《As told by Tulasi》CHAPTER 10 - Mine, finally


The last few days of college passed without a blip. With only three weeks left for college to reopen, Vinay is in hurry to find a nice house to rent.

He isn't comfortable to stay in his in-laws house and wants to move out soon.

Serves him right. May be now, he will understand how tough it is, for a woman to leave everything behind and start a new life with strangers in a different house.

A week ago, my mother and I went to my in-laws house to get the household items my parents gave for my marriage. Of course my mother-in-law was there shouting all the time that I was a home wrecker who did black magic on her son and took him away from her.

We stayed silent because I didn't want to stoop down to her level, now that I have my husband. If only we could afford to buy new kitchen items, I wouldn't have had to go there.

Vinay said nothing when I told him that I went to his house. I know he feels guilty about leaving me all those weeks and about not being able to change his parents.

Few things can't be done how much ever efforts we put in. The same way, few people cannot be changed even with the huge amount of love we give them and his parents are definitely one of a kind.

I am glad we won't stay with them because I don't want my kid to be anything like them. I know I am being selfish as my baby needs its grandparents but it's good to have none than have someone like them; my parents will just do.

Getting dressed, I sat in the living with a cup of tea waiting for Vinay to return from house hunting.

"How is it?" I asked when I saw him enter.

"Good. Independent house, two bed rooms and fifteen minutes from my college" he said with a sigh, sitting beside me.

"Oh. What about the rent then?"

"Rs 6000 per month. Six months advance"

"Oh, not bad. Well, I - er-was thinking-- shall we go out?"

"What now? Why?" he questioned with a frown.

"I feel like having KFC's Chicken" I confessed "And maybe have some fresh air. Summers in Vizag are too bad. So freaking hot"

He chuckled "I don't know why you are complaining. You grew up in this city. Anyhow, I need 5 minutes to freshen up and then we can go. Is it OK?"

"Perfect" I grinned.

He returned ten minutes later, looking fresh and neat wearing a black shirt and light blue jeans.

"Come back by 7" My mom said as I got onto his Honda Shine bike.

"Are you kidding me? Its five now. The nearest KFC is in CMR Central Mall and it takes more than an hour to reach there. How do you expect us to return in 2 hours?"

"Be careful and drive slowly" she yelled and waved as we rode away from my house.

Exactly one hour fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the CMR Central which was crowded with lots of families and youngsters as usual.

The KFC food court is probably the most filled shop in the whole mall with tens of people waiting in the counters and between tables to find seats. After another half-an-hour, we finally found a place to sit and I eagerly took a bite from my chicken wings.

Now this is what I call heaven.

"You can take a piece too. No need to stare at me like that" I said hotly to Vinay who was staring at me in amusement.


"You never fancied Chicken so much. What's this sudden change?"

"May be your daughter likes it so much. I wonder what we are going to do if she asks for non-veg everyday" I replied, remembering the time Karthik made biryani when I said I wanted to eat Chicken.

"We can think about it later" he said with a smile.

I was busy eating my bucket of chicken wings when my mobile pinged with a message.

Wiping my hands with a paper napkin, I opened it and was thrilled to find a message from Sindhu.

'How are you? Karthik told me what happened. I am so proud of you.

PS I need your help'

What help does she need from me now? Did Karthik fight with her over something? I talked with him just yesterday and he sounded very happy, as usual; which can mean only one thing. She did something crazy.

'What did you do now?' I typed a reply.

'Bought some trendy dresses for Karthik when we went to shopping recently but scared to divulge the news. I want him to wear them for his birthday tomorrow but don't know how to convince him :('

Hmm. Karthik and trendy. Interesting. I don't think he will agree but if anyone can convince him, then it's definitely her.

As an idea struck me, I quickly typed 'Promise him something that only a wife can give ;)'

It took almost a minute to get a reply 'Are you saying about a cake because I already baked one'

I face palmed myself seeing her message and Vinay asked in worry "What happened?"

