《Just Revenge (#1)》The Challenge Accepted


"Where are you going?" Aaron asked as I was putting on my heels.

Awful two weeks have passed since my night out at the hospital. I am finally off the 'resting' state. I have started cooking for two days now. Martha still visits to clean because Aaron said so. Why? I have no idea. I am very well capable of handling everything by myself but no. Aaron wants everything to happen his way. He has been okay for the last two weeks I would say. I mean he didn't get Ruby or Jasmine home and he took care of basically everything related to my recovery process. He had put up a fuzz about me cooking two days ago but I love to cook so I had put my foot down on this one and he had to listen eventually. He still argues a lot with me, but that is normal since forever. Anyways, I am fit and fine like before and I am no longer staying in this house.

No, no. Aaron hasn't done the good deed of finally giving me divorce. He will never do that. Well not for a long time at least. But, that doesn't mean I have to stay in this house like a prisoner. I have a perfect plan of escaping and today I am going to put it into action.

"I am going to find a job." I answered him as I got up and looked at myself in the mirror in the living room. White shirt. Check. Pencil skirt. Check. Black heels. Check. Documents and Certificates. Check. I am good to go.

"Why?" he asked.

"Are you gonna give me a divorce?" I asked folding my arms.

"Of course not." he ask bewildered.

"If you won't give me a divorce, I am going back to work."

"How is that even related? You are not working." Aaron declared.

"It isn't. I was just trying my luck to see if you would say yes. Who are you to decide if I am working or not?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Your husband." he said eating his breakfast.

"Glad, you remember. It almost touched my heart. But, I too remember that you love to mention that dear prenup of yours at every turn. So, let me do the honors this time and remind you that I have checked the prenup again and nothing on it that says I cannot work. So, I will go and find a job."

"Really? And where will you find one?"

"There are many architectural firms in this city. I am sure I will find a job somewhere." I said with a frown.

"One phone call from me and you will not be able to even enter the buildings of those firms for an interview, let alone get a job offer."

"I am sure there are some firms here that have owners that are not scared of you."

"And then you say you do not need more rest. Have you forgotten? I have a monopoly here."

Damn it.

"Yes, but there are a few small firms and if not, I will work at some diner. But, I am not staying in this house any longer", I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Diners are not safe and you should work at places that value the talent you have." He got up to put his dish in the sink.

"Value me, huh? List of places that value me does not include my own home so that filter is invalid."


"Of course you are valued here, Mel. You are very valuable to me", he smirked.

"I know, valuable for extracting revenge, for god knows what", I said glaring at him.

"You know your husband well", he gave me a fake tight lipped smile.

"Do not try to distract me from the topic. I am going to find work today and that's final", I told him with confidence.

"You know those smaller firms you were talking of hire only experienced people. I doubt they will give you a chance." He is playing with you and trying to only dissuade you, Amy. Do not listen to him.

"I have enough experience, Aaron. I can handle myself", I am not letting him get to me this time.

"Enough experience, you say? Then, why were you not so confident about applying to Kingston Designs sometime ago?" he looked down his nose at me.

"That was almost two years ago, Aaron. I have experience now" Where is he even getting at with this?

"So, you are saying that now you will manage to get a job at Kingston Designs, if you try?" he asked with raised eyebrows and an amused smile.

"If is the keyword here. I am not applying there."

"Too scared to face a rejection or too scared you will not be able to meet the expectations?" he smirked leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Neither. I know I will be accepted if I apply. I was the best at Wellington's. I managed a lot of things at my previous job, which you kicked me out from."

"Then, why don't you want to work at Kingston Design's? As far as I can remember, it was your dream company."

"Was. Later, I came to know that the CEO of that company is a psycho." I was gritting my teeth by now. He is so frustrating.

He scoffed and continued, "Psycho? Did you research about Christopher Wellington before applying there? He is a maniac. I can bet my life, I am better than him."

Yeah, he is right. Maniac is too small a world, actually. Chris was...there is not a word in English dictionary to describe him. Aaron is just mean to me. Chris was...just never mind.

"You are doing nothing but waste my time, Aaron so I am leaving." I turned to go.

"Chickening out when you have nothing to say is not the Amelia Lawson I knew."

He did not just do that.

"I am not chickening out. This conversation is not leading anywhere." I exclaimed.

"Then agree that you are scared", he shrugged.

"How many times do I have to say it? I am not scared." I yelled angrily.

"Prove it", he challenged.

"How? Where do you even get such absurd ideas from?" I asked frowning.

"Work for me."

"What? But, there is no position currently open there for an architect. I am not going to work as a cleaner there." I said with my eyebrows raised in confusion.

He rolled his eyes. "You do not read news, of course. How did you even mange to gather that much information is beyond me."

Before he could say anything else, I cut him off, "I had checked online three days ago. How does my news reading habit concern this though?"

"Because two days ago, we grabbed a big project of designing a mansion and since we are all busy with the mansion project, we are hiring new graduates and interns for the smaller projects that came from Wellington's. We made announcements in yesterday's news", he gave me a look saying 'what-do-I-do-with-you".


