《When I'm with you | Wendy x OC》Part 1


Wendy accompanies Seulgi to art exhibition that was held at art gallery in Incheon. She excited to come because she missed that event last year due to her busy schedule. Both of them roaming around the gallery while appreciate the beauty of art that was made by popular artist all around the world.

"Wow Seulgi, it's really beautiful" Wendy hit Seulgi arm lightly while admiring the portrait that was hang at the wall

"This totally my favorite" Seulgi said

"I'm happy that we able to come here this year"

"I will totally upset if I miss this again"

"Me too" both of them chuckle

"Let's go to other side" Seulgi tugged Wendy arm

"You go first; I still want to walk around"

"Okay then"

"But don't go too far, I don't want Joohyun unnie to scold me just because you're lost"

Seulgi giggle "I will make sure you're safe this time"


Seulgi walk to the other side while Wendy still walks around to see the other portrait by her favorite artist. While Wendy admiring the art, someone stand beside her

"Hi there" Wendy turn to her left and mentally shock seeing a good looking man stand beside her. He smiling while his hands shove inside his jeans pocket "Hello" that man said softly while snapping his finger in front of Wendy

"Oh hi, sorry I zoning out" Wendy blushing as she caught red-handed

"It fine, hehe" that guy giggle

"Anything I can help you?"

"I see you really into this portrait. Is this your favorite artist?"

"Yes, he is one of my favorites. I love most of his artworks" said Wendy

"He pour every emotions in his arts that's why it make his work special than the others"

"I agree"

"By the way, may I know your name?"


"I am Wendy"

"You're not Korean?"

"I am but half-Canadian"

"Oh I see, I thought you're American or somewhere from Europe"

Wendy chuckle "Am I look like a foreigner?"

"A little bit plus your English is so good"

"I stay at Canada for years so that's it"

"I'm glad that you can speak well in English. My Korean is not that good"

"Since you know my name, you should tell yours too"

"My name is Ayden. Originally from Quebec City, Canada" the guy named Ayden hold out his hand for handshake and Wendy accept it

"You're Canadian too?" Wendy excitedly ask

Ayden shrugged his shoulder "Yes, I am"

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" both smile sweetly to each other "Friend?"

"Yeah, friends" Wendy smiles goofily. Her heart suddenly beating crazily after seeing his smile

"I look forward to our next meeting"

"Sure, no problem"

Ayden take out his wallet and pull out something "This is my card. Just text me anytime you free"

"Okay" Wendy read what written at the card "Ayden A. S.?"

"Ayden Aaron Samuel"

"Nice name"

"Thank you" Ayden chuckle. He checked his wrist watch "I have to go now. See you around"

"Okay, see you too"

Ayden waving his hand before leaving the beautiful girl

"Omo, Kang Seulgi" Wendy palmed her forehead as she forgot about her best friend. She text the bear to ask where is her location before Irene shout at her at home just because the bear lost


Wendy and her member laze at living room while watching random TV show. The girls gossiping while Wendy not focus on what they talk about. She plan to text Ayden

'Hi there, it's Wendy here' – Wendy

'Hey Wen, I thought you forget to text me' – Ayden


'No, I just busy with my schedule' – Wendy

'I'm kidding, hehe' – Ayden

'Well, where are you now?' – Wendy

'I'm still at office. Doing some report' – Ayden

'You should go home by now. It 7:30 PM already' – Wendy

'I will back at 8, I guess' – Ayden

'Don't forget dinner' – Wendy

'Thanks for remind me' – Ayden

'No problem' – Wendy

'Are you free this weekend?' – Ayden

'Yes, I'm free' – Wendy

'Shall we go out for coffee?' – Ayden

'Sure thing, just text me the address' – Wendy

'What if I pick you up at your place? Is it okay?' – Ayden

'No, I will ride cab' – Wendy

'Okay if you say so. I have to go now. Want to wrap up some stuff before go home' – Ayden

'Alright, goodnight' – Wendy

'Goodnight' – Wendy

Wendy toss her phone to the couch then she join the conversation even she don't know what they talk about


Inside the room, Wendy sleep soundly since it is Saturday and they don't have any schedule. Her phone singing loudly on the bedside table waking her up from her sleep

"Ayy, who is this?" she grab the phone while her eyes still close "Hello?" she answer with sleepy voice

"Hello Wen"

"Oh hey Ayden"

"You sound like just wake up. Am I disturbing your sleep?"

"I just wake up but you're not disturbing"

"Hehe okay, shall we meet today?"

"Em yeah, we can. I don't have anything to do today"

"It still early so 5 PM. Is it okay?"

"Sure, we can have early dinner"

"Okay, I will text you the address later"

"Alright then"

"Go sleep again. It still long to go"

"Hehe, okay"

"See you later"


Wendy plop herself on the mattress with big smile "Aigooo my heart, what happen to you?" she feel his heart racing again. Before continue sleeping, she set the time so she not oversleeps

The alarm beeping on 4 PM and the Canadian girl open her eyes immediately. She tidy up her bed then run to the bathroom. After 20 minutes in the bathroom, she comes out fresh than earlier. She rummages in her closet to find something decent to wear

"Aigoo, which one to wear?" she scratch her head

In the end, she pick black jeans match with white plain t-shirt. After dress up, she check her phone to see if Ayden sending her text and there she got a text from him telling the address of the restaurant where they will meet later

"Emm, good place and private too" she satisfied

The clock showing 4:40 PM so she decides to go to avoid traffic jam. Before leave her room, she grab her jacket and mask.

"Seungwan, where are you going?" Seulgi asking when Wendy shows up at living room

"I go out to meet my friend"

"Are you coming home for dinner?" Irene asking

"No, I eat dinner outside"

"Don't come home late"

"Okay unnie" Wendy wink playfully "I go now, bye!" she jog to the foyer

"Take care!" Irene and Seulgi yell from living room


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