《Lucy and Wendy's pain》● Chapter 7: Meeting our dragon ●


Wendy and I woke up and got dressed after that we went to the train

"so Onee-chan we're going to let Gajeel-kun see his dragon am I correct?" Wendy asked "yep, " I said, "why are you so nice to Gajeel-kun anyway?" She asked in a mad tone "because he was one of the people who didn't ignore us" I replied "oh yeahhhhh" she said I rolled my eyes because how she acted then we saw Sting and Rouge with their exceeds "yo Sting" I said "yo Rouge-kun" Wendy said they both looked at us and smiled then they sat next to us "yeah?" Sting asked "you wanna see your dragons" I said while grinning "YES" they both said in unison we both giggled but then their happiness turned into sickness while the train moved Wendy and I forgot dragon slayers have motion sickness we both sweat dropped then Sting fell on my lap and Rouge fell on Wendy's. Wendy and I cast a trio spell and they were finally ok they both thanked us.


"So why are at Magnolia again?" Sting asked "well if you were you could of heard me say we are here because we have to pick up metal head over their" I said while pointing to metal head aka Gajeel Sting nodded and then we walked over to him "took you long enough" he said "why you-" I was about to kill metal head until "Onee-chan calm down" Wendy said lucky Wendy was here if she wasn't here he would be dead. We were about to go until "WAIT LUCY!!" We turned around and saw Natsu "look you're not coming" I strictly said "no way I'm not missing this" Wendy flicked her fingers and he fainted then Lisanna shouted "WHY YOU LITTLE-"before she could finish her sentence Wendy shouted "" Sting,Rogue,Gajeel even me got scared so we backed away if you anger Wendy you will be dead "hey Luce you better take care of your sister before she goes nuts" Rouge and Sting whispered in my ear I slowly nodded then I use a Fairy slayer spell that Wendy hasn't learned yet "fairy slayer secret art: calls of the fairy!" I hope Wendy could forgive me the spell hit her then she fell after she fell I flicked my fingers then Lisanna fell "you know you could have just done what Wendy did to salamander" Gajeel said, "shut up metal head!" I shouted then Sting picked up her up then we disappeared then we were in the dragon realm and Wendy woke up then we transformed into our dragon realm form.


Then Skiadrum, Metalicana and Weisslogia were flying while crying,we both laughed of how we saw 3 strong dragons cry then their children ran too them crying aswell we laughed even harder that the "true" dragon slayers were crying. "Thanks Luce And Wendy!" Sting said and he hugged us both "I-I c-can't b-breath" then he let us go then Gajeel said "we should go now maybe this realm's time goes faster than earth land" then I said "no the time goes slower so if you're here for 1 hour then at earth land it will only be for a couple of seconds that means you can be here for a long time" then they had a big smile on their faces and they kept talking to their dragons

"Hey bunny girl we should go now" Gajeel-Kun said to Onee-chan "okay but before we go I need to give you these letters" Onee-chan said, Gajeel-kun nodded and Gajeel-kun took the letters me and Onee-chan wrote then we made the portal and we jumped in it after a couple of seconds we arrived in front of fairy tail me and Onee-chan waved goodbye and walked to the train with Sting-kun and Rouge-kun.

I walked inside the guild and everyone looked at me then Salamander said "hey I thought you were going to see your dragon you were only away for seconds" then I said "I did I was actually there for hours Salamander"then I walked inside master's office "yes my child" he asked "Bunny girl and her sister gave me these letters" I handed him the letters and walked outside his office.

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