"Nothing. I am just surprised by Sindhu's stupidity"

"Sindhu? You mean-um-Karthik's wife?" he asked with a frown.

"Yeah. See what she is saying" I said, showing our conversation to him and he burst into laughter reading the last message.

I chuckled "Now I understand why Karthik says he never gets bored of her stupid talks"

"He really loves her. Doesn't he?" he asked, smiling.

I nodded with a smile "He's crazy about her. And you know, I can just understand that with the way his tone changes abruptly when she is the topic of conversation. He complains that she is the most crazy and stupidest girl he's ever seen but it's apparent that he loves that side of hers as much as he loves her caring side."

"He seems like a great guy to me. If he is your friend, then maybe I can try to be his friend too"

"I don't know. I mean he has two different sides. He is a very serious person to everyone and doesn't talk much. His lovey-dovey and teasing side is only reserved for his wife. So, I don't really think if you two can get along well"

Before Vinay could say something, my mobile pinged again with a new message from Sindhu 'I am waiting for your reply. Why didn't you answer me?'

'That is because I am surprised by your stupidity. A cake? Seriously? Anyone can bake. He doesn't need a wife to do that'

'Not everyone can bake. My mom doesn't know how to make cakes' was her idiotic reply which made feel like 'I-want-to-hit-my-head' right now.

'If Karthik wants it, he can always go to a bakery. You are not needed for that.

PS Why the hell are we discussing about stupid cakes?' I typed furiously.

'You want me to blackmail him with romance? Is that what you implied?

PS My cakes aren't stupid'

I sighed in relief. Thank God. Finally. She's getting somewhere.


'Yes. I wanted to--' before I could finish typing, I received a reply from her 'Thank you. I just got the perfect idea. I don't think he'll be able to deny that :p'

'You are welcome. May I know what it is?'

'It's a secret ;)'

Chuckling to myself, I resumed munching on my Chicken wings when I found a familiar person walking towards our table.

"Mam" Vinay exclaimed in surprise seeing Professor Parvathi and an old man who must be her husband.

We got up to greet them but she quickly gestured us to sit down as she spoke "So when are you going to say that Professor Vinay is your husband"

"I am so--"

"It's ok. I understand. You didn't want to defame him"

"How did you know?" I asked in surprise.

"The most appropriate question is when did I know? And the answer is a few weeks ago. I never saw him in our staff room until you came along. And the looks you two passed are a big giveaway"

"I am really sorry. I wanted to say so many times but---"

"Tulasi. I told you I understand" She said calmly "When it comes to husbands, women can be a bit protective even though we don't get along with them sometimes"

I nodded with a guilty smile and her husband spoke, looking at her "You are right Paru. She resembles our Kalyani very much"

"Your daughter?" I asked with a sad smile and he nodded, observing me.

"We would have been busy arguing about the best school to join our grand kid if they both were alive" he said sadly, looking at his wife.

"He would've been 3 years old. Wouldn't he?" Parvathi said with a sad smile and he nodded.

"But our daughter is here. In her form" she said, throwing a glance at me.

"And your grand kid is here" I said, rubbing my belly and the man smiled.

"You are very kind; just like her" Her husband gave a sad smile saying that "Can we visit you? Not frequently but--"

"Anytime" I interjected with a smile "I am your daughter too"

"Thank you" he said softly and together the old couple walked away, towards the exit.

I didn't realize a couple of tears stumbled onto my cheeks until Vinay gave me a hand kerchief.

"It's ok. They will be fine" he said soothingly.

"I don't know. It just pains me so much, every time I hear about her daughter" I croaked, patting my cheeks with the kerchief.

"I understand. What happened to her was horrible" he agreed.

After spending a few minutes in silence, with the two of us lost in our own thoughts I told him that I want to go back home and he complied.

