《The backup Bride》EPISODE 8


10/11/2019 - Sunday - At Chennai, Tambaram.

Shiva's P. O. V:

Two weeks more.

In 15 days, i am getting engaged.

I looked at the ceiling fan frustrated.

My phone rang and it was Anjali. Why this devil can't let me be at peace!

I took the call with no other option left.

"Hi Shiva! " She said.

" What do you want? " I asked irritated. It was early morning.

"Can we go to Sathyam today? I have booked two tickets for the afternoon show! " She said.

I cursed internally and sat up.

" Reply na! " She said.

" Okay! I'll come" I said.

" Pick me up at Jeya aunty's house by 11. Waiting for you. See you soon" She said chirping and I cut the call.

This girl waited for me, for four years. I like her or not, I respect her. And I need to atleast give her a chance.

The time was 9 already. I walked out of my room brushing my teeth to take the newspaper.

As I came out, I heard a loud cursing from my brother's room.

"Fuck off! " Anni said.

I was shocked a bit. My brother left early in the morning, so hopefully my brother wasn't on the other end of the curse.

I stood there for a moment and Anni opened the door suddenly.

She saw me and froze on her place. Her eyes were red and her face looked tired. She went back and closed the door again.

I walked back to my room and closed the door.

Was she crying?

I took bath and came out to eat breakfast.

Amma was on the living room seeing the morning astrology show.

"Amma,I need to leave soon. Please prepare the breakfast! " I said as I walked into the dining room.

Someone else was in the kitchen cooking.I sat on the dining table confused.It was Anni making dosa. She looked fresh .


" Good morning! " She said looking at me as she placed the dosa on my plate.

"Wow! " I said and started munching.

The dosa was crisp and light, unlike my. Amma's dosa.

" What movie are you going for? " She asked as she kept the second dosa.

" I don't know, wait, how did you know? " I asked.

" Everyone knows, Anjali told your mom before you. Such respect she has" She said smiling.

I nodded back smiling.

She placed the third dosa and I was eating.

" When I cook, he runs away after the second dosa, and now he is eating the third one" Amma said as she sat near me.

"Yeah! It's really good! " I said.

" Then eat one more! " Anni said laughing.

"Had enough! Need to drive! " I said and got up washing my hands.

"Enjoy dude! " Anni said as I walked out. I waved at her and took my bike key.

" Behave properly with her! " Amma said as I started my bike.

I went to jeya aunty's house and called Anjali to ask her to come out.

She came out as soon as I called her.

" Hi! " She said.

"Hi! " I said back.

"So, we are going in your bike? " She asked disappointed.

"Yeah! " I said.

And her face dropped below the mantle of the earth's surface.

There are two things which matter the most to me in my life. One is my firm and the next is my bike.

Both are my hard earned dreams and I will never digest anyone looking down on them.

Clearly Anjali has failed the condition number one.

"I thought we were going in car! " She said.

I stared straight at her and pointed her to hop on.

She breathed out and sat behind me with an annoyed face.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and was inching closer to my abs.


My inner voice was screaming at me. I didn't like her touching me, not even a bit. It was uncomfortable. I couldn't even tell her to keep her distance.

We reached the theatre and she walked behind me. I really didn't care about the movie till that moment.

"What movie are we going for? " I asked her.

"The new movie, Sangathamilan! " She said.

Whatever, I thought and walked into the movie Hall. I bought popcorn and handed it to her.

We sat down and the movie started.

Within ten minutes into the movie I knew that, agreeing to watch this movie was the second worst mistake I did in my life, the first one being agreeing to marry this girl.

She was holding my hand and she was trying to inch closer to me. I was moving away from her.

She started feeling my feet up with hers and I jumped . What the hell!

I was praying to God to get me out of this purgatory.

I stood up as soon as the interval break started. I walked out and she followed me.

"Did you really like this movie? " I asked her.

" Yes! Oh my god! The hero is the best! Can't wait for the second half! " She said.

" Sorry to burst your bubble! I fricking can't go into that theatre again and watch that movie! I can't really watch the hero's face on that big screen. Please,let's not go in." I said annoyed.

She looked at me open mouthed.

" I have a better plan! " I said smiling.

" What ? " She asked disappointed.

" Come out! It's a suspense " I said and walked out. She walked behind me.

I started my bike as soon as Anjali sat.

I drove to T nagar to my office.

I stopped the bike in front of the main door and she got down.

" Welcome to Shiva and associates! " I said bowing to her.

She looked at the board and looked at me. Her face was plain.

I opened the door and turned on the power.

I walked her inside the office. It was a holiday and everybody were on leave.

She coughed as she looked around the empty office.

This place was very close to my heart.

I was eagerly waiting for her reaction but she was just confused.

" So, what do you think about my office? " I asked.

" Oh, so this was the junkyard your Amma was talking about? I thought it would be atleast bigger than your dad's departmental store ." She said laughing.

Miss Anjali, I am very disappointed to announce that you have failed terribly in both of your conditions and your marks are in negative.

I was gritting my teeth looking at her. She is definitely not the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"There is one positive" She said as she moved closer to me. I was curious to know what positive she thought about my office.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and pulled me towards her.

She placed one of her hands behind my neck and pulled me closer, slightly tilting her head.

I finally got what was running in her head.

" This place is much private than the theatre, nice idea Shiva! " She said as she slowly brought her lips close to mine.

I instantly moved away from her grip and pushed her.

She moved closer to me again and tried kissing me. I pushed her again.

That's it, she has crossed all the limits, I can't take it anymore!

" Get out of here! Now! You duck face! How dare you touch me! "I shouted at her.

She ran out crying.

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