《Wendy Marvell x Male Reader (Book Two)》YN LN vs Gray FullBuster


Wendy's pov

I had just woken up in my new room at YN's house. The house itself is absolutely gorgeous. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.


I looked over and saw YN at the door smiling. I smiled back before standing up and stretching. Carla woke up soon after.

"Morning YN. How much did this place cost you?"

"Considering we bought it not rented it. 268,000 jewels" He answered causing my jaw to drop.

He chuckled at my reaction. He then picked me up bridal style. I let out a gasp surprised by his actions.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked stuttering a bit.

"I'm going to carry you to Fairy Tail like this." he said before walking outside.

"Wh-what?! Don't I get a say in this?!" I asked blushing bright red.

"Nope. Consider this payback for that sudden gesture of yours yesterday." he said chuckling.

"I bet you still liked it" I said smirking.

This time he was the one blushing. He's always so easy to make blush. Which is one of the endless reasons I love him.

"I can carry you over my shoulder instead" he said pouting.

"N-no! This is fine"

He chuckled and continued on his way. I found myself snuggling up to him while in his arms. I looked up and saw a bright pink blush on his face because of this.

When we entered Fairy Tail, Natsu smirked at the fact YN was carrying me and Mira was squealing with excitement.

YN put me down and I gave him a quick peck on the lips causing his blush to go from pink to red. I smiled and giggled at him while he just smiled back.

"I've got to admit you two make a great couple."

We turned to see Gray walking towards us.


"Thanks" we both said at the same time.

He laughed at our response. He then turned to YN and smirked.

"I'm bored so how about we go ahead and have that match now" he suggested to which YN nodded.

"Sure. Same place as the others?"

"Yep. See you there YN" Gray said before heading off.


YN and Gray are both on their respective sides. Erza was the referee so she signaled for them to start.

YN surprised Gray by rushing towards him at a ridiculous speed before kicking him through a tree. Gray stood up and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Ice Make: Ice Clones!"

Three more Grays appearing and rushed at YN. I noticed he was smirking.

"Ready to see a new ability of his?" Christian asked landing on top of my head.

A new ability? I guess I should have known he would learn more abilities over his time gone. I can't even enter my dragon force yet. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of YN.

"Dance of the Fire Dragon!"

All three clones instantly melted. Gray seemed to be surprised by YN's new ability. YN smirked seeing this.

"Sky Dragon Roar!"

YN's roar was at least ten times stronger than anything I could do. It sent Gray flying back at least fifty feet crashing into a wall. Now I'm definitely jealous of YN's abilities.

Erza ended the fight. YN then approached me. He must have noticed my reaction to his abilities.

"Wendy, you don't have to be jealous of what I can do. You're the reason I'm as strong as I am. You'll get stronger in time. It sometimes takes longer for some people. I trained and practiced every single day. Maybe you and I could train together sometime" he said smiling.

I couldn't help but smile back. He always seems to know exactly what say to make me feel better. I felt dumb for even being jealous in the first place.

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