《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 22


Sanofar's POV

" Moron. First he said who will drink coffee at this time, now he is asking for coffee. I'm stucked with a bipolar jerk."

I took the coffee and walked to his cabin. I stopped on my track when I heard them quarelling.

"What have I done until you hate me like this" Asyraf said

Zain hates Asyraf. Why?

"I don't hate you, I hate myself to befriend with you. For trusting you. Because of you, Imran is not talking to me. He said I am accusing you." Zain shouted

They were friends. Bhai too, but why I don't know.

" I know you loved Sano during school times..." Asyraf said

Zain likes me?

"But its unfair to snatch my wife from me. I love her." Asyraf said. He said it. He said he loves me.

"Correction, I still love her and talking about unfair, do you think what you did was fair?" Zain said.

Allah, what kind of situation I'm stucked. Why he have to confess on a hectic situation like this.

"What I did Zain" Asyraf asked.

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER RASCAL." My world shattered when I heard what he said. The cup I was holding fall and shattered.

Both of them turned to me and looked at me shocked.

"Sano, listen" Asyraf said but I ran from there. I don't know why I ran from there. Maybe my heart cannot accept that Asyraf killed someone.

But my Asyraf won't kill anyone but why Zain said that. I asked the driver to drive me Asfa's house.

The driver stopped at Asfa's house. I get down from the car and walked to her door. I knocked on the door and I saw Asfa's happy face.

"Sano, I didn't expect you to be here. Mama and papa just went out. Its ok. Come in"She said. I couldn't control my tears anymore. I hugged her and cried.

"Sano, what happen. Tell me na. Don't scare me." I broke the hug and told her everything.

"Did you asked Asyraf about it." She asked. I shook my head.

"Why"She asked.

"I don't know" I said. Honestly I don't know.

"Idiot, you must talk to him. Who knows there might be a misunderstanding. "She scolded.


"Wait, I will call Asyraf. You talk to him and sort out the problem. Ok" I nodded.

"Give me Asyraf's number, I will call him....

"I don't think so you need my number anymore." I was shocked when I heard his voice. I turned and saw Asyraf on the door.

"How do you know I'm here. I thought you wont know where I ran away." I asked confused. For a second I forgot why am I here.

"No one will run away with a driver. I called Rahman bhai and he said you came here." I mentally slapped my face.

" Jeeju ( brother in law), you make my sister cry." Asfa said faking anger. Seriously, why can't you just scold him. Asyraf just smilled at her.

"Take your wife home and explain to her." Asfa said. Asyraf nodded with a thumbs up👍.

"And you, listen to him. Understand?" She asked. I nodded quickly.

" Now both of you go back and clear out your misunderstanding. Come back here when you have sort out everything." Asfa said.

We nodded like kids who were scolded by their mother. We bid our goodbye. I get inside Asyraf's SUV and sat quietly. Our car ride was filled with silence.

Asyraf stopped the car near a park. I looked at him confused. Why aren't we going home.

"This will be the right place for us to talk." He said and get out of the car. He jogged to my side and opened the door for me.

He held my hand and we walked to a empty bench. We sat there and stayed quiet for few minutes.

"Asyraf, I trust you. But I'm feeling restless after what I heard from Zain. Please tell me it was not true." I said and i could hear my voice cracked.

" I didn't kill her but I'm the reason why she died." He said. I felt as if my heart was crashed into pieces.

"Khaira, her name. I always look at her like Rabia but I don't know where I have done a mistake that she fell for me. I told her that she mistook my intention but she never listen." Asyraf said



Asyraf's POV

" Khaira, why are you sitting here alone." I asked. She just looked at me

"Are you having any problem. Remember, I will be always there for you. Just remember that you have another bro......"

"No Asyraf. Dont say that" she cut me

"Say what?" I asked

"you cannot be my brother" she said in low voice

"what?" i asked

"you cannot be my brother" she repeat but this time i can sense confidence in her voice.

"Why I can't be your brother." I asked

"I.....I want...you to be my.....hus...husband." She stammered.

"What? Khaira, do you realise what are you saying" I asked.

"Yes Asyraf. I know you like me too. The girls in my college always say that you cared for me. It must be love." she said

"Stop it Khaira, yes I do care for you but not as a lover but as a sister." I shouted

" But... You said you will be always there for me." She said

"Yes I do but have I ever mention that I will be there for you as your lover." I asked. She looked at me shocked.

"Asyraf, please don't say that. I will die if you leave me." Khaira said.

"Enough, I never loved you. Its you who misunderstood." I said

Thats when Zain entered the room and he misunderstood that I cheated her.

"I trusted you Asyraf but you played with my sister's feelings." He shouted

"Zain you misunderstood......" I couldn't finish my sentence because a punch landed on my face.

"Get out right now before I do something crazy." He said and that broke my heart. I started to walk from the room.

"Wait." he said. I turned to face him

"This will be your last time to be here in this house and in my life. After this, I don't want to have anything to do with you. You always said that the only ship that won't sunk is friendship. But today, at this moment, our friendship not only sunk but shattered into pieces. GET OUT." he said. I could feel tears flowing. I just walked from there.

I was on my own world when I heard my phone rang. It was Imran.

"Hello, tell me Imran. What is it?" I asked.

"Bro, Khaira....... Khaira..."

"Whats wrong with her." I asked

"She committed suicide bro." He said. I was shocked. I couldnt believe what he said.

"How. She....."

" I just went to Zain's house. He asked me to not to tell you but I couldnt." He said

"I never knew he hate me so much till he didn't even want me to be near him at this time." I sighed. I felt guilt overwhelming me.

"Bro, we had a fight. He blamed you for Khaira's death and I slapped him. He misunderstood that I was supporting you. I tried to explain but he was talking rubbish. Then I just get out from there. How can he just blame you like this?" Imran said.

"He was right, I was the reason. I shouldn't have care for her. I never knew she will misunderstood my feelings towards her." I said and hung up.

" I didn't kill her but I was definitely the reason for her death." I said and looked at Sano who was looking at me with tears filled eyes.

"No Asyraf, you are not. Everything happened for a reason. I can understand the reason for Zain's anger. Both of you must talk to clear things out. Remember, I will always be there for you. " She said. I pulled her towards me and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks for being an understanding wife." I said

"I'm sorry, I never let you explain. This is my problem. I never let you speak and jumped to conclusion." She said looking down. I raised her chin with my finger and make her look into my eyes.

"Its ok, next time, if you didnt let me to speak, then I will shut your mouth with my ways." I said and winked at her.

She blushed and pinched me hard making me winced.

"Come Mr.CEO, lunch hour is over. We have to head back to office." She said and pulled me by my hand walked to the car. I just smiled at her childishness.


Assalamu Alaikum friends.

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