《Just Revenge (#1)》The Most Awaited Moment


"You are not going to step a foot outside this house, Mel", Aaron warned me the minute my hand reached the door knob.

I smile broke on my face. I quickly hid it and turn around.

"What did you say?", I told Aaron acting innocent.

"You are not leaving. You are not going anywhere", Aaron said again getting up from the couch and taking a step towards me.

"But, why? I told you I will leave today. There is no reason for me to stay", I told him again acting all angry while on the inside I was dancing with happiness.

"There is a reason for you to stay! I am not letting you go", he told me angrily.

"This is absurd. How can you stop me like this so suddenly? The divorce-"

"That was a fucking mistake! The divorce was the biggest mistake of my life!" he cut me off.

"You can't do that. Everything is already set. You just out of the blue declared that you want to divorce me and now, suddenly, when I am leaving, you decide that you don't want it. I cannot live like this. You made your decision, I signed it. Now, you can't stop me", I told him matching his anger as we were standing a foot apart.

"I can and I will. The divorce will not happen. You will remain my wife", he told me and held me angrily pulling me toward himself.

"Why, Aaron? You said you married me for just revenge which is over now! So, why do you want me to stay?" I asked staring at him in the eye.

"Yes, I said it and that is not a lie. When I married you, I had only revenge on my mind", he told me angrily.

"Yes and that is the only reason for you even today, right? You must have planned this too from the very start like everything else, right? Like when it all ends, you will divorce me", I told him.

"I never wanted a divorce! I had thought of a lot of ways this would end in. But, divorce was never one of them!" he yelled at me.

"If you didn't want a divorce in the first place, then why did you serve me those papers?" I glared at him and this time the anger was real.

Aaron's face softened and he looked at me with hurt. He left my hand abruptly and turned around.

"You can't turn your back on me, Aaron. Answer me", I told him.

He didn't turn around and I yelled again, "Answer me, damn it. Why-"

"Because, I wanted to give you a choice!" he yelled at me turning around.

I looked at him with confusion. Out of everything I expected him to say, this was nowhere near it.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"Remember, how I told you that I was sad for pulling you in this but, didn't regret it? After finding out about everything, I started regretting it. I realised that all your life, you have been told what to do and have been used by people. First, your parents gave you up. Then, Jasmine used you. Then, Arthur Lawson, Marcus Lawson and at the end, me. You never really made a choice for yourself. Yes, you lived with your own free will but, somewhere there was always something or the other that controlled your actions. I wanted you to have a chance to choose your own path. To choose without anything holding you back. To choose if you want to stay with me as my wife or go. I didn't want you to stay with me because there is some paper that compels you to do it as my wife but, because you want to do so", Aaron sighed.


I shrugged, "Yeah, so, I made my decision like you wanted. What's the problem now?"

Aaron let out a frustrated sigh, "I didn't know you had different plans! That's the fucking problem! I had thought that in the best case, if you wanted to stay, you'd say no to the divorce, slap me, hit me, cry or do something for me to know that you are sad and in the worst case, if you decide to go, I will let you go but, will not let it end there. I had decide that I will try my best and win your heart again. This time for real. I had thought that even if you won't be with me as my wife, you will still be around me and that will be a chance enough for me to keep trying and one day I will win you back. I knew that long lost friend of yours would be something I would have had to deal with. But, I didn't know that you would divorce me and just run to that bastard! I didn't know you would shut me off like this with literally no way to ever see you again. I didn't know that you would suddenly....not want me in your life at all", Aaron whispered the last part.

I gulped as I thought what to say next. I can't exactly tell him that I don't care for him and neither can I say that whatever he is thinking right now is completely false. So, I waited for him to continue.

Aaron took a pause and continued, "Why, Mel? Why would you do that? I thought those kisses, those late night talks and hugs meant to you as much as they meant to me. I thought you felt something for me too. Why did you not push me away if it didn't mean anything? You are not the kind of girl who would let someone kiss you just for the sake of it. It means more than just a kiss to you every single time. Then, why did you let me touch you and kiss you like that if it didn't mean anything to you?"

