《The backup Bride》EPISODE 11


11/11/2019 - Monday- Chennai

Aparna's P. O. V :

Mistake number 1 : Going to the engagement without proper investigation.

Mistake number 2 : Not leaving the Hall as soon as knowing that Hari was the groom. And dumbo, his best friend will also be there.

Mistake number 3 : Walking upto the stage to congratulate Shwetha and being seen by everyone.

Mistake number 4 : Shwetha marrying Hari.

What was I thinking?, Shwetha threatened me to come upto the stage, I had no choice.

Of all the time, why should Shiva see me then? , God knows how I escaped from Shiva and his friend.

" Ma, we have reached " The cab driver said and that's when I noticed that I had reached Rajiv's house.

" Thanks " I said getting down from the cab.

"How was your relative? " Rajiv's mom asked as I walked in.

" Grandma is okay now. " I said and went to my room.

I told Rajiv's parents that my relative at Chennai was sick and I am going to meet them.

And while coming back, I changed back into my saree at Shwetha's home.

I unpacked my bag and took out the green dress.

I sat down and started biting my nails.

I am so close to getting caught by him. What am I gonna do! , I totally messed up everything! .

I called Prerna and told her everything.

" Even if Shiva didn't find out on his own, you running away would have definitely given him the clue! " She said laughing .

" Why are you even laughing? You don't know how much tensed I am! He will be here anytime, I don't know what he is going to ask! " I said nervously.

" Tell me one thing, he lit the candle, and saw you. Why did you run out? " Prerna asked confused.

" Well, it was kind of terrifying for me. " I said.

" Terrifying or intimate? " Prerna asked laughing.

" You know what? I am going downstairs and tell your mother in law all the truth and coming back to Bangalore! " I said.


" Calm down, one more day. Rajiv will be there! Drag this as much as you can. Shiva doesn't seem conservative like his parents. He might understand.Let Rajiv take care of him" She said.

" Whatever, only he could save me! " I said.

Someone knocked my room's door , I hushed to Prerna and cut the call.

I opened the door and it was Shiva. He had come straight here from the function. His white shirt was still neat.

He had a small grin on his face and my inner palms were sweating.

He took out his phone and showed me a photo.

It was me, standing near Shwetha in the engagement Hall.

I gulped hard and looked at him.

He raised his eyebrows threatening me to answer.

" Who is this? " He finally asked.

Adrenaline levels were popping out of my blood and I was about to faint.

" That's my sister! " I lied fluently not knowing if it was a good or bad idea.

He breathed out as if he was relieved.

" Don't tell your parents, I went out to meet her today. " I said.

He looked at me and smiled.

" You just don't know how much happy I am! " He said.

I was confused.

" Happy? Why? " I asked.

" Can I come in? " He asked.

My dress was lying on my bed. It would be a risk to let him in.

"Can we go to the terrace? " I asked.

" Sure! " He said and walked up to the terrace and I followed him.

He sat on the parapet wall and I stood near him. I was waiting for him to speak.

" Why did you run out of my room yesterday night Anni? " He asked.

" I was scared of dark! That's why! " I said.

" Oh! " He said and went into his deep thoughts.

" By the way, what was the thing that you wanted to ask me? " I asked.


" Tell me about your sister! " He said.

I was quite shocked at his interest on me. Let's play this game now.

" Well, She is an Architect, working in Bangalore. She is also planning to start her own firm. " I said.

" Really? " He asked surprised.

" You could help her I think. If you have an opening in your office. " I said.

He looked genuinely surprised, but soon the smile was gone.

" What happened? " I asked him.

" I have met her already. Two years ago. I sort of liked her. " He said slowly. And i was doing a mini salsa dance inside my head knowing that the feeling was mutual.

" But, " He said.

" But? " I asked.

" At that time, Rajiv was away from home and him loving you from other caste was one of the reasons why he left in the first place. I was caught in the aftermath of his mistakes.

I could have met her and started something. But I just couldn't. I didn't have the courage to even try. " He said.

I felt bad for him. He lost his freedom because of his brother's choices.

" You don't know how many days I just wished, if I could spend just a day with her. Just a day would be enough. I didn't know if she was in my field or not. I just wanted to know her." He said slowly.

I was melting inside , not knowing what to tell this guy in front of me.

" She became a part of the things in my life that I can only wish for. Whenever I think about the losses I had in my life, the first one would be her.

I don't know if I would even like her in person. I don't know if she would feel anything for me. It's just this regret of missing a chance to be with that person." He said.

I wasn't breathing. I was shocked on his revelation. I never thought I had such a deep impact on his memory.

" That's why I was surprised when I saw you the first time. I thought that you were her. I was happy that I finally saw her. But see the fate, I can't even talk to her . " He said.

I wanted to scream to his face that I was that girl! That He had already met her.

" Sorry, I know it is inappropriate to talk to you about your sister like this. " He said.

" No, I am glad you did. I am sorry for what you went through. I was part of the reason. " I said.

" Actually, I understand why my brother did what he did. He did the right thing. For someone like you, it wasn't bad to stand against my parents" He said and got up.

It took me a minute to understand what he just told. I smiled at him.

He started walking downstairs.

" Wait Shiva! " I called him.

" Yes Anni " He said turning back.

" I can give you my sister's number! " I said. I don't know why I told that, but, fuck, I don't want to have any regrets about this.

" I think that won't be necessary! " He said.

" Why? " I asked.

" It's over. You know, I would be engaged in two weeks. Time's up. " He said.

I walked down to him and looked at him.

" My father once told me, it was not a bad thing to disappoint people for the things that we really want. Be it parents or friends, your self interest should be your first priority.

If you are constantly scared of disappointing someone, when will you actually live for yourself? " I asked.

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