《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 8


Sanofar's POV

I'm so happy today because we are going to fix bhai's engagement and marriage date.

Everyone left to Rabia's house. Me and sahirah went to the bouquet shop and I bought the biggest bouquet over there with Rabia's favorite chocolate on it.

I checked the time and its already 7. Allah, I'm late. I quickly start my sahirah and rode to Khan's mansion.

I parked my baby and walked to the door. I already text Rabia I had a surprise for her and asked her to open the door. The bouquet was so huge and it covered my view .

" I love you so much. Please come to our home soon." I said as soon as I heard the door open. I'm sure Rabia going to love me for this surprise.

Bhai, you should learn from me. Now you should be jealous because she would love me more😜

I slowly move the bouquet in a dramatic way anddd....

My mouth hung open. First, its not Rabia.

Second, its her BROTHER.

Allah, why I have to face him like this. What he would be thinking of me.

"I... This.. I brought this for Rabia. I'm .... I'm sorry" I said.

Why are you stammering Sano. Don't show him that you are nervous when he is around.

Then I looked at him. He was looking handsome in his blue sherwani. His sherwani sleeve was until his forearm, and he was looking.....

Lower your gaze girl

My brain said.

"Astagfirullah" I lowered my gaze.

Then I saw him smirking at me.

" Like what you see?" my jaw dropped. He noticed that I was checking on him. Why am I getting embarrassed like this.

"By the way, I like the way you propose me. Come, let's go to home." he said. Now I'm totally shocked.


"It's.. It's not actually for you. It's for my bhabi" I said and ran from there.

I checked myself and currently I'm looking like a tomato.

Then I saw Rabia smirking at me.

Idiot. It was her plan. Monkey, I'm going to kill you.

Suddenly I feel dizzy. Damn I should have eat something. I was busy in the preparation and I forget to eat. If papa knows, then I'm gone.

I make myself steady and walked to my parents. We were talking and they finalised that the nikah would be on next month.

" Sano, get the sweets from the car beta." Mama said

" I will help" bhai said while waking up from the sofa. I pushed him back.

" It's just sweets, not a rock. I can bring it. You just stay here and look at my bhabi who is blushing nonstop." I said and I could hear Rabia muttered idiot. I just chuckled and walked from there.

I was walking towards our car when everything black out. Then I only remember that I fall on something hard.


Asyraf's POV

I was grinning like an idiot the whole day. Her shyness, her nervousness is affecting me and her accidental proposal.

I love her childishness , the way she fight with Imran.

" Allah, I forget that there are 50 sweet boxes. She cannot carry all of them by herself" Noor Aunty said.

" 50 boxes?" my mom asked

" I asked her to buy 100 but she said 50 is enough." Mirza Uncle continued

" Mirza, we are not opening a sweet shop. 50 is too much you know." Baba said while laughing.

" It's ok aunty. I will help her. If Imran go then she will ask him to go back" I said. I looked at my sister who have that stupid smirk on her face.


I just walked from there and I went outside to look at her who was standing while holding her head.

What's wrong with her.

Then I saw her who was past out and going to fall on the bricks where the sharp end is pointing upwards.

I dashed to her and before she could fall, I just scooped her in my arms.

" Sano, Sano wake up. You are scaring me. Girl! Wake up." She didn't react.

I panicked and bring her inside the house. My parents and hers were shocked looking at her state. Imran dashed to me and take her from my arms.

At that moment, I felt something close to me was snatched . I want to protest but I don't want to create a scene.

I immediately called our family doctor. After 20 minutes, she arrived.

"Nothing to worry, I think she didn't have anything since morning. Give her some juice when she wake up." Dr. Rabiha said and prescribed some medicine.

My heartbeat is still abnormal. For a second, I thought what will happen to me if something happens to her .

You love her, don't you?

My heart asked.

Am I in love. Do I love Sano.

" Mama" she said as she opened her eyes.

" Baby you scared us, and why you didn't eat anything. Why you have to starve yourself." Uncle asked.

She just give him a smile and they hugged her.

" Bhai stop starring at her like that. That's creepy. She is fine now" My sister whispered.

I just glared at her.My eyes was on her all the time.After few minutes, they bid their bye and left.

I walked to my room and just lay on my bed. I was thinking of her only. She fit perfectly in my arms.

"Bhai, I know you love my bhabi so much, but stop doing that face. It's creepy." Rabia said while entering my room.

I just smiled as I heard how Rabia called Sano bhabi.

" Bhai, where is your usual dialogue , ' No, I don't love her' Did you forget bhai " she asked.

I just wake up from the bed, took my towel and walked to the washroom not before answering her.

" Why should I say something which is not true" I entered the washroom while looking at my sister who was looking like a statue.

Yes, I love her and I want to marry her.

Baba, I have found your bahu.


Ok guys, if you don't remember Sahirah, then read chapter 1 again

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