I forced myself to not react and said, "So what, Aaron? Why are you so hurt by all of this?"

He looked at me with hurt and continued, "Because it hurts, Mel. It hurts me really bad to see you go. When I gave you those papers and saw your eyes widen, there was a huge hope in my heart that you will just tear those papers and slap me for even thinking about it. I went for a shower thinking that I'll let you think this through because if you would have said no, I would have never let you go. But, when I came out, you were already gone. I was searching around for you and when I saw the dining room and cursed myself thinking that I made a grave mistake. But, turns out that wasn't even meant for me. When you stopped me, I thought that you would say something for me to know that you are hurt. But, you just gave me the ring and ended it all. I have been trying to accept your decision for last two days but, I can't bring myself to do it. I am trying to explain to myself that I should be happy for you if I really love you. But, I am not able to do it. I want to punch him every time he kisses you. I want to rip his hand every time he caresses your cheek. I feel like it should be only me who can look at you like that. I didn't feel like this before when I thought he was just a friend to you. But, since I saw you flirting with him yesterday, I feel like breaking his neck."


I bit my lip and asked him, "That still doesn't answer my question. Why does it matter to you, Aaron?"

Aaron looked at me, his eye glistening with tears, saying, "You really still don't understand?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't."

Aaron just looked away and said, "It doesn't matter then. Just go and be happy."

I placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "No, tell me, why does it hurt you to see me with Luke?"

He looked at me in the eye and said as a tear slipped from his eye,

"Because, I love you, Mrs. Amelia Kingston."

My heart skipped a beat on hearing his confession. A tear slipped my eye as I couldn't believe that he said it. He finally said it.

A smile broke on my face as I asked him, "What did you say?"

"I love you. I don't know when I fell for you but, it wasn't really hard considering that it is you, so sweet, caring, pure and loving. I think I fell for you even before we married, just didn't realise it. I didn't realise it until the night of my accident. I had left because I didn't understand how to react. One side it was Julia and on the other side it was you. But, when my car crashed, there was only one face I saw and I knew that the love I have for you is much more stronger than the hate I had for Marcus Lawson. So, yes. I love you", Aaron completed and I smiled brightly, kissing him on his lips.

"Say it again", I said breathlessly.

"I love you, Mel. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you and I can't see you with anyone else. I love you and it is killing me to see you go. I love you and I never want to let you go. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I want to die loving you until my last breath", he said and kissed me.

But, he broke after a few seconds and let go of me.

He looked away and said grumpily, "I don't think your new boyfriend will like this."

"What new boyfriend?" I asked pursing my lips together to control my laughter.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at me, "Don't play games with me, Mel. I know you are dating Luke Thompson."

"I am not dating Luke. How can I date Luke?" I laughed.

"What do you mean?" Aaron looked at me with suspicion.

"Well, a couple of things. But, let me start with the most trivial one", I told him and put my arms around his neck.

"Dear, Mr. Husband, Luke or my long lost friend as you put it, is engaged to marry his boyfriend, Connor", I explained to him like I was talking to a five year old.

Aaron's look changed slowly from confusion to shock and he took a step back from me, "What?! Ho..how? Wh-Why-When?"

I laughed at his confusion, "What do mean how, why, when? Biology, life choices and since birth, of course."

"No, I mean since when do you know and why did the people in office-"

I rolled my eyes cutting him off, "They are crazy. Luke didn't tell anyone because why would you announce such personal things to the world, and they just assumed stuff."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he looked at me with confusion.

"Did you ever listen?! Every time I would utter Luke's name you would change the topic", I rolled my eyes.

"And what was all that was going on since the night two days ago? You and Luke flirting and everything?" Aaron asked me with a frown.

I grinned slightly, ruffled his hair and said, "That was making you have a taste of your own medicine."

Aaron looked at me with disbelief for a few seconds and then, rolled his eyes and said, "Let me guess. Lia's plan? Tit for tat? For leading you to believe that I was cheating on you?"

