《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 6


Asyraf's POV


This is how you can described me right now.

I want to see her. I really wanted to meet her. What is happening to me.

Come on Asyraf, you are not a teenage boy. It's just some attraction. Focus on your work now.

I was fighting with myself when my sister entered my office.

" Assalamu Alaikum bhai" she said.

"Wa Alaikum Salam. How are you ?" I asked.

" Bhai, we just met a few hours ago." i face palmed myself mentally.

" I mean, you rarely come to my office. That is why" I said.

"Me and Sano was having a coffee date nearby your office. Then, uncle called her and she went home. Then i ...." she stopped and look at me.

"what happened?" I asked

" Why are you smiling and why the hell are your cheeks turning pink. Are you ok bhai." she said

Damn!!! Asyraf don't act like a lovesick guy. Now what am i going to tell her.

I wanted to answer her when baba called.

" Yes baba" I said

" Asyraf, call Rabia and ask her to come to the office right now." he said. I could feel something is wrong.

" Baba she is here. We will be there in a minute." I cut the call and looked at her.

" Let's go. Baba is asking for you" we walked to Baba's cabin.

" Baba, you called me" She asked as soon as she entered.

"I heard something from Mirza. Is that true" He asked. Suddenly her face turned pale.

What happened.


Rabia's POV

"I heard something from Mirza. Is that true" Baba asked.

"About what Baba?" I asked although i knew where the conversation is going.

"I'm asking whether its true or not." He said firmly.

"Baba, how can she answer you when she don't know what are you talking about." Bhai said.

" She knows what I'm talking about. " he glared at me. Tears were threatening me. I nodded and he let out a sigh.


" I thought I'm always a friend to my kids. I failed as a dad." he said

" Baba, please don't say that. If you don't like it. I will forget him. Please baba, please don't blame yourself" i cried.

"Rabia, heyy princess. Don't cry. I'm ok with it. But you could have told me that you liked him when i asked you to marry Ridhwan." He said while carresing her back.

" Sorry baba. I was just scared. It's ok baba. I will forget him. Please don't blame yourself." I continued crying

" Princess, i liked Imran very much. When I met him yesterday, i feel that he is the right person for you. I wanted to ask you but I want to give you some time. But when I talked to Sano and Mirza this morning, they told me everything. I was just feeling bad because I never asked your opinion about Ridhwan and we tried to tie you both together. Everything happens for a reason. Now tell me, are you ok with it?" Baba asked.

" Are you ok with it?" I asked back

" Why not, I know him since he was 5. He is a very good boy who loves his mother and sister. A man who respect his mom and sister will love his wife till his last breath because he knows in every man's success , there must be a women."My dad said.I just smiled .

"so yes or no" my dad asked. I blushed.

"So can I take it as a yes?" Baba asked. I nodded. Baba hugged me and kissed my forehead.

The i turned to my brother who was fuming in anger. He just left from there. Me and Baba exchanged confused look.

I bid my bye to Baba and ran after him.

"Bhai, why are you angry. Are you not happy with this." I asked.

" Forget about Baba, I thought I'm not only your brother but I'm your best friend. I never said that, you are the one who said that. But you never tell me about it. Am I not deserved to be a good brother or a friend. Now I understand why he left. Even he didn't consider me as his friend." he said. Ok, my brother's angry mode is on.


" Bhai its not like that. I'm just scared that you won't approve."I said while holding his hand.

"Why the hell I won't approve. I wanted you to marry Imran at first. When I asked you about Imran, you said that you think him as your own brother. That's why i didn't utter anything" he said.

What??? He was talking about Imran.

I remembered one day bhai asked me what I think about his friend. I thought he was talking about Rashid bhai. If I know he was talking about Imran, I would have tell him my feelings.

"You were talking about him that day?" I asked.

" Yes" I face palmed myself.

" I thought you were talking about Rashid bhai" I said and he just laughed at foolishness. Even he knew how I respect Rashid bhai as my own brother.

Ok he is calm now.

"Bhai, you ok with it naa." he just smiled.

" Rabia, even if you have get married to Ridhwan, I don't think that I would be in peace. Now I can relax because I'm giving you to my soul friend. The person I trust the most. I'm happy for you sweetheart" he hugged me.

I never knew that if I jave tell them about my feelings, my job would be easier.

But it's ok because I will be his soon🤭🤭🤭


Asyraf's POV

I'm really happy for my sister and my best buddy. I'm sure Imran would take care of my sister very well. If not, he should be ready to count his bones.

I was in my cabin when Baba entered.

" Asyraf, you are fine with this right?" Baba asked

" of course Baba" He just smiled

" Asyraf. You remember our deal?" He asked. Which deal? Must be Mr. Syeik's deal.

" Yes baba. Mr.Syeik would be coming next month for signing the official contract. So next....."

"I'm not talking about that" he cut me


" You remember, before you reach 28 you have to get married or forget about your this seat" he said.

Ohh o. I'm stucked.

"Baba actually...."

" Asyraf i want to give you somemore time" he cut me again. I smilled


" You are given 1 month. Yours and Rabia's marriage would be on the same date. That's final. No more argument young man." My jaw dropped hearing what Baba said.

He is kidding me. Even my birthday is 4 months away. I gave him a pity look. He just sighed and said

" Ok fine. I give you option, you want your wedding before your birthday or on the same day as Rabia's? Answer me. Tik tok tik tok. Brithday or Rabia?" he asked.

I wanted to answer birthday when I saw Rabia entering my cabin. She just left my office. Did she missed something.

"Rabia?" I called her.

"Then it's final. Your wedding would be on the same date as Rabia" he said and then left my room leaving a dumb me alone with the devil.

"Monkey, why did you enter the room at wrong timing." I shouted.

She looked at me confused.

Now how am i going to find my bride

"Bhai Sano said thanks, but i don't know why. Maybe because you apologies. Weird. Anyways, bye. I have extra classes." she said and left the room.

"Sano" I smiled. I think I found someone.


Assalamu Alaikum everyone.

I know since it's my first story, its not that interesting. But i really hope your would give me your support.

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Thank you🤭😁

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