Well, yeah, I am not that up to date with current news. Reading news is boring. But, that's not the point and he doesn't have to know that he is correct.

"Doesn't matter. I am neither an intern nor a new graduate. So, it doesn't concern me." I retorted avoiding his gaze.

"I need someone people to guide these new hires. I already have two people in the company. I can add you on it as a third", he said.

"I don't want people to think you are giving me privileges because I am your wife. So, no thank you."

"Stop making excuses. I know you are just scared that you will not be able to handle the pressure", he smirked.

"No, no, no. How many more times do I have to say it?" I hissed at him.

"Then, accept the job and prove it. Prove that you are better than what I judge you to be", he challenged.

"Not interested. I don't have to prove anything to you", I glared at him.

"Okay, let me make it a little more interesting for you then. I will hire you for six months. You do everything that I ask you to do in those six months. If in this six months, you can handle the pressure well and not call it quits, I will allow you to work anywhere you want in the city. I will not call them and ask them to not hire you. In fact, I will give you a good letter of recommendation."

"I don't want anyone to think that you are hiring me because I am your wife", I tried to say.

"No one will know you are my wife. You will work as Amelia Lawson, not Kingston."

"But, they will know me. The wedding pictures-"

"No pictures were posted with the news of our marriage, like I had promised. I was just bluffing. I knew you will not bother checking the news. You know you will not die if you see news for once" , he rolled his eyes at me.

"I do see enough news. I was just too broken back then and recently", I said and he shook his head.

"Why would you do this? You have nothing to gain from it?" I asked confused.

"Actually, I do. One, I get a temporary employee to help fill the gap for now and after six months, you are free to go, if you do not quit by then. Two, I know you wouldn't be able to handle it and then since you loose the bet, after six months you will have no choice but listen to me and not work", he provoked me.

"You think you will make me call quits? Let me tell you something. I love what I do. I will work for you for these six months so well that you will loose even before you realize it."

"So, you are accepting the challenge?" he asked.

"Challenge Accepted." I said quoting Barney.

"Great. You are my employee from this minute. Your first task is to reach office at sharp nine a.m. The interns arrive at nine and you are supposed to address the ones under you. All the best." He flashed me a fake sugary smile and picked up his bag and coat. I looked at the clock and it was ten minutes to nine.

"But, that is not possible. You just hired me. It is ten minutes to nine. I haven't even signed the employment contract yet", I tried to negotiate.

"Your contract will be ready when you reach the office. Everything else, not my problem. Oh and if the contract is not signed and ready before I reach the office or you fail to start the intern onboarding on time, consider yourself fired, Ms. Lawson", he answered.

"You are a jerk." I said as I rushed out of the house.

That bloody bastard. His office is at least thirty minutes away with no traffic. At this time of the day, there will be so much traffic. He is expecting me to reach there and be ready with a speech in ten minutes. But, he has messed with the wrong girl. He doesn't know yet that a woman scorned is more dangerous than Satan himself.

I got in my car and pushed on the gas. As soon as I was on the road I called my man in his office.

"Hey, Mrs. Kingston", Peter said as he picked up.

"Hey, Peter. So, what time will Aaron reach there?" I asked.

"At nine sharp" he answered.

"He is still home. Not possible", I replied.

"He has been coming to office in a chopper since last two weeks. He says it saves time", Peter explained. So, that is how he has been managing everything at home in the morning and evening for last two weeks? It obviously saved him an extra hour everyday.

"Mrs. Kingston, are you joining office since today?" Peter asked with confusion.

"So, let me guess, you are printing my hiring contract right now?" I asked.

"Yes and now I know what this call is about", he chuckled.

"Amazing! I do not have to waste my time explaining then. So, here's the plan. I will reach in another eighteen minutes. I need you to delay the printing and processing of my hiring papers for exactly eighteen minutes. I cannot sign the contract on time if it isn't ready. Let's not make the poor interns wait for that long. They must be exhausted with anticipation anyways. So, make them seated and give them some stupid brochure to read or make them watch one of those company policy videos."

"But, I just finished printing the contract, Mrs. Kingston. Boss, knows it", I swear I could here him controlling his laughter.

"Then, you just spilled coffee all over it, Peter." I laughed.

"It can't take me eighteen minutes to print a new one."

"Yes, it can. The printer is out of ink and paper."

"That will take only ten minutes." Peter coughed to hide his laughter.

"You had to attend a call from an important client for the remaining time, Peter. How could you have missed that?"

"One of these days I will be fired because of you, Mrs. Kingston", Peter laughed.

"Don't worry. I will re-hire you. I have my ways, after all. Also, don't call me Mrs. Kingston. Just Amy. People in office don't know yet and I would like to keep it that way. Now, go complete the mission", I said.

"Aye! Aye, Captain!" he hanged up.

I will not let you win this bet, Aaron. No matter what.