I nodded, "You guessed it!"

Aaron scoffed and shook his head and said, "I don't know if I should be admiring her or be angry at her."

I laughed at that and Aaron smiled at me.

Aaron rubbed his neck and said, "So, was signing the papers a part of the plan too?"

That made me stop laughing and I looked at him with a serious face.

I took a deep breath and asked him, "Where are the papers?"

Aaron frowned and said, "In the study. Why?"

I smiled at him, "Can you please go and get them?"

He frowned at me but, nonetheless went and got the file. He handed them to me with a frown.

"You were asking?" I asked him with a smile and turned the file into a roll.

He frowned and said, "I was asking if signing the papers-"

I cut him off as I hit him with the file, "If! It is still a question for you, if I want to divorce you or not?!"

"Ouch, woman! Stop it!" Aaron yelped as I continued hitting him.

"I am not going to to stop! How dare you! How dare you give me this crap? How dare you ask me to leave you! This is my home. How dare you try to kick me out of here! How dare you say that it is for my own good!" I yelled hitting him harder with each word I spoke.

Aaron yelped as I continued hitting him everywhere, "I thought it will make you happy-"

"Make me happy? Did I ask for this? Did I say I want to leave? You said you know I don't kiss without feelings and yet, you think I don't want to live with you! How dare you!" I asked him hitting him with the file anywhere possible.

"Sorry! I am sorry! Ouch!" he yelped again trying to dodge me but in vain.

"Sorry? I don't want your sorry. It is still an if for you, correct? I am going to hit you until this bloody file tears and then, you will probably get the answer to your if", I told him as he walked back still getting the hits from me.

"Mel, look!" he said pointing to the back and when I turned around, he snatched the file from me and ran across the hall.

"You!" I picked the nearest cushion and threw it at him.

"Mel, I am sorry", he said dodging it.

"I am telling you, Aaron. The next time you try such stunts, I will strangle you to death!" I yelled picking up another cushion and throwing it at him.

"I told you I wanted to-"

I threw another cushion at him, "Don't say that crap! You could have just asked me if I wanted-"

"No, no, no. Not that, not that", Aaron said looking at my hand and I saw that I had picked up the lamp and was about to throw it at him.

I let out a grumpy breath and slammed it back in its place. I scowled at Aaron and sat on the couch looking away from him.

He took slow and careful steps and sat next to me. I turned my face to look the other way.

"Mel, I am sorry. I told you I wanted you to have a choice. I didn't want you to stay because you are married to me but, because you still want to. I was just trying to do something good for once", he said hugging me from behind.

I turned to look at him and held him by his collar, "Mr. Aaron Kingston, if you ever, ever get any such stupid ideas ever again, recall all the events of today and especially this."

I took a deep breath and said, "I am not going away from you until my last breath. I am going to stay here with you, make babies, raise them, grow old and die in your arms. If you have any other plans, throw them off the window right now. I will not leave you or let you let me go because I love you. I love you with every breath I take and every time my heart beats. I love you for everything you are and everything you are not. I love you and I will always love you no matter what. Is that understood?"

Aaron smiled at me, his eye glistening with tears, "Understood."

"Good", I let his collar go and Aaron dipped his head and kissed me passionately.

We poured all our love and every emotion we had for each other in that one kiss. Tears rolled down our eyes and the smile didn't leave our faces. We were finally one.

Soon, we pulled apart breathlessly and Aaron rested his forehead against mine as our eyes were still closed and we dwelled in our love.

"I love you, Mel", Aaron whispered as we caught our breaths and pulled apart.

"I love you, Aaron", I whispered back.

Aaron pushed my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. We once again pulled each other into a hug and stayed like that for a few minutes. When we pulled apart, I linked my arm with his and rested my head on his shoulder closing my eyes with a smile. Aaron kissed me on the head and linked our fingers together.

Suddenly, Aaron asked me breaking the silence, "Do you wanna get married again?"

I frowned, "What? No. Why would I want to do that?"

