《Lucy and Wendy's pain》● Chapter 10: Training for the GMG! Pt 1 ●


Kiyoshi woke up by the birds chirping and the smell of flowers, she got out of her bed and stretched her arms.

"Good morning Sailor," she said to the fluffy, little bunny sleeping on his bed, she picked him up and kissed her gently on his little, pink nose

"It sure is a peaceful day today, isn't it," Kiyoshi said while looking out her window

"And can't you believe it I'm finally going to be with Gajeel-senpai," Kiyoshi excitingly while twirling around with the dizzy Sailor on her hands.

"Should we knock?" Said a voice

"I say we should knock the door down!" another voice said

" NO!!!" Shouted lots of voices

I started panicking, are they going to steal Sailor!!

I was so worried I started chanting something " TRANSFORM: DARKNESS!!!!!"

"let's just go in," someone said while opening the door

" Kiyomi?" a person whispered

" I told you, we shouldn't go this early" another person argued

" WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!??!?!" I shouted while summoning bunnies and turning them into evil bunnies.

"we're here to train with Kiyom- WATER SLICER!" a girl said

"I'm sorry!!!" I said while turning back and unsummoned the bunnies

"what the hell happened to her!?!" Sting shouted

"she was in her darkness form," Lucy said

" Kiyomi get dress we're going to the dragon realm" Lucy said

"Aye" I said while picking up some clothes until I noticed everyone was still standing next to my bed "privacy" I said while blushing

"R-r-right" Wendy said while everyone went outside

After I put my clothes on, I went outside and saw everyone near a portal

"Jump in!" Sting said while pushing me

I started screaming and I felt all dizzy


Lucy's P.O.V

"STING!!!" Everyone shouted at Sting

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Rogue shouted at him while Sting was acting like a toddler

"JUST GO IN THE PORTAL" Gajeel shouted while pushing both of them in the portal while everyone jumped in

When we got there, we saw Kiyoshi hiding in the shadows and the dragons arguing

"SEE YOU MADE HER SAD!!" Celestia shouted


"SHUT UP!!!" I shouted

"b-b-b-ut princess-" Celestia started

"NO BUTS!!!" I said

" *snickers* butts" Igneel said

"OH SHUT UP IGNEEL!!!"Celestia shouted

"maybe it's you 2 making her cry" Lux said while turning into his human form and started comforting the crying pink head

"I'm sorry they made you cry their idiots" Lux said

" OH, YOU'RE ON!!!!" Celestia and Igneel shouted

" It's Time to D-D-D-D-DUEL!" Lux shouted

"let's go to mother" I said while dragging Kiyoshi to the castle

"HEY LUNA, MOTHER!!!" Wendy and I shouted

"Lucy! Wendy!" Luna shouted while running to us and hugging us

"Why are you two here?" Mother asked sweetly

"We are here to train ma'am" Juvia said while bowing down

"Please call me mother/mum " Mum said

"Yes mum" Juvia said while giggling

"Anyways, I have seen some new faces today, please tell me your name and magic" Mother said nicely

"Juvia's name is Juvia Lockser and Juvia's magic is water magic and water-make magic" Juvia said

"I like the way you talk" mum said while looking too Kyoshi

"M-m-m-my n-n-n-name i-i-s Kyoshi Akagi" Kiyoshi stuttered "and my magic is darkness and light and Invisibility magic" she added

"And my name is Orga Nanagear and my magic is lightning god slayer magic" Orga said while bowing down


"My name is Romeo Conbolt and my magic is rainbow fire and purple flare" Romeo said while bowing down as well

"My name is Yukino Agria and my magic is celestial spirit magic" Yukino said

"Okay, now I met all of you, I know who should work with who" Mother said

"Juvia you are working with Aqua and her daughters Yuna and Yuno, Kiyoshi you will be working with the twin dragons and their son Sting and Rogue and Romeo you're gonna be working with Igneel, Yukino you will be working with Celestia and Orga you will be working with bolt the lightning god" Mum added

Everyone nodded and went to where they need to go except me and Wendy "Lucy wanna hang out with me and Luke " Luna asked, I nodded

"Mum can I go to Igneel?" Wendy asked sweetly

"Of course, Julie- I mean Wendy" Mother said with a smirk as Wendy grew her wings and flew to Igneel's territory while Luna and I walked into our secret hang out cave that had a blonde boy sleeping on one of the bean bags

"Awww isn't he cute?" Luna asked

"w-w-w-w-whatever " I answered back while blushing

Juvia walked to the water territory where Juvia found a dragon sleeping with 2 girls

I heard the 2 girls groan "mother, there's a girl in our territory" the girl with pink hair said

" that must be Juvia" the dragon said while turning into a human "I'm Aqua and these are my daughters" she added

"good morning ma'am, I'm Yuno Osaka" the girl with blue hair said while bowing

"Hi, I'm Yuna Osaka " the girl with pink hair said

"now let's start with training" Aqua-sama said

" Juvia is excited to train with Yuna-sama, Yuno-sama, and Aqua-sama" Juvia said

" but mother, we need to make her speak in first-person not in third-person" Yuno-sama said

"ok, Juvia say I" Aqua-sama said

" I" Juvia said

"now say it in a sentence" Yuna-sama said

" Juvia says I" Juvia said

everyone laughed nervously

"this will take very long" Aqua said


I finally learned how to talk in first person and now I can start training

I walked over to the fire territory and saw Wendy flying over here

"Wendy where's Igneel??" I asked

"maybe he's still having the battle with Celestia and Lux" she answered "oh, there he is" she added while pointing to the sky

" who won dad!" I said

"DAD!?!?!??!?!" Wendy and Igneel shouted

"yeah, since I hate Macao now, I thought Igneel should be my dad" I said

"I finally have a good son!!!!" Igneel said while crying happy tears

"can we train now?" I asked while Igneel stopped crying

"Oh yes lets train but before no one won because Layla send us a little message to train you guys" Igneel said

Okay, guys I decided that I'm gonna make a part 2 because I wanted you guys to read something and again I'M SORRY!!!

remember to....................


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