《Gone》Chapter 54- Swords


Virgil let out several sounds of anger as he repeatedly attacked the poor straw dummy with a sword. It had been dealing with Virgil's attacks for a while now and the teen had yet to tire himself out, and still, despite the abuse the dummy had barely been damaged at all. Over and over the thump of his sword sounded as it slammed into its side and head and other weak points.

He wasn't even treating the dummy like an actual opponent, and more as a pinata or a rug that needed beating so as to get rid of dust. Really, this was more to get out his pent-out anger than to practice anything.

It had been a week since they had gotten caught trying to free Remus and Janus. A week since Logan and Virgil had been separated from everyone else. A week since they learned Marus wasn't dead. A week since word had been sent to the Light Realm and Prince Hollis, and yet no response.

He hated it here.

He hated everything here. He hated the homophobic comments. He hated the stupid lessons he and Logan had to endure from Ira. He hated how every time they talked to the others there were bars between them and someone was always closely monitoring their conversations. He hated how his grandfather always pulled him aside to 'catch up' and 'bond' or whatever the hell he wanted to call the awkward conversations they had. He hated how people were pressuring him to speak, and speak right.

He hated how his grandfather and General Tafe had assumed that Logan and Virgil were just going to follow along and become their little heirs and tyrants or whatever the hell. That they'd give up everything and everyone they knew and loved just so they could have power. He hated that his grandfather still thought of him as a naive little kid.

And then there were the smaller things he hated.

He hated how he and Logan were always having to be accompanied by guards. His grandfather said it was for his protection, Tafe had not hesitated to admit it was also to keep them from doing anything they would regret. He hated how every single act had to be watched and whatever people didn't like had to be explained. And he absolutely despised that he had to spar with a dummy using a wooden sword. He had been using real swords since he was ten. He had been sparing against real people twice his age since he was twelve. He wasn't going to learn anything new with a stupid dummy and a stupid wooden sword.

Virgil screamed in frustration as he hit the dummy one last time before it suddenly ignited and purple flames began to eat away at the straw. Virgil stared at it a bit, slightly surprised at his magic before Logan, who had been sitting beneath a tree and reading not to far away, snapped his fingers, and water from a nearby barrel began to lift and fly itself over the burning man. Virgil watched as the large puddle began to rain onto it as Logan caught his attention again.

"That's the third practice dummy you've lit on fire Virgil, sooner or later someone is going to notice."

"Everyones noticed," Quinten said with a roll of his eyes.

"And you wonder why they aren't allowing you to use a real sword and fight a living being. It could result in a real death if they did." Logan told him as he went back to his books


'They're treating me like a kid,' Virgil signed as he sat down next to Logan, 'I'm not a kid,'

"You sure are acting like one, with all these tantrums you're throwing."

'And I'm sure you're happy having to have all the books you want to read approved by both Ira and your uncle'

"Of course I'm not happy, but I make do."

'How are those books even going to help us anyway? They wouldn't let you read anything they thought you could use against them.'

"How is fighting with a wooden sword going to help us?"

'I'm going to get my sword back. My grandfather can't just take it from me. It's mine and Dee's sword.'

"Well, technically the sword belongs to the king of the Dark Realm correct?" Virgil nodded hesitantly, "Well, I don't know if this is true in the Dark Realm. But I know that if this had happened in the Light Realm, your grandfather would technically still have the right to the throne, and it would pass to him before your brother."

'Grandpa gave up the throne before I was even born. And my dad and uncle banished him. You can't have the throne if you've been banished.'

Logan hummed in disagreement and Virgil sighed angrily as he laid down on the grass. 'Can you ask if we can visit-'

Logan shook his head sadly, "Once per day, we already saw them today."

'But I'm worried'

"As am I Virgil, but last time we tried to see them when it wasn't permitted Janus and Patton were hurt. My uncle is upset enough as it is." The worry in Logan's voice was evident, and the reminder that it had been Janus and Patton who got hurt do to their actions made Virgil wince and sent a pang of guilt through him.

The prince sighed as he picked up the wooden sword and stood up again before making his way to the now charred sparring dummy. This time though he decided against beating and burning the poor straw man and instead chose to run through some drills. Logan shook his head slightly as he returned to his book, though he continued to keep an eye on his friend just in case.

A few minutes passed and Virgil was still running drills when Logan's uncle and a small group of soldiers walked by only for Tafe to pause and watch. Logan looked up warily, "Can we help you, Uncle?" he asked, not an ounce of trust in his voice as he spoke.

Virgil came to a stop mid-swing before finishing the exercise and turning to face everyone.

Tafe ignored his nephew, eyes on Virgil instead, "Rumor has it, what you lack in magical expertise, you make up for with swordsmanship." Virgil looked to consider this for a moment before nodding confidently, "Who taught you to use a sword?"

'There was a knight my father assigned who was in charge of my training. Prince Remus taught me a lot too.'

Tafe nodded as Logan translated, "Mr. Robinson," he said to one of the soldiers, "Find me another wooden sword, if the Prince is up for it, I'd like to see how true those rumors really are."

