《Just Revenge (#1)》The Argument


As Aaron opened the files on his desktop, my eyes accidentally fell on the desktop background picture and I caught a glimpse of it before he shifted to full screen. Though Aaron started talking about the design, my thoughts were still stuck on the picture. How I hadn't seen this until today is beyond me!

I could recognize this picture anywhere. It was a picture of all of us, that is Aaron's whole family and me. We had taken it the first time Aaron took me home to meet his parents. We were not even dating back then. It was Diana and Josh's anniversary and Aaron had invited me as a friend. I was extremely nervous back then but all of us got along so well that I wanted a picture of all of us together. They made me feel like I was a family and I never ever wanted to forget that, whatever may happen to Aaron and I. I clearly remember that my phone's battery died so Aaron took it for me and later forwarded it to me. But, he never mentioned that he set that picture as his desktop background.

As far as I have understood this "new" Aaron, if he would have done this to impress me, he would have made sure to let me know about it somehow. Since he didn't do so, it means he didn't do this to impress me. Then, why did he do it?

What is it with you, Aaron? Why are you so confusing? What do you want from me exactly? At one point you say that you hate me and at the other side you do things like this. Is this your new way of torturing me? Why are you even doing this Aaron?

"So?" he asked expectedly getting me out of my stance.

"Huh?" I asked back not realizing what he was talking about.

"So, did you like it?" he asked again with an eye roll.

"Liked what?" I asked again still not realizing what he meant.

"Come on, Amy. My design was not that great to make you loose your ability to think properly. Stop acting dumb and give me an answer. How is my design?" he asked with a shrug.

Or maybe that is his plan. To do such things and keep me thinking back and forth between hating him and doubting my hate for him. That is what he wants to do, play with my emotions until I go crazy. Maybe he must have intentionally added this picture in the background. That is why he called me near him with the excuse of showing his design. I will not let it happen. I will not let him win.

"Why do you need my opinion anyways?" I asked back with a frown.

Aaron frowned and raised a shoulder saying, "Well, I just..."

"Just what? You do not ask your other employees about their opinions on your work, do you? What makes me different?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you even asking all this stuff, Amelia? I just asked for your opinion", he said getting irritated.

"Why? Why is my opinion necessary? Why do you insist on calling me by my first name? Why am I an exception for everything? Haven't I made it clear to you so many times that I am only your employee? Then, why do you treat me differently?" I asked coldly.

"You are not only my employee, Amelia." he said getting up.

"Oh right, yes. I am your vengeance too. Also, if I remember correctly, I have no class and your one night stands have a better taste than me, correct? Then, how will it matter to you if I like it or not? You should probably go and ask Ruby or Jasmine about it. They might give you the answer you would like", I said glaring at him.


"What is wrong with you? Why are you taunting me? I just simply asked if you liked it or not", he asked taking a step closer to me.

"And I simply gave my answer to you. Why? Is there anything against this in the prenup? I don't recall but just in case, sorry", I shrugged and I turned to leave in a dramatic exit. Unfortunately, I forgot that I wore my heels today and I should have placed my foot more carefully because my heels bent the wrong way and I slipped.

I closed my eyes to get ready for the impact but instead I felt warm pair of hands around my waist. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself drowning. Drowning in a pair of beautiful, deep, brown eyes. Now, there is only one pair of brown eyes on this planet that I find myself drowning in whenever I stare into them. They were Aaron's.

I blinked and shifted my attention to his face before any further damage was done. Aaron was looking at me with concern etched on his face. My heart was beating fast and I knew it was not because I was about to fall but because of this man holding me in his arms. I know I should just probably tell him to set me straight but I am somehow unable to get words out of my mouth. Probably, because the spicy scent of his cologne is rupturing my brain cells.

Stop it.

Does he know that he looks exceptionally handsome in spectacles? Is that why he is persistent on wearing them instead of lenses?

Stop, Amy.

His hair. Oh god, his expresso brown hair. Will they still feel the same as they did when I last ran my hand through them?

Snap out of it, Amy. NOW.

And thanks to my subconscious, I did finally snap out of it. I gulped and averted my eyes. I think Aaron got out of his trance too, as he did set me straight even before I could open my mouth.

He cleared his throat and asked, "Are you al..alright?"

"Yes, thanks." I said taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"When you know that you cannot handle heels, why did you wear them? Good that I was here otherwise you could have hurt yourself."

"Have you forgotten already? We had a presentation with a client today. There is a certain professional attire that one has to wear. And I can very well handle heels." At least sometimes.

