《Lucy and Wendy's pain》● Chapter 11: Training for the GMG! Pt 2 ●


"Yessss!! let's start TRAINING!!!!" I shouted until I felt someone hug me from behind " n-n-n-n-nani!?!?" I stuttered

"you might be fun to play with......" it whispered

" Mimi, stop," Wendy said sternly

"Aww what's the matter WenWen." she said while hugging me tighter " are you scared I'll steal him away from you?" Mimi replied smugly

" I don't Like him!!!!" Wendy fumed while blushing.

Wendy's words made my heart shatter into little pieces

" what a shame WenWen, you just made the poor boy's heart shatter." Mimi said while placing her head on my shoulder

" I HATE YOU MIMI!!!!" Wendy shouted while running towards Mimi but Mimi let go of me and started running away from Wendy

" GIRLS STOP!!!" Igneel yelled

" SHUT UP OLD MAN!!!!!!!!" Mimi and Wendy shouted at the same time

"Ummm dad who's Mimi??" I asked

" she's my daughter" Dad answered

" SO SHE'S MY SISTER!?!?!" I shouted

" well, no, you see you two have a family so I'm not your real father which means you two aren't related" dad explained

"ohhhhhhh." I said

" MIMI GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE YOUNG LAD-!!!!!!!!!!" Dad Shouted but got interrupted by Celestia hitting him on the head with a stick

"shhh shhh" she said while flying away

" Damn that women" Dad mumbled while Mimi started running towards Dad

" what is it Old Ma-" Mimi started but got hit by Wendy with a stick

"that's what you get Mimi" Wendy exclaimed

" I need you to introduce yourself to Romeo" Dad explained

" my name is Mimi Ayuzawa and I'm 13 years old" she giggled while winking at me

" Now let's start training" dad beamed

" FINALLY!!!!!!" I sang while Wendy giggled

" When we're done doing this training, I'll give you some private training" Mimi whispered in my ear

"MIMI!!!!" Wendy yelled

"whatttt?????? you don't need him anymore, don't you??" Mimi said smugly

"LET'S JUST START TRAINING!!" Wendy shouted while crossing her arms

" who said you were training with us??" Mimi smirked

" me!" Wendy snapped while clinging on to my arm


" You don't need HIM!!!" Mimi shouted while clinging to my other arm.

" nyah!!" Wendy shouted while pulling me to the left

" sssssssssssssssss" Mimi hissed while pulling me to the right.

now it looks like 2 cats fighting over 1 fish and that fish is me

"Dad help!!" I whispered/shout to my dad but he was just sitting there like nothing's happening

" DOES SOMEONE HAVE POPCORN!!!" He shouted while Celestia threw popcorn at him and giving him the finger.

can dragons even give the finger???

I was now so pissed off by the everyone so I shouted

"STOP JUST !!!!!!"

"bu-" Mimi pouted but I interrupted her

" NO BUTS!!" I yelled at Mimi while she ran away crying

" HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! ROMEO THAT WAS SO GRE-" Wendy Laughed but I also interrupted her


" y-y-y-y-y-y-you're not my R-R-R-R-R-Romeo" Wendy cried while running away

Suddenly I snapped back to reality

"what have I done......" I mumbled while falling on my knees

" you've done something you should've not done" Dad said while walking away " you won't be training until you 3 make up" Dad snapped

"dad....... Have I've been a good friend??" I asked while I felt tears rolling down my face.

No answer.......

When I looked at Dad all I saw was my friends surrounding me saying

"kill yourself"

"no one loves you"

"I hate you"

"just get away from us"

"we don't need you"

"you're useless"

Then they turned around and started walking away

" NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!" I cried

"come on, boy if they do come back they'll just leave you again" someone whispered

"No, no, no" I mumbled

"come, boy join the dark side where no one will betray you" it requested

"no one will betray me......" I whispered

"Now what's your answer??" It smirked

"my answer is...................."

I walked to Celestia's territory and then the blue skies turned into a galaxy with stars and planets.