The journey back home was longer and we were exhausted by the time we reached home. We didn't talk much during our return trip but surprisingly, there is no awkwardness between us. Even the silence was comfortable.

Though I am lying down on the bed feeling extremely tired, I don't feel sleepy.


Hearing Vinay made me turn towards him. He gestured with his fingers to come towards him as I was sleeping at the end of our bed and I rolled onto his side, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Are you still thinking about her?" he asked softly and I gave a slight nod.

"I feel so sorry for them"

"We can do nothing about it. She is --" he sighed heavily as he said "gone"

"I know" I replied before looking at him "We can visit their house sometimes. You know, like how her daughter would go" Pausing to see any change in his expression, I added "Is it ok with you?"

"Of course" He replied calmly, giving me a kiss on the forehead and I smiled.

"Tuls. I want to talk about something else too" He added looking a bit unsure.

"Yeah. Tell me"

"I never formally apologized for every---"

"It's ok. What's done is done. You need not---"

"No, I want to. Please don't interrupt me" Sighing heavily, he continued "I am sorry for everything happened in your-our life. I know I shouldn't have let you bear everything all alone. What I did was a bad thing"

"I was used to mom taking decisions for the 28 years of my life and thought you'd get used to her just like me. I thought she knew what's best for us"

"But, I was wrong. I thought she wanted money because she married my dad giving dowry and wanted the same for her son too. I thought she was only being old fashioned. During the few times you complained, I thought you were exaggerating because you don't get along with her"

I tried to deny his statement but he put a finger on my lips to silence me "Now I know that I was wrong. I understood from your conversation that she treated you poorly. I can't change the past but I promise that I will not let anything or anyone come between us in the future"

"I will try to be a man worthy of you. I will try to be the person you feel proud to call as your husband. Above all, I will try to be the best father to our daughter. I promise Tuls that from hereon, I will never leave your hand"

"Really?" I said with unshed tears "What about your parents then? I know you feel responsible for them as their only son"

He looked at me sadly "I don't know what to do. I am torn between what is right and what is my duty. As a son, I have a duty to take care of them during their old age but how can I do that when they don't care about me or you. I can't leave them to die because that makes me a selfish and irresponsible son"

"They are your parents and you can't suddenly stop loving them even though they don't care about you. Is that what you wanted to say?" I said softly.

"Yes. But, I can't let them live with us too; now that I know what they are capable of"

"What do you want to do then?" I asked calmly.

"We will lead our lives separately; away from them. If they ask my help during illness, I will comply their wishes. Whatever may happen in the future, I will not leave your side nor will I let them anywhere near you. My life is with you and our baby now"

"So, who is your first priority then? Me or your baby?" I attempted to joke to lighten the mood.

He gave a light chuckle "Of course you; as of now" he added the last part in almost a whisper.

I couldn't help but smile, hearing his answer. If only he knew, our love can only be multiplied after the baby's arrival.

We would be needing each other more than we ever did and I believe that I can get through the new phase of our life with his help. Every word that came out of his mouth today evening sounded so honest like he meant it.

What more do I want from life?

I am finally happy, living with the man I love and my baby will be in this world in a couple of months which can only make our lives happier.

"I love you" I said softly, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I know" he replied with a dashing smile that never failed to bring a smile on my face.

He may not be the best man in this world but he is my man. After going through a lot of trouble and hardships, I can finally call him mine.


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So, what do you think of Tulasi's story as it's done. Did it reach your expectations? Are you happy with the ending?

No one can be perfect. Sometimes, you have to learn to accept the person you love for what they are. This is real life and it's scary :(

I will try to update 'He is in love' ASAP (I am yet to start working on it) Don't delete this book from your library. There's still an epilogue left where Sindhu and Karthik will be meeting Tulasi and Vinay.

Any suggestions regarding forgotten loopholes or story construction will be helpful to me. Do you think I should make any changes or improvements to this one or the other one?

Have a happy weekend.


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