《Lucy and Wendy's pain》● Info ●


I know, I know I said I won't post another chapter but this is info about the better version of this Book.

But firstly, if you're still reading this (idk why, cuz I said that the last chapter was the end)


Anyways back to the topic! Okay, So the new book has chapter 1-3 so it's ready to publish BUT I still have to edit the chapters and make sure there aren't any grammar mistakes and miss spelled words. The new book also already has cover for it so I don't have to really worry about that.

What's in the Book?

- New Characters

- Better Storyline

- No a/n's

- Fewer Grammar mistakes and miss spelled words

Okay first off, New Characters. There will be new characters in the story and I'll reveal one of them

Name: Serena Saiko

Age: ??

Personality: Serena is usually shy when meeting new people but is very energetic and nice to people who she knows. Even though she's shy to new people that doesn't stop her from being very polite.

Guild: (Can't tell you yet!! :P )

Magic: Sky dragon slayer

Weakness: Her weakness is heights and small bugs

She was an actual character in this story but she didn't really do anything but say her name so I'm using her in the better book so she can at least do something

Secondly, Better Storyline. The storyline has changed like, Lucy and Wendy aren't sisters and they're not apart of Sabertooth. But some stuff stayed the same like Natsu is still an ass, Gray is still an ass and Fairy Tail is still an ass. I've also been thinking if Romeo should join Lucy and Wendy like in this story or not.

Thirdly, No a/n's. Okay, as you may know, this story has a lot of a/n's to the point I had to delete some. So the book will have no a/n's but it will have those short a/n's at the beginning or end of the story that nobody reads.


Lastly, Fewer grammar mistakes and miss spelled words. Okay, I'll make this quick. I'll try and edit the chapter before or after it has been published.

Okay, now I'll tell you when I will publish the new version of this book. I will either publish on January 23rd or February 1st.

Now, my readers, this book has come to an end. Thank you for everything and all the comments!! If no one told you yet, you are an amazing and unique person!

Bye Bye, My little Mochis!!

{Now that's a real Mochi!!

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