Aaron shrugged lightly, "I don't know. Maybe after everything you might want a fresh start."

I shook my head, "I don't know what you are talking about. My wedding was perfect. Just like how I had imagined it. Just Luke and Lia weren't there. But, that's okay. I don't need another wedding for that."

Aaron fished his pocket and said, "Then, maybe you should have this back", he had my wedding ring in his hand.

"No, I am not taking that back so easily", I smirked.

Aaron pulled slightly away from me, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I want something before I wear that again", I grinned evilly.

Aaron looked at me with suspicion, "And what is it exactly?"

I looked up at him, "I want you to propose to me again."

"What? You just said you don't want another wedding", Aaron frowned.

"Yes, no wedding. I just want the proposal. You said it was planned, right? So, I want another one. Just like mom got dad to propose to her twice. She told me the whole story", I grinned at him.

Aaron shook his head, "You are spending too much time with mom. She is spoiling you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You just start planning the proposal. I want it tomorrow. It is our six month anniversary and I have hosted a small party. You do it before the party ends else, I will not talk to you for a whole month."

Aaron shook his head putting it back in his pocket. I put my head back on his shoulder and Aaron rested his head on mine.

At that moment, my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was Lia so I just kept it aside.

"You are not going to pick up?" Aaron asked me.

"She is probably calling because I haven't reached Luke's place yet and she figured I told you everything. Her plan was to tell you tonight", I rolled my eyes.

He asked, "But, you should tell her. You were still a part of the team, right?"

"No, I was forced into this", I told him looking up at him.

He looked at me with surprise and I nodded. I told him everything about how I was going to confess and he, like an idiot, handed me the papers and then, everything about how Lia made the plan.

"I should have known Peter and mom were involved. Wait so, if you didn't want to do it, how did Lia convince you?" Aaron asked.

"She blackmailed me", I said before I could stop myself.

"Blackmail?" Aaron asked with surprise.

I closed my eyes and said, "Well, she...she told me she will tell you something that I don't want you to know."

"Really? A secret, huh? What is it?" Aaron laughed.

"I am not telling you", I blushed and hid my face in his chest.

"Come on, tell me. Is it dirty?" Aaron pushed me away to look at my face.

"No", I cribbed.

"We promised each other no more secrets, remember?" he lured me.

"Well, I am embarrassed about it", I blushed.

"You know I won't judge you for anything and I promise not to laugh", Aaron nudged me.

"It is about this time when...I was in high school. I was fifteen and Lia just got a new boyfriend. She told me some things that confused me. So, one day, curiosity got the better of me and I went to the library and I...I saw certain...videos of how people do...certain...things to each other....in bed", I said and Aaron burst out laughing.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" I hit him on the shoulder.

Aaron caught up on his breath and said, "Well...well, I..."

He just continued laughing and I groaned. He took a deep breath calming himself.

"Mel, I am not laughing because you saw porn in the school library, okay? It is normal for humans to be curious about it. I am just laughing at how you explained it to me. It sounded so funny", Aaron chuckled.

I just hid my face and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Was it the only time or ..?" he asked again.

"Stop it", I hit his chest making him rumble with laughter.

"You still remember every bit of it, don't you?" he teased me.

And I just chose not to reply.

"Will you tell me exactly what did you see?" he asked me after a few moments.

"Aaron!" I groaned.

"If you are still curious, I can give you a demo", Aaron said making me look up.

"Aaron, please. I...I..", I blushed.

"You what, Mel?" Aaron turned completely facing me straight.

He dipped his head and whispered in my ear seductively, "Tell me, did you like what you saw?"

My heartbeat raised and my breathing fastened as his hand snaked my waist pulling me closer.

"Do you want to know how it would feel when I do those certain things to you?" he whispered again pulling my earlobe into his mouth and sucking on it.

My fist clenched on his shirt when I felt his breath on my neck.

"Was it soft like this?" he asked kissing me on where my neck met my shoulder.

"Or rough like this?" he asked biting me on the shoulder.

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