《Splattered Paint - Dan Howell》Briefcases and Suits


Phil’s P.O.V

After a few hours of lazing around and slowly setting Darcy’s phone up, we decided to head to the bank and retrieve her family’s money. She wasn’t aware yet of how much was there, and I made sure to not let her get her hopes up in case it wasn’t a large amount. She protested, claiming she had been told in the orphanage that it was a very large amount as the money from their sold house and belongings had been added.

“It’s only a few minutes from here” I promised her as I drove along a main road, spotting the tall building in the near distance. After arriving, I pulled into the car park and scanned the rows of vehicles for an empty spot, parking once one was spotted.

We entered the building hand in hand, Darcy taking out her ID that had been created whilst she was in the hospital.

“I’m kind of nervous…’ Darcy admitted, gripping my hand tighter as men and woman walked past with suits and briefcases making me feel slightly out of place in my Pokémon shirt. Darcy and I walked quickly to one of the ladies behind the glass windows and Darcy began to explain her situation.

“Hi, um, I’m Darcy Thompson. I’m not sure exactly what the process is but I’m here to claim my parent’s money left for me once they passed away. M and J Thompson? I am here to retrieve the money in the account” The lady eyed us suspiciously before nudging the glasses on the tip her nose and scanning us up and down.

“ID please” Darcy placed her card in the slot between the counter and the plastic window, and woman picking it up and glancing between the card and Darcy. After a few moments the woman began to type into the computer and scan the screen.


“Right now let me see… M and J Thompson…” Darcy nodded and soon the woman must have found the account, her eyes widening at the amount before she glanced at the ID once more and back up at the screen.

“Okay Miss Thompson I have the account here and currently saved is five hundred and twenty thousand pounds. Would you like to transfer it to keep this as a savings account or transfer the money to a different account?” Darcy was utterly speechless for a moment, as was I, but after regaining normality, she decided to keep the savings account but transfer a small portion to a spending account. She was asked to sign many papers which she required a bit of help during. The woman seemed mildly impatient but I didn’t rush Darcy.

I myself was completely shocked by the amount she now owned, and as was she judging from her expressions and speech. However, her family were incredibly wealthy, owned a large house and had a large income.

After the paper signing was done and she had been told her card would arrive in the mail within a few days, Darcy had to set a code, in which I was told to sit in the waiting area so Darcy could have some privacy. I expected her to be a few minutes, but ten minutes later she was still discussing things with the woman and writing down things. Eventually she turned and began walking towards me with a huge smile on her face.

“What took you so long?” I asked, but not angrily or impatiently.

“I was writing a check, and having the money transferred immediately” I walked with her out of the doors, leading her to the carpark.

“For who?” She smiled up at me and held my hand as we got closer to my car.


“To you, I was paying you back for all the things you bought me, and a bit more for taking care of me this while time and letting me stay with you” I stopped in my tracks and gripped her hand tighter whilst staring down at her.

“Darcy I told you that you didn-“She cut me off immediately.

“I wanted to and you deserve it. I have quite the fortune now and it was only right you receive a portion of it” I shook my head to protest but Darcy changed the topic instantly and began discussing other plans for the next few weeks.

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