《When I'm with you | Wendy x OC》Part 11


Dubbing project for the animation movie is going well as expected. The girls do their job diligently as usual. It makes Jessica very happy with their result. They work very hard to produce the best voice and always training hard while waiting for their turn to record their voice.

Typical day at Sam recording studio, Jessica is in the studio with her staff who involve in the recording session. Inside another room, Wendy is recording her part while the rest of them members sit on the couch waiting for their turn. They reading their script and practicing their part.

Everyone eyes turn to the door when it open from outside. Ayden step inside follow by his secretary. He smile to the girls to greet them and they smile back to him.

"Hi Jess" Ayden tapped Jessica shoulder

"Oh hey, I thought you're not around today" Jessica said in friendly manner

"I not really busy today so I pay a visit. I haven't have time to come since they start so I want to check how it goes so far"

Jessica smile proudly "So far the girls are doing well. Very well than we're expect. They finished recording for the first half of the story 2 days ago and currently we start with the second half"

"Good job, I'm truly impressed" Ayden said proudly while his eyes are on Wendy who focus on the script "Can I listen a bit?"

"Sure" Jessica hand a headphone to him and he put it on while Jessica also put another one on herself

Ayden listen to Wendy voice and his eyes glue to her. He stare at her proudly and admiring her passion on her work. That girl really doing nothing but give her best on everything she do. She not only has beautiful face but heart as well that never fail to melt Ayden heart every moment they are together. All he want is to spend his life with Wendy but he still hesitant to take any action because he don't want Wendy to drive away from his life just because he confess his actual feeling to her. If keep Wendy close to him just as his friend is make her comfortable, he rather do it that way and shower her with every love he can give instead of loving her but can't have her by his side. He's happy that everyone supported their relationship. Wendy's members give green light to him and his family also happy to hear that he seeing someone even they don't know who is that person while Eric still has hesitation after he know that Wendy not into dating but Ayden sure that Eric also like Wendy for him seeing how he always teasing both of them as couple. He knows Wendy is the best for him.


His train of thought after Jessica saying something signaling Wendy do the good job and he saw the Canadian girl take off her headphone then he also do the same. When their eyes meet, Wendy is smiling to him and quickly returned to the studio.

"Great work" Jessica showing thumbs up to Wendy

"Thanks unnie" Wendy giggle then she walk to Ayden

"Good job babe" Ayden whisper loud enough for only Wendy to hear

"Thanks babe" Wendy beamed happily "This is your first time visit us, right?"

"Yup and I totally impress. Jessi also keep praising you all"

"Unnie guide us a lot in doing this so we thanks her for that"

"Yeah, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"

"Sure, why not. It's been a while since we go out"

"Okay, I will pick you up on 7"

"Alright, don't be late"


They walk to the table where the girls gather earlier. They smirk seeing them walk together

"Unnie, you're done, right?" Yeri ask

"Yup and my throat almost give up" Wendy take a bottle of water from the table and drink it to sooth her throat

"I need to drink a lot before start my part" Seulgi said

"Girls, how was your recording?" Ayden ask them

"It goes well and great. We're having fun" said Irene

"Happy to hear that, Jessica also proud of you girls"

The girls cackle "Unnie take huge part of our success"

Ayden secretary suddenly come towards their table "Mr. Ayden"

"Yes Ms. Im"

"Your hospital appointment with Dr. Choi will be 40 minutes from now so we have to go"

"Oh, okay. Give me few minutes"

"Alright" Ms. Im left the boss with the girls

Ayden turn to the girls who give him questioning look "Girls, I have to left now for my appointment. See you all next time"

"Okay oppa"

"I will see you tonight" Ayden say to Wendy

"Alright, take care" Wendy said


Ayden left the table and talk to Jessica for a while before he leave the studio


After have dinner, Ayden drive both of them to shopping mall. Wendy said it's okay for them to go so here they are on the way nearby mall. Ayden want to go to the bookstore because he want to buy new book collection.

"Wear this" Wendy give black mask to Ayden then wear one for herself. She also put on her cap so that no one will recognize her

"Let's go" Ayden said

They ride escalator to level 3 where the shopping mall located. Ayden eyes sparkle soon as they enter the shop

"Hey, I want to grab my book on that side. Are you coming with me?"

"Sure, I want to get one for myself too. It has been a while since I buy book"

"Alright" Ayden lead them to the book section

While Ayden finding the book that she want, Wendy roaming around to find some book that catches her eyes. Suddenly someone greet her

"Hi Wendy-ssi"

Wendy turn to that voice then she smile behind her mask "Hi Jackson-ssi"

"It's been a while. What are you doing here?" Jackson ask in friendly manner

"I come to buy new book to read"

"Oh I see"

"What are you doing here then?"

"I come for new comic collection that was available on market recently" Jackson show a book that he get from the comic section

"I don't know that you're into reading" Wendy chuckle

"It's one of my hobbies beside singing and composing. Sometimes it inspire me to write new song"

"Wow, you're an amazing composer. I listened to all of your songs"

"Yaaa, I'm proud that an amazing star is one of my fans" Jackson joking around

"You're not bad yourself. You write lot of songs but me haven't have one yet"

"Well, I can lend some help if you want to learn how to compose a good song for yourself or group"

"Thanks for offer, I will notify you if I want to learn. You know the schedule right now quite full since after the comeback last time so it's not now I guess"

"It's okay, take your time. I'm not going anywhere though"

"Alright, I will surely contact you for the lesson because I also want to learn it since long time ago"

"Just call my anytime and I will meet you when I'm free"


"Wendy, can we go out for coffee sometimes?" Jackson ask nervously

"Sure, why not"

"Great, I will contact you then we arrange our meeting"

"Okay then"

"Got to go now, see you around"

"See you too" Wendy smile from ear-to-ear while looking at Jackson who make his way to the cashier counter

"Done catch up?" a familiar voice from behind make Wendy jump out of shock

"Yah, you shocked me" Wendy glares at Ayden "How long you stand there?"

"Since he invited you to go out for coffee and you agree" Ayden said nonchalantly

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing wrong" Ayden shrugged his shoulder but deep inside he is very angry seeing Wendy accepting the offer easily


"Do you get any book?"

"No, nothing catch my interest"

Ayden rolled his eyes 'That is because you busy flirting' he said in his mind "Okay, let go to the counter"

"Alright" Wendy walked behind Ayden to the counter

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