started crying.

I moved to my bed, took my phone in my hand and backspaced the message that I typed to Shiva.

I threw the phone over the table , hugged my pillow and tried stopping my tears.

Shiva was right. Aparna was not needed in his life.

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