《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 23


Sanofar's POV

I woke by the sound of someone knocking the door. I turned to see Asyraf who is sleeping peacefully. I walked to the door and saw mama.

" Yes mama, come in." I said

"No beta, sorry I forget to tell you something." Mama said

"Anything serious mama?" I asked

" No beta, nothing to worry. Actually yesterday Dadhi called and asked you both to come over. I forget to inform you. Your baba asked both of you to go today. Please tell Asyraf about this." Mama said.

"But Mama, how about offi....."

" Baba can handle it naa. Its just a matter 2 days. Please beta, you know about your dadhi. If she knew I informed you both late, then you know what will happen. Her cold glares are enough to make me pass out." Mama said in her scared tone. I just chuckled.

"Ok mama. Dont worry. No fear, Sano is hear." I winked at her. She just kissed my forehead and walked from there.

" Asyraf, Asyraf.... Wake up" No sign of him waking up. I walked to him and tap his shoulder and in a blink he was on top of me.

How did I even get here.

"As...Asyraf, wake up." I said

"Why so hurry to go to office honey." I blushed as I heard him called me honey.

"We are not going to office today" I said

"You naughty, what will mama and papa think. We can continue our romance at night you know." He said.

"Shameless" I pinched him hard making him whined in pain.

"Mama said we are going to......"

"Finally, I was waiting for so long" He said

"Really, you must have missed her a lot" I said. I know he loves his dadhi so much

"Who?" He asked.

"Huuhh, who? Wait, What was the thing you were waiting for so long?" I asked. He is the one who said he was waiting to see dadhi then he asked who🤨🤨🤔🤔


"We are going to honeymoon naa. Thats what mama sai......" He stopped when he looked at my reaction.😑😑😑😑

" We are going to dadhi's house and we will be staying there for two days." I said

"Owhhh, never mind. Can be considered honeymoon in the country." He said. I just shook my head. The i realised our position, i just pushed him and ran to the washroom. I took bath and changed into my blue salwar and start packing our things while Asyraf taking shower.

We got ready and we left the house. We were enjoying our ride with a lot of music and ice cream. Actually, I'm having it. Poor Asyraf cannot have ice cream while driving

"Asyraf, who else is staying with Dadhi?" I asked.

"Hmmm Dadhi, Khala ammi, Seher, and her brother Arsyad. He is a doctor you know." he said making me shocked.

Wow, Seher is staying there. There is a big drama waiting I guess.

And then I remembered something. Asyraf said that he loves me to Zain that day.

"Asyraf, you said something to Zain while both of you were quarelling na. Its that true?" I asked

"Yes Sano, its true. Although I hate to admit it." He said. Wait what. Hate to admit.

"what are you talking about?" I asked

"You are talking about Zain's love towards you right." I looked at him shocked. Zain's love? ZAIN'S LOVE??????

Idiot, I'm talking about your love.

"Did I ask you about that?" I shouted

"Then what are you talking about?" He asked and by reading his face, I knew that he don't remember.

"You know what Asyraf.... Just forget about it" I said and keep quiet

After 45 minutes, we reached dadhi's house. Masha Allah, the house, I'm sorry, the mansion is so huge and beautiful.

We walked to the door and we knocked on the door. Seher opened the door with her 1000 watt smile.


"Asyraf, I was waiting for you. Come in." She said and dragged him.

"Wait Seher. Come biwi(wife)." He held my hand and we walked together. I could sense something burning. Naahhh don't worry. Its nothing. Just that Seher's stomach is burning.

"Asyraf, Sano. I was expecting you earlier." Khala Ammi said and kissed my forehead.

"Me too" Dadhi said. I hugged dadhi and she kisses my forehead.

"You know dadhi, I was waking him for 1 hour. He is not even getting up. And the he took shower for another 1 hour." I complaint. On your face Asyraf, you didn't remember the important thing that you shoud remember but unnecessary stuff you could clearly remember.

Dadhi walked to him and twisted his ear.

"Ouch dadhi. It was not my mistake. It was Sano's mistake" He said

"What she did" Dadhi asked


"Let me tell you dadhi" I cut him.

"I asked to shower quickly, but he scolded me. Now he is telling that its my mistake that he couldnt enjoy his morning shower" I said sadly.

Dadhi pinched him hard.

"Scold her one more time, I will break your teeth." She said. I smirked at him.

"Maa, let him go na. Come beta, lets have lunch" Khala ammi said. We walked to the dining table and we took our seat. Asyraf was sitting between me and Seher. Both of us were throwing daggers to each other.

"Hmm, Khala Ammi, the smell of chicken biriyani and mutton korma makes me hungry." I said

" Sano, you just ate ice cream and snacks in the car." Asyraf said

" Are you trying to say that I am a fatty. See naa dadhi, everyday he teases me like this." I said

"Asyraf" Dadhi said with a very cold glare. Geez, now I know what mama meant.

"Biwi, I didn't mean that, you just ate ice cream and snacks. You must be tired. Should I feed you?" he asked.

"No thank you."I said and start digging into my biriyani. Who wants him when I have my biriyani.

I chocked when I felt something rubbing my thigh. I looked at Asyraf's hand but he was eating like nothing happened.I tried to remove his hand but I failed.

"Sorry, I'm late." We turned to the voice and saw a man entering the room.

"Ohh finally I could meet my bhabi. Assalamu Alaikum bhabi. I'm Arsyad." Arsyad said.

"Walaikum Salam. How are you?" I asked

"Alhamdulillah. I'm good." he said

"Ouch" I shouted when I felt Asyraf hold my thigh tightly.

" What happen." Arsyad asked

"Nothing, I...I kicked the table accidently." I said.

"Ohhkkk." Everyone were eating peacefully except me. Arsyad dropped something and bent down to take the thing. He straighten up his body a with shocked look.😳😳😳

At the same time dadhi dropped her spoon she wanted to take it when Arsyad shouted.

"Dadhi noooooo."

"Why Arsyad. Why are shouting." Dadhi asked

"You can't bear it if you bend down" He said.

" What" dadhi asked

"I mean, you cant bear your back pain if you bend down. We can take it later." He said

Dadhi just shook her head and continue eating.

"Bhai, you know that there are two unmarried kids in this house. I hope you understand." He said in low voice. Asyraf immediately took his hand from my thigh. Then, I realised that Arsyad is sitting exactly opposite us. Allah, its so embarassing.


Assalamu Alaikum everyone.

How are you all. A short update. Sorry for the late update. Hope you like it. Thanks for your love and support.

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