"Yeah, right." he scoffed and continued, "You can very well handle heels and that is why you kept loosing your balance during the presentation too. You were about to fall three times back then too. And if heels were so important, you could have worn those platform ones too. Nowhere have they mentioned that only these stupid pencil heels are allowed."

"How can you say with such surety that I was about to fall during the presentation? Were you watching me or the presentation? I was not about to fall ever. And I didn't have a choice today morning. I forgot that I have broken my platform heels last month so only these were available."

"It will not hurt you if you accept it for once that I am correct and you were indeed about to fall. And why did you even buy these stupid heels when you know that you will never use them anyways?" he said crossing his hands over his chest.

"They were on sale. Half prize." I said sheepishly.


He gave me a look and said, "From now on, you are banned from buying pencil heels. Sale or not."

"You can not do that." I stomped a foot and took a step forward.

"I can and I will", he took a step forward too.

"Who are you to take such decisions?" I asked him taking a step forward.

"Your husband." I could feel his breath on my face making me realize that we were in a really close proximity. He was towering over me now as we spoke or rather fought with each other.

"Funny, you want to exercise all your rights as a husband but none of your duties. Rights and duties go hand in hand, Mr. Kingston. I think you need to remember that", I said or rather whispered huskily.

"I do remember it. Pray tell though, what duties exactly I am missing out on?" he asked his voice equally husky.

I scoffed and said, "All of them, Aaron. But, most importantly, to respect your wife, protect her, keep her happy, to fulfil her wishes, to trust her, be honest with her and to lo-" I stopped before I could say the next word.

"And to love her, right?" As usual, he read my mind. I only nodded in response.

"I don't know about everything else, Mel. But, I know that I definitely will never love you. And you do not even know what exercising my rights on you means so don't say such things", he said slowly.

"Meaning?" I asked but he didn't respond. He just looked at me and then lowered his eyes to my lips. His eyes lingered on my lips for a long time and I realized exactly what he meant. My breath hitched and I gulped nervously. I can not let this happen. Not like this. Not now. I know that he doesn't love me. He just confessed it too. No.

But, before I could react he started to lean forward. My head was begging me to push him away but somehow I just couldn't do it. Maybe I want him to kiss me too. No. No. Not when he cheated on me. No, Amy. You don't love him and he doesn't love you either. This is wrong.

But, My inner turmoil was short lived as before I could reach a conclusion, my phone started blasting in my purse. We moved apart from each other as if staying in that position for one more second will burn us.

I ran my palms over my face and took deep breaths to calm myself. I couldn't even dare to look at him right now and frantically started looking for my phone in my purse.

I took it out and picked up the call without even looking at the caller.

"Hello?" I asked breathlessly.

"Amy. It's me. Wanna meet up for lunch?" It was Luke.

"Luke. Yes. Yes, Luke. L..Let's meet up for lunch", I said pushing myself to think straight and forget what just happened.

"Amy, is everything fine?" he asked concerned.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine. Just how it is supposed to be." I told him and dared to look up to Aaron from the corner of my eye. He was just looking at me.

"Cool, I will see you at the usual place in....fifteen minutes?" he asked.

"Yes." I said and hanged up.

I grabbed my stuff still frantic. I didn't even look at Aaron and walked to the door of the conference room.

"So, you gave your number to this long lost friend of yours already, huh?" Aaron asked stopping me.

"Yes, why?" I asked finally turning to face him.

"Nothing. I was just wondering if he also had to struggle to get your number like I had done." he asked looking at me weirdly.

"You didn't struggle to get my number. You struggled to earn my friendship which you so desperately wanted to get your foolish revenge plan into action", I told him.

"That makes me wonder even more. I thought you made friends only with people you admire."

"Yes, I do. So?" I asked confused.

"What could you have possible admired about him? He looks pretty much simple to me."

"You should know it more than anyone, Mr. Kingston that I do not go by the looks. He is a brave man and that is a reason enough for me. How and why I find that admirable is no concern of yours."

"Are you sure he is the same person, Amelia? After all, you met him after seven and a half years. People change a lot in such a long span of time."

"People change overnight also, Mr. Kingston. Some people are such good actors that they hide their true colors for years and display them only after others trust them more than their own selves. But, I can guarantee that Luke isn't one of them." I taunted him one last time for today.

"Amy, I-" he began but I cut him off.

"Good Day, Mr. Kingston." I said and left for lunch.


After reaching home in the evening, I was sure of one thing.

I need to throw these damned heels in trash as soon as possible.

