《When I'm with you | Wendy x OC》Part 6


Wendy and her friends are at the restaurant waiting for Ayden to arrive. She plan to introduce Ayden to her members as she promised to the girls before. Ayden also agree to meet with Wendy's friends

After few minutes waiting, Wendy heard a familiar laugh behind her and she turn around. Ayden busy joking around with the restaurant owner. They looked like know each other for too long

"Aigoo, what is he doing there too long?" Wendy shakes her head

"Wendy unnie, relax" the girls chuckle

Later, Ayden walk to their table with big smile plastered on his face

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm late. I stuck on traffic jam" Ayden smile to the girls

"You talk a lot. Sit down" Wendy said

"Oh sure" he take a sit beside Wendy

"Let me introduce them to you" said Wendy

"Sure, go ahead"

Wendy pointed her thumb to Irene "This is Bae Juhyun or Irene unnie the original visual and our leader. Next to her is Kang Seulgi our resident bear and charismatic dancer. Third one is Kim Yerim the evil maknae of the group and last one is Park Sooyoung or Joy the sexy dynamite"

"And you?" Ayden look at Wendy

"I am Wendy"

"The main vocalist" the girls said together then they laughing

"Nice to meet you all" Ayden hold out his hand to Irene

"Irene" the leader shakes hand with Ayden and smiling to each other

"Beautiful" Ayden awe by the beauty in front of him

Next is Seulgi turn "Just call me Seulgi" the bear said politely

"Yes Ms. Seulgi" Ayden giggle

Then Ayden and Yeri shake hand "Hi, my name is Yeri from United Kingdom"

"Wow, awesome" Ayden said happily while the girls glare at Yeri

Joy take turn after that "I am sexy Joy" she wink seductively

"Breathtakingly sexy" Ayden chuckle

"Thanks for compliment" said Joy

"No problem"

"Yeri is not from UK. She is originally made in South Korea" Wendy said after they sit properly

"Oh, really?" Ayden laugh

"Unnie, at least play along" Yeri pouting

"I guess Kang family not raising you to lie to elder" Wendy smirk then eye signal to Irene who glare at the maknae

"Behave little Kim" said Irene


Joy teasing the maknae who get scold for lying around "You too Sooyoung"

"Oh okay" it Yeri turn to tease Joy

Ayden amaze by their antic especially the maknae duo "By the way girls, I am Ayden Aaron Samuel. I guess you all know few things about me from Wendy so I don't need to describe myself"

"She not telling us anything" said Irene

"Seriously, Wendy?"

"Yes" Wendy shrugged her shoulder "They will ask you anything they want to know. This is kind of interview season for you"

"Alright then but let's order our food first"


Ayden call the restaurant owner and order food and drink for them. After then owner left, they continue talking again

"So you all may ask anything" Ayden clasped his hands on the table

"Me ask first" Yeri raise up her hand while grin naughtily

"Okay sweetie" Ayden talk softly to the maknae like he's talk with little kid

"Can speak Korean?"

"Not really good but I can understand what people said to me"

"So we don't need to speak in English with you"


"How old are you?" Seulgi ask next question

"A year older than Wendy"

"We will call you oppa except Juhyun unnie because she is older than us"


"Yes, you may"

"What you do for living?" Irene ask

"I work at Platinum Corporation as engineer"

"Wow, impressive" said Yeri

"Do you have girlfriend?" Joy smirk teasingly

Ayden chuckle "No, I still single"

"Wendy is lonely these days" Irene joking

"I can see it"

"Unnie, don't tease me" Wendy blush as she is embarrass

"You look lonely like really"

"I'm not" Wendy whining

Their food is coming stop them from bicker childishly. They start eating their food deliciously. In the middle of eating, Ayden phone vibrate signaling he got a text. He check it quickly and Wendy also take a peek

"From Eric?" Wendy ask

"Yes, he is on the way here"


Around 20 minutes later, someone come to their table and tapped Ayden shoulder

"Dude" it is Eric who just arrive at the restaurant

"Hey, you coming finally"

"Yup" Eric smiling wide "Hey Wendy"

"Hi, have a sit" said Wendy

"Sorry Wen but I have something to do later. I just come here to give him his flight ticket" Eric gives the ticket to Ayden

"Are you flying somewhere?" Wendy asking Ayden

"Yes, will go to Australia after tomorrow"

"Oh, okay"

"I have to finish some document before we depart then I will email it to you" said Eric

