《Lucy and Wendy's pain》● Chapter 9: The girl in the shadows ●


"my name isKyoshi Akagi and I look like this"Kyoshi whispered while she appearing in front of me

"what's your magic, " I asked

"my magic is darkness and light magic and invisibility, " she said shyly, I was confused all my life I never heard a magic of darkness and light magic, I know I bet Sting and Rogue know this kind of magic, I grabbed Kyoshi and dragged her to the guild

"kyaa," she said

When we went inside the guild I walked too rogue and Sting who were talking to Lucy, Wendy, Juvia, Gajeel, and Romeo and

I said "Sting, Rogue have you ever heard of light and dark magic?" they both shook their head no, I sighed

"I know! it's when you have an evil and good side, Wendy and I can use that type of magic. do you want us to show you how it works?" Lucy Asked while taking a sip from her milkshake, I nodded.

Lucy and Wendy stood up and said "Transform: darkness!" then suddenly it went black but turned back to normal then

I saw Romeo having a nose bleed and some boys whistling and then they turn back to normal while the bartender is cleaning Romeo's nose.

"So who's that kid?" Gajeel said while looking over to Kyoshi while Kyoshi hid behind me

"This is Kyoshi Akagi but Kyoshi is what we're calling her!" I said while putting Kyoshi in front of me "don't be shy!" I said

"H-h-h-h-hello everyone" she whispered while looking down

They all waved at her " I know too make you feel comfortable around us let's give you a makeover!" Yukino said while grabbing Kyoshi and took her to the girl's bathroom

"I hope she doesn't go overboard, " Lucy said while grabbing a ANOTHER milkshake from our bartender, Coco "but I think Kyoshi will be fine.............. I think" Lucy said while looking over to the girl's restroom


"What's so bad about Yuki," Juvia asked

"Well she tends to go overboard with her makeovers," Rogue said

"And then BAM! The person she gave a makeover too will be a completely different person!" Sting added


After talking some minutes or so Yukino called over all the girls except me.

Yuki called me, Wendy and Juvia to come over to her in the back of the stage so we all went inside

"ok, guys Kyoshi is now ready to go on stage but you guys are gonna have a makeover too because when we go to GMG Fairy fail might recognize you!" Yuki said "oh Lu can you call Virgo and cancer" she added

"sure!" I said and started chanting the words "open gate of the maiden, giant crab, cancer, and Virgo!" while a girl and boy I don't know appeared

"umm who are you?" Yuki asked

"Virgo and Cancer Miss Aguria" the girl with pink hair said while bowing

" I'm sorry princess if you don't like my new form, do you want me to change back?" Virgo asked, I just shook my head 'no'.

Cancer, well he just made his hair long so there are not many changes so yeah.

"ok, Cancer please fix Lucy's hair," Yuki said while sitting me down on a chair, WAIT IS SHE CALLING MY HAIR UGLY!?!?!!

"Yes, baby," Cancer said while fixing my hair

then I heard Minerva shout " IF YOU MAKE KIYOSHI A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERSON YUKINO, I WILL SLAP YOU WITH LA CHANCLA!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Yuki gasped and gulp


When Cancer was done doing our hairs we all went to Yuki

"ok, now put these clothes on," she said while shoving clothes on our faces.

I went on to put the clothes that Yuki gave me and when I finished I looked at myself in the mirror and damn I look hot not to brag, I twirled around and I looked even hotter! not to brag again!


"so you like it?" I heard Yuki say behind me while I turned around

"I-I-I-I guess," I said then the girls came out while Yuki went on stage

"ok, it's time for the girl's makeover!! first is Juvia Lockser!" she said while Juvia walked on stage

while I watched Juvia come out, I saw Rogue blush!! I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

"ok next is our little, petite girl, WENDY MARVELL" Yukino shouted while Wendy walked next too Juvia

then I saw Romeo have ANOTHER nose bleed!!!! then I started wiping the blood from his nose but........................... I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!

"okay, next is the older sister LUCY MARVELL!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yukino screamed while Lucy walked next to Wendy


I stopped fangirling when Minerva looked at me and hold up LA CHANCLA!!!!!!!!

I was freaking out, I know that I was next, what is Gajeel-senpai doesn't like my new look.

"and next is Kiyoshi Akagi," Yukino said while grabbing my wrist and pulled me on the stage

then I heard some people whisper "who's that girl" or "that doesn't matter at least she's cute" I think Minerva heard what they were saying because she held up la chancla which made everyone stop.


Everyone shouted except me, Juvia-sama, Rogue-kun and Gajeel-senpai "LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!"


The next day Kiyoshi woke up sleeping on Gajeel's shoulder

' w-w-w-w-what happened last night?!?!?!" Kiyoshi thought while getting off Gajeel

"Kiyoshi why don't you drink some booze with us~~" said a drunk Yukino

"umm no thank you" Kiyoshi said shyly while bowing down

" y-y-y-y-you're no fuuuunnnnn~~~", Yukino said while falling down

"oh come on Kiyoshi Minerva isn't here and it's not like it will hurt you," Coco said while Pushing booze across the counter " and anyways if don't, Gajeel might not like you anymore" Coco added while smirking.

Kiyoshi's eyes widen and grabbed the booze and started drinking all of it

"MORE!" she shouted

"Yes ma'am" Coco saluted and gave her more booze


"Gajeel-senpai!! WHERE ARE YOUU~~~~~~~~" cried a very sad and drunk Kiyoshi

"I'm here kid, guys " Gajeel said while looking over at the crying girl

"GAJEEL-SWENPAI!!!" Kiyoshi said while hugging Gajeel while yawning

"you should get some rest," Gajeel said while placing Kiyoshi's head on his shoulder

"nwight nwight Gwajweel" she said while falling asleep

"night, kid" Gajeel said while kissing Kiyoshi's forehead

but the couple didn't know that Coco was watching while taking pictures.

Kiyoshi blushed furiously

'maybe I should clean the guild to take my mind off things' Kiyoshi thought and started cleaning

'I wish I was confident enough to say ''I love you"' Kiyoshi thought while cleaning the mess

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