My feet are swollen and I have almost broken my ankle more times that I can count in just one day. I swear Aaron was right in banning me from buying them. People in the office gave me weird stares all day and I am just glad I didn't fall face first and embarrass myself even further. My feet are hurting so bad I don't even know if I can cook dinner. I feel like just going to sleep on empty stomach and telling Aaron to go make something for himself just for today.

When I opened the door to the apartment, I dragged myself to the couch and removed my heels, I closed any eyes and laid back resting my head on the back-support. Suddenly, I heard some sounds of moving and I opened my eyes. I sat straight and saw Aaron moving the coffee table to a side.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he folded the carpet to display the floor. He just looked at me and left. After a minute, he came back with a tub in his hands which I assume was filled with water. He placed it on the floor next to my feet.

"Put your feet in this." He instructed looking at me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Your feet are swollen and red. It will feel better if you put them in warm water. So, put your feet in it."

I looked at him shocked. He actually thought to do something nice for me. He cared for me. This is a first. Well, after marriage, of course. I took a breath and put my feet in the tub. I winced at the touch of warm water on my swollen feet.

"Is it hurting a lot?" Aaron asked skeptically.

"It is nothing compared to the pain in my heart." I said looking straight into his eyes.

Aaron didn't say anything for a few seconds and later pointed to the pizza box on the coffee table and said, "I have already ordered pizza for dinner so you do not have to worry about going to bed on empty stomach. Also.." Aaron picked up my heels from beside me and before I could understand what he is doing, he walked to the trash can and threw them in it.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed and looked at him with my jaw dropped.

"I think you have had the maximum benefits for the discount you got on them." he said glaring at me.

"Those were very expensive even after the discount." I pouted.

"The medical bill for healing a fractured leg will be even more expensive and also add the pain to it which will be cherry on the cake." He looked at me with his lips forming a flat line.

Looking at his lips, I was reminded of the incident that occurred in the afternoon and before I would get lost in it, I gulped and looked down at my feet. He walked to his room after a few seconds. When he returned, he had a something in his hand. It was brown shopping bag.

He kept it next to me on the couch and looked at me. When I just stared back, he rolled his eyes and nodded its direction saying, "Open it."

I opened the bag and saw that there were two boxes in it. I got one of the boxes out and opened it. Inside was a pair of beautiful black platform heels. I turned it over and looked at the size. He had got that right. I kept it aside and opened the other box. It contained a pair of brown platform heels. Again the perfect size.

"Next time, use these. And professionalism is good but you don't have to risk your life for it." Aaron said sitting next to me on the couch and switched on the television.

"Why?" I asked looking at him.

"What why?" he looked confused.

"Why did you get this warm water for my feet? Why did you get these shoes for me?" I asked him again.

"Well, your feet are swollen and you said you broke your heels so I ordered new ones for you." he shrugged.

"Yes, but why do you care? Why do you care if my feet are hurting or if I break my ankle walking with those heels?"

"Well, I.." he just trailed off without replying.

"No answer, right?" I scoffed. "Thanks for the warm water. It was quite relaxing. But, I can't accept these. Sorry." I said as I pushed the boxes away from me.

"But, they are for you!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Are we still friends, Aaron? Or do you love me? Or tell me if there is any relation between us that gives you a right to gift me things?" I asked him. When he didn't reply, I continued. "You know me too well, Aaron. I will not accept this unless you give me a proper explanation as to why do you care or what is our relation. So, thank you but no thank you." I said and I continued to look at the television screen.

"Why can't you just take them without fighting with me over this?" he asked again.

"Okay, but I will pay for them then." I told him.

"That is ridiculous. It is a gift. You can't pay for them."

"Then, I don't need them."

"You have to keep them", Aaron said turning to face me.

"I won't", I said facing him too.

"Why are you making it difficult, Mel?" Aaron held me by my arms and pulled me closer.

"I am not. I simply asked you a question. If you answer it I take them, else no." I said angrily. I hate it that him touching me still makes me feel those electric sparks.

"I..." Aaron trailed off again and his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips and he stared at them again. Maybe he too is remind of the moment from the conference room because he gulped visibly. But, I was too angry to process anything and I pushed him away as I got up from the couch. I grabbed my things and carefully placed my feet outside the tub. They felt much better now, thankfully. I took the pizza box in my other hand and walked to my room.

I stopped at the door to my room and turned around to face him.

"The day you have an answer to my questions let me know, Aaron. I will accept them without a doubt. But, not till then. Thanks, for the pizza and because my feet is much better now." I smiled and walked inside to change and sleep.


Hey readers,

I am back. Sorry for the late update. I will definitely update regularly now. Difficult times in family so couldn't get the correct mind to write.

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