"Sure" Ayden nods his head

"Eric, I forgot to introduce my friends to you" said Wendy

"Oh, you should introduce these beautiful girls to me" Eric said playfully

"They are my members Irene, Seulgi, Yeri and Joy. Girls, this is Eric" said Wendy

"Hello girls, I am Ericson Charles Daniel but people call me Eric. I and Ayden are best friends and recently Wendy join the team"

"Nice to meet you Eric" the girls bow their head

"Nice to meet you guys too"

"Eric is single too" Ayden promoting his friend

"Yes, still available on market" Eric added

"Aigooo, such a waste that handsome men like both of you are single" said Joy

"Lot of people think that we're taken already that's why we still single"

"You're right"

"But I think this dude is not available anymore" Eric signal his eyes to Ayden

"Who? Me?" Ayden pointed at himself


"I don't have girlfriend"

"That" Eric pointed at Wendy resulting the girl choke her drink. Ayden quickly help her

"Wen, are you okay?" he asked worriedly and softly caressing Wendy back. He wipe Wendy chin with tissue

Wendy get the tissue from Ayden "I'm fine, don't worry"

Eric and the girls watching them with grin "See, aren't they cute together?" Eric keep teasing the couple

"Really cute" the girls commented

"I guess I have to think twice before treat you food like we said before" Wendy looking at Eric

"Wendy, you're so mean" Eric showing puppy eyes make everyone laugh at him

"That's why don't tease me"

"Okay, I will stop teasing you...for now" Eric laughs again

"Ayy this Eric"

"Alright, you win" Eric chuckle then he drinks Ayden water earning sharp glare from the drink owner "I have to go now. See you all around"

"Bye Eric oppa" the girls said

"Bye girls" Eric wink playfully

After dinner, Ayden drive the girls back to their dorm. They have good time joking with each other. The girls fond with Ayden in no time especially Joy and Yeri because Ayden spoiling them like kids

"We're arrived" Ayden announced

"Oppa, thanks for the ride and dinner" Seulgi said on their behalf

"No problem. See you all next time"


"Okay oppa"

"Can I borrow Wendy tonight?" Wendy looking at Ayden immediately because she not expect to go with Ayden

"Sure but be careful. You know from cameras" Irene said

"Alright, thanks for borrowing her to me"

"Take care of her"


"Goodnight oppa"

"Goodnight girls" The girls hop out of the car leaving the couple

"Where do you want to take me?" Wendy asking after watching the girls entered the glass door

"Kiss me first" said Ayden

"Aigoo, you not even answering my question" Wendy pull the smiling guy on his arm and kiss his cheek

"Thanks babe. I want to spend time with you before I travel because tomorrow I will be busy"

"Where are we going?"

Ayden check his watch "It still early, we will go somewhere far from here"


Ayden drive somewhere quite far from the busy city and from that area they can see the whole city of Seoul. It is really beautiful night view

"Come, sit here" Ayden pat the empty spot of the bench beside him


"Thanks for introducing the girls to me. I enjoy talking to them"

"I'm happy that you all quickly fond with each other. Besides the male idols, our manager oppa and family members, we never go out with boy. You're the first one"

"I'm glad that they have good time with me around them"

"Yeah, they really excited to meet you since the day I told them about you"

Ayden giggle "It's been a while since I go out with other people besides you and Eric"

"You're not really social, huh?"

"There a lot of things that you don't know about me"

"When you will tell me?"

"When the time is right you will know it one by one. I'm not good at bragging myself to other people. I will just let them know by their own. If luck is by their side, they will know but if not, it will remain secret"

"You're quite secretive"

"Practically but don't worry, no dark secret. Everything is clean and safe" both of them laugh

Wendy nudge Ayden side "Hey, how long you will travel?"

"A month or two"

Wendy gasped "That long?"

Ayden chuckled seeing Wendy reaction "No, I just kidding. I will go for 2 days"

"You so mean" Wendy slap Ayden shoulder. She turned her back to Ayden as she sulking

"I'm sorry babe" Ayden move closer to her and slowly wrapped his arms around the sulking girl then play with her fingers "I not going to leave you so long. Don't worry"

"I don't care" Wendy said nonchalantly

"Babe please" Ayden kiss Wendy temple softly


"I'm not leaving you so long. I will come back quickly if my work is done so that we can spend time together again"


"Yes, I'm promise" Ayden seal the promise with kiss on cheek

"Okay" Wendy smiling sweetly. She unconsciously snuggle closer to Ayden neck enjoying the warmth of his embrace

"I will promise you one thing"

"What is it?"