I reached the office in exactly eighteen minutes. I checked my watch it was nine twenty. Suddenly, I realized that actually I didn't know anything about the office. I had never been here before in the last two years that I had known Aaron. I never found any need to. Where should I go first? I was still in confusion when I saw Peter walking towards me with a file in his hand.

"Hey, my savior", I smiled at him.

"Boss, has already asked about the contract and you thrice. So, sign these fast and go to the conference room on third floor. Your interns are watching the company policy video right now like you said. Here, this is the list of things to do for the onboarding for next hour"

I nodded as I signed the papers, "How many interns are there?"

"Team of ten under you."

"Cool! Thanks, Peter. You are so much better than your boss", I gave the file back to him as I rushed to the third floor.

I went into the conference room and greeted everyone. I got to know their names and the universities where they are from. I motivated them and gave them a small speech about myself and how to be a good architect and love your job.

After about an hour, the onboarding was finally done. My interns seemed nice and I was excited to work with them and see their design ideas. I saw the out of the conference room and then closed the door behind me. I was lost again as I didn't know where to go now.

"Amy, boss wants to see you", Peter said he handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks so much, Peter. Much needed coffee" I said taking the cup.

"Boss is really angry", Peter said as we got into the elevator and pressed fourteenth floor.

"He is always angry when it concerns me." I rolled my eyes.

Peter chuckled, "I think he knows about our little stunt."

"Relax, he will get over it. Besides, if I am working here and he is going to be himself, he better get used to this." I winked.

"I have a wife and kid to look after. Please, remember that", Peter said amused.

"How's Jennifer and Reece?" I asked as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Crazy as always. Jenny is rejoining her old job as Reece is old enough now." He knocked on the door to Aaron's office.

"That's great." I smiled as we heard a faint "Come in."

Peter opened the door of Aaron's office for me and we walked in. Aaron was sitting at his desk. His office was bright and had a huge glass window to the left. There was a huge rack on the right wall with a lot of files and books on it. Everything was so neat and organized. Everything screamed Aaron.

"Good Morning, boss. Ms. Lawson is here as you asked for." Peter said.

"Mrs. Kingston, Peter." Aaron warned.

"But, the contract says Amelia Lawson, boss", Peter argued.

"Speaking of which, can you tell me why was it signed twenty minutes later than expected?" he raised his eyebrows at us.

"I spilled coffee on the original copy and then Mr. Patterson's secretary called for a meeting reschedule. After explaining to her how the meeting can't be rescheduled, I went back to print another copy and the ink was over, so it took another ten minutes. I gave Ms. Lawson the contract late so she had to wait to sign it" Peter explained as I bit my lips to hide my smile.

"And Amelia, did the onboarding start on time?" he asked me.

"Yes, it started exactly at nine."

"Great work!" he smiled. I did a mentally dance but my happiness was short lived.

"By the way, Peter, Mr. Patterson called me today morning that he is much excited to see me at the meeting scheduled for tomorrow. He has cleared his calendar for the whole day since we scheduled it in the first place", Aaron narrowed his eyes at us as we gulped down.

Busted. Peter!

"And I believe the company policies videos did the work for you, Amelia", he said shocking me. How did he know?

"I have eyes and ears everywhere in this office. Do not dare play such stunts next time. I am letting it go this time for Amelia as I liked the way you managed things. As for Peter, since this is the first mistake you have committed in last seven years that you worked for me, the next time you do anything even close to lying, I will tell Jennifer a few secrets of yours from your university days. I am sure she would love to hear those", Aaron warned as Peter stood shocked.

"Sorry boss, I was just trying to help", Peter said quickly.

"In fact, the help is much appreciated. We are a team here and to work as a team, we ought to help each other. It is not the help that I am angry about, Peter. It is the lying", Aaron said calmly.

"Sorry, boss."

"Sorry, Mr. Kingston."

Peter and I said together.

"As a reward for the helping hand you offered to Amelia, you can take Jennifer and Reece to any of the Kingston Restaurant branches and subsidiaries on the company's behalf twice this month", Aaron smiled.

Aaron is officially mean only to me. That was so sweet of him. Why can't he be this sweet to me too?

Because you are his revenge.

"Amelia, your desk is setup. You will officially report to Tony, your manager. We just need one more signature from you on an HR document. The HR guy will be here in a minute. Then, you can head back to work."

"Yes, Mr. Kingston." I nodded as Peter left.

"You handled it well today, Mel. But, it will not be this easy in the coming days", he said calmly.

"Don't worry, I will handle it. You will loose this bet." I said confidently.

"We shall see", he smirked.

"We shall."

Just then we heard a knock. Must be the guy from HR.

"Come in", Aaron said.

I was shocked to see who walked in. My heartbeats fastened and eyes widened.

Red hair, tall white man. I can recognize that face anywhere.



Thanks to whoever voted so far on all chapters. I am happy to reach 150 reads. Didn't expect that so fast.

Please, vote and comment. I would love to know how readers are finding the story line. Is there something you are excited about? Any guesses about anything?

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