"HUH!?!?!" I shouted while stepping back then the blue skies were back and then I stepped forward then the galaxy

Blue skies



blue skies


blue skies

then I saw a girl with brown hair

" Why are you here?" the girl asked

"I'm here for training" I answered while I gulped

"Don't scare the poor girl, Crystal" a golden dragon appeared

"I was making sure she wasn't trespassing." the girl said in her monotone voice

"now Yukino, let's start," Celestia said while turning into her human form and grabbing my hands while flying up

"Ummmmmmm why can't I feel the ground anymore," I said scaredly

" because you need to learn how to fly!" Celestia said

"o-o-o-o-o-ok" I stuttered " what do I do first" I added

" You need to close your eyes" Celestia informed so I closed my eyes

"Now, you need to relax your body and kill the stress inside you," Celestia said.

I relaxed my body and removed the stress from my body

"Ok, good, now focus on your strength, just let your strength take over your body," Celestia said calmly

I breathed in and out focusing on my strength, nothing else.

I saw Yukino's power surrounding her and then she started to float, I let go of her hands and let her float.

This girl is a quick learner, I'm sure she'll be an amazing Mage even Crystal was impressed

"Yukino, you can open your eyes now," I said while she opened her eyes

" Wow, I can do it!" Yukino chirped while twirling around

"Great work!" I cheered

" Celestia, I was wondering if mages can change their magic??" Yukino asked

"they can but they need to know a special spell" I answered

"so did Lucy and Wendy chant that spell?" she asked again

"no because they still have their magic like Lucy still has celestial spirit magic but they just learned new magic" I explained

"oh, okay" Yukino spoke

"shall we continue?" I inquired

"we shall" she giggled

" My answer is...................." I said while thinking but then I started thinking of Wendy and when we first met each other.

When Wendy and I hang out

When Wendy smiles

When we kissed............................

"so what's your answer, child?" it asked

"My answer is NO!!" I yelled

"w-w-w-w-what?!!?!?!?" it yelled back

"I SAID NO!!!!!" I shouted while positioning my fighting stance

"you are a bad boy" it said while turning into a figure.

it had golden eyes and white hair that was tied up into twin tails, while her face had some cracks on it.

she grabbed my neck and started choking me

"I'm done being NICE!" She snapped while gripping on my neck tighter

is this going to be the end?if so I want her to know I lo-

I was flying around the kingdom to check the training until I saw Romeo past out on a girl's hand, did she choked my future son?!?!??!

I think the girl noticed me because she let go of Romeo and disappeared, I quickly flew to Romeo and carried him to the palace


I transformed into my human form and put Romeo on the guest bed and then I heard a girl crying in Wendy's room so I walked to Wendy's room and knocked on the door

"Wendy are you okay??" I asked

"n-n-n-n-n-no" Wendy cried

"what happened?" I asked

"I-I-I-I-I think Romeo hates me" she cried even more

"why don't you come out," I said while Wendy opened the door and hugged me

"come with me," I said while grabbing her arm and leading her to the guest room

"ROMEO!!!!" Wendy shouted while running to Romeo and hugging him.

"I'll call the others," I said while running outside


Romeo's P.O.V

am I dead?? I didn't even get to say it to her................

"ROMEO!!!!" I heard someone shout between cries

" He's been a bad boy, this means I have to punish him more." a seductive voice said

I started opening my eyes and saw a crying girl and a girl with pink hair

"ROMEO!!" Wendy said while hugging me

"p-p-p-please stop." I said while almost losing my breath

"GOMEN!" Wendy apologized while letting go of me

"thank you." I said while sitting up

"who was that with you??" Queen Layla asked in a serious voice

"I don't know but it said something about joining the dark side." I said while Queen Layla sighed in frustration

" mother, don't push yourself." Lucy said to Queen Layla

"I'm sorry I just need some fresh air" Queen Layla said while walking outside

"I'll be with mom," Lucy said while following Queen Layla

"Hey, Wendy, Mimi......" I said

"yes?" they both asked

"I'm sorry for snapping at you," I said while lowering my head

"it's okay!" they said

"really!!!" I beamed

"but I have to punish you" Mimi smirked while my face went red

"Hey Romeo, why don't we start training?" dad said while smiling

"Sure!!" I cheered

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