"I will stay by your side until you find a man who can take care of you and be with you through thick and thin" Ayden stated

"I also promise to be with you until you meet someone who will love you forever"

"I don't know when I will meet that person"

"I also don't know either" they giggle



"Are you really not thinking of dating someone for now?"

"Yup, I want to focus on my carrier. I worry if I can't spend more time for my boyfriend due to my tight schedule. I don't want me and him regret our relationship"

Ayden silently pout hearing the answer. It feels like his world turn upside down "Okay"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" Ayden tighten his hug "Let stay likes this for a while"

"Okay" they enjoy each other warmth in peaceful and silent night


Red Velvet members walk out of the hair salon after done changing their hairstyle. Everyone come out with wide smile while praising their own appearance

"It's been a while since I change my hair color" Wendy stroking new colored her hair

"You look good in that color" said Seulgi

"Thanks so much bear" Wendy pinch the bear cheek "Your hair also pretty"

"Unnie, Ayden oppa will fall deeper when he saw your new hair" Yeri said then she giggled with Joy

"No such things kiddo. We're just friend so not falling or stuff" Wendy playfully twist Yeri ear

"As if we don't see how he looked at you" Irene smirked

"He stared at you in admiration" Seulgi added

"Seulgi unnie is right. Ayden oppa stare at you like how Juhyun unnie stare at Seulgi unnie lips" Joy said innocently

"Yah! Stop giving example like that" Irene retort

"It is the easiest example that I can use to describe the current situation" Joy shrugged her shoulder

"Still you can't say such things" Irene try to hit the naughty Joy with her bag but Seulgi quickly stop her by holding her waist

"Yah, don't mind her. She just kidding" Seulgi softly said and practically hugging her from behind

Irene immediately softened by Seulgi words "Okay"

"Whipped" Joy teasing the leader again

"I'm not cooking breakfast for all of you for 5 months straight" Irene giving glare

"Unnie!" the members whine

"Sooyoung unnie, it's your fault" Yeri said

"You better make it up to her" Wendy said

Joy skip to Irene side and poking the leader cheek "Unnie, I will buy you the best rice cake in town. Don't scold me anymore" she said with aegyo that make everyone want to throw up

"Okay, tomorrow you buy for me" Irene release herself from the bear embrace

"Sure, no problem" Joy grin and hugging Irene tightly


Wendy laze on her bed while texting with Ayden who still at overseas. Ayden rarely text her because he is busy and different time zone also not allowing them to keep in touch often

"Seungwan, I'm very tired~" – Ayden

"I know, just rest well. Sleep early so you not sleepy during meeting tomorrow" – Wendy

"I will sleep early tonight because I finished my work before dinner" – Ayden

"That's good then" – Wendy

"I upset because no massage center nearby. I need body massage" – Ayden

"Hell no! Don't ever go to massage center. Just go find massage chair" – Wendy

"Why?" – Ayden

"You like it when female staff there cares your body?" – Wendy

"Of course not" – Ayden

"That's why don't think to go there. Just use massager is good enough" – Wendy

"Okay boss" – Ayden

"Emm" – Wendy

"Are you jealous, Seungwan?" – Ayden

"No, I'm not" – Wendy

"I feel like you're jealous" – Ayden

"One more time talking about jealous, I will stop texting you!" – Wendy

"Ok darling, I'm sorry. What are you doing now?" – Ayden

"Laze on the bed and texting you" – Wendy

"Not working today?" – Ayden

"No, we go to salon today" – Wendy

"Oh, do you cut your hair?" – Ayden

"No, I just color it" – Wendy

"Shall I see your new look?" – Ayden

"No, it's a surprise! You can see it when you come back" – Wendy

"Okay, right after I land at Korea I will go to pick you up then we run away" – Ayden

"Are you kidnapping me?" – Wendy

"Yes because I not seeing you for days so I will keep you as exchange" – Ayden

"Alright, we will see" – Wendy

"Wen" – Ayden

"Yup" – Wendy

"I want to give something to you" – Ayden

"What is it?" – Wendy

Ayden sending music files to Wendy "Listen to this song" – Ayden

"Okay, I will" – Wendy

"I want to sleep now. Bye Seungwan" – Ayden

"Bye Aaron" – Wendy

After done texting, Wendy listens to the song that Ayden send to him. She shut her eyes enjoying the feeling of that song

"But I can't help falling in love with you~" she sing along with the song

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