《The backup Bride》EPISODE 2


14/10/2019 - Monday - At Chennai, Tambaram.

Shiva's P. O. V :

The door bell woke me up and I walked out of my room. The time was 7 in the morning.

I opened the door, Appa and Amma walked in with their luggages.

They both sat on the sofa and I sat opposite to them.

"We met Rajiv " Appa told staring at me.

"What? Where? " I asked shocked that he was alive.

"Gokul took us to his hospital, for the check up. He told they would give us concession on his name. We met Rajiv there. " Amma said, with a not so happy face.

"He fell on our feet and he cried. Saying that his wife is pregnant, and we should atleast accept the baby. " Appa said.

As far as I knew my brother, he would have definitely cried. He was the pet child till he ran away.

" It has been four years and we cannot keep away him. Though we didn't accept their marriage, we need to accept him. " Amma said.

Wow, my brother is really talented.

" He told that he would come here for your engagement. " Appa said.

" Let that girl come here, we would see how she behaves, if she is compatible with our family or not. " Amma said.

I stood up and walked to my room.

" Don't you want to talk to him? We got his number " Appa asked.

I shook my head and walked into my room.

I sat on my bed and tried to comprehend how my brother could easily come back into our family.

If I was as clever as him, why would I be stuck here, and accepting to marry that duck face.

I decided to chuck it and get ready for office.


I took bath and looked at myself in the mirror. The beard was not something I had enough patience to take care of.

I wore a blue shirt and paired it with black pants. As I came out for breakfast. Amma looked at me with a clear disappointment on her face.

" You have engagement in two weeks, care enough to shave that thing on your face? " She asked.

I sat on the dining table without answering her. I kept the idli from the hot box onto my plate and started eating.

She sat opposite to me and kept another idli on my plate.

I ate silently.

" When your brother comes next week, you should stand proud in front of him. You should make him understand how much he has lost. " Amma said.

" Lost? He lost nothing. " I said munching my food.

" His life would have been well settled if he took your dad's shop. God knows how much he is suffering. And look at you, you have assurance. " She said, her morning routine of brain washing me.

" I don't need any assurance other than my company " I said.

" Your company? You get what? 20,000 a month? Is that enough? No family will agree to give their daughter to you with that salary! " Amma said.

" I am happy with my income. I know to support myself with that. " I said washing my hands.

"When you get engaged this month, all the relatives will ask us, I would definitely tell them that you are working with your dad and that shop is your asset " She said.

" Wait, engagement by this month? You said I have three months! " I shout unable to hide my frustration.

" Do not raise your voice! This is only engagement. The marriage would be three months later. " Appa said walking out of his room.


" I need time " I said gritting through my teeth.

" We gave you four months, you said you will show us that you can earn more than what I earn at my shop. Your salary is still the same. Besides, your Bangalore uncle also told that Anjali is getting alliance from everywhere, we might miss the chance. " Appa said.

" Nobody is going to give you 100 poun gold and a car for your salary. " Amma said.

" So you went to Bangalore for that? All drama! Am I getting married to a girl or that gold? " I said and took my bag.

"You are all dialogues and no result, you will definitely end up in my shop! " Dad said.

I started my bike and zoomed out from my home and all that bantering.

After 30 minutes , I finally reached my office.

The door was not yet open. Our board was still not straight.

" Shiva & Associates - construction. Ltd " The name read out under a layer of dust.

I opened the door and turned on the power.

The office was in a old building that we rented in T nagar. The space was small, but sufficient for six people working there. This place has given me warmth and has kept my hopes alive for the past two years.

I sat on my table and looked at the clock. The time was 9:45 and no one has come yet.

" Good morning! " Hari said as he entered the office.

I nodded at him and opened our page on Facebook.

It had the same 20 posts and 30 followers.

Hari rolled his chair near me and looked at the screen.

" Crap " He said and laughed.

" Yeap " I said and looked up at the old tubelight in the ceiling.

What if dad was right? What if this company is a bad idea? What am I going to do!

" Don't worry, chill man! " Hari said patting my shoulder.

" I am getting engaged this month" I said.

" That soon? " He asked.

I nodded my head and looked at him.

" Can't you tell them any reason? Like our office is in it's peak time and you can't distract " He said.

" Amma said she will die if I don't accept to her condition. She already had a mild heart attack last year. I can't do anything " I said and placed my hand over my head.

" Let life go on in it's pace. What if Anjali really does understand you? What if Anjali is the right one? Stay positive. Come on. Work now " He said.

Only one question popped on my head,

What if she is not the one?

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