Logan narrowed his eyes, "Uncle I really don't think that's-"

"I didn't ask for your opinion Mr. Croft, well Prince Virgil? Do you accept?"

Virgil looked confused and slightly afraid, he turned to Logan and the two signed back in forth for a minute or two while Tafe and his soldiers watched. In the end, Logan looked angry but seemed to relent in the silent argument they'd had, "As long as it is a sparring match, and nothing more, Virgil accepts your challenge." Logan said for his friend.


"Of course," Tafe agreed, "I did, after all, promise his grandfather that no harm would come to him, did I not?"

Logan, still suspicious of his uncle, spoke up again, "Then you won't mind removing all your weapons from your persons, right?" Tafe stood straighter at the suggestion but only nodded stiffly as he began to remove the iron sword and whatever other weapons he had from his belt. Virgil only rolled his eyes as he took off his coat and pushed his hair back, he wasn't expecting a fair fight. He wasn't expecting to get out of this sparring match cut or bruise-free, though you shouldn't ever expect that from sword fighting, even when sparring with fake swords.

He finished readying himself just as the soldier Tafe had sent away returned with another sword and handed it off. Virgil glanced over at Logan, he had put his book down and was watching them both intently. His eyes glowed just slightly blue, barely even visible and most might play it off as a trick of the light, he was prepared too, prepared to jump in if his Uncle did any serious damage to Virgil. Virgil just mimed for him to take a deep breath before turning to face Tafe.

"Are you ready your highness," Tafe asked as he examined the sword and tested its weight Virgil nodded as he adjusted his stance and raised his sword. Tafe approached Virgil, they now stood in the center of the space with the guards and Logan all surrounding them. Franklin took a step forward to referee the match. He checked to make sure they were both ready before signaling for them to begin.

The 'clack' of the swords smashing together made a few people flinch backward. Unsurprisingly, Tafe was a lot stronger and more skilled than Virgil was. Virgil had already anticipated this, the general was older than his father and had several more years' worth of experience than Virgil did. Not to mention where he had gotten this expertise, this man had lived through and fought a war, you were bound to learn a thing or two in those circumstances, weren't you?

But, Virgil was actually doing pretty well for himself. He was faster than the General- he was faster than most people but the General could also keep up slightly better- and his reflexes were better so he could block most attacks okay. In the end, though, Virgil was forced to backtrack and ended up tripping on a rock. He might have been able to catch himself if the general hadn't taken that opportunity to thrust forward and use his sword to finish pushing Virgil to the ground before he leveled the sword by his heart.

It took a moment for Virgil to figure out what happened, he wasn't completely sure of the legality of that move since rules tended to be different between kingdoms and they hadn't established many at the beginning but he supposed that had it been a real fight the move would have made sense and might, maybe, be considered fair. "Do you yield?" the general asked after Virgil had been staring at the wooden sword pointed at him for a moment too long.

Virgil blinked and looked around, well, there wasn't exactly any way to get out of this and the general had already tapped his sword to his chest which would technically make it his point anyway. He nodded and the general retracted his sword, then held out his hand to help Virgil up. The prince, hesitantly, took it and the two took their stances again. Franklin cued them and-

This time Virgil made sure to use his speed and size to his advantage. He attacked first and the general was just quick enough to block it. He dodged one of the General's attacks, occasionally throwing his own. Once again he was doing well for himself, he managed to move them forward a bit. The General smiled slightly with each attack he blocked, he had to admit, he was slightly impressed. Virgil may be young but he was a very talented swordsman, the boy could probably best some of his men if given the chance.

The general disarmed Virgil, the prince managed to evade and dodge the generals blade and even get back to his sword but right before he could swing the sword again the general had tapped his chest again. Virgil couldn't help but frown slightly as he yielded and they made their way to the center of the ring for the last round.

Before the fight began, Virgil took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath. His hands and legs had both been shaking throughout the past two rounds, perhaps that had influenced his performance. Though even if his limbs hadn't been shaking, he doubted he would've won. He just needed to calm himself though, take a moment to ground himself before the fight began.

"Virgil, are you alright?" Logan asked when he noticed.

Virgil nodded, eyes still closed as he continued to breathe. Tafe couldn't hurt him anymore, his grandfather wouldn't allow it. This was just a sparring match, he had already gotten through two rounds without so much as a bruise. He was fine, he was safe. There was no need to worry about getting hurt, not right now at least, Not at the moment. He just needs to relax and focus. He needed to pretend that this was just a normal sparring match, that he wasn't fighting against Kieran Tafe. This was just a normal match, there was nothing special about it. Ready?




Virgil slowly opened his eyes and lifted his sword, he looked to Franklin and nodded to show he was ready and the last round began. Once again the clash of the two swords sounded as Virgil blocked the generals first attack. This fight lasted longer then the other two had, everyonce in a while one would barely manage to avoid getting hit. Or there'd be a bit of a struggle to block an attack. Virgil managed to make some movements and push the general back several steps.

Several minutes passed before the general hummed and swung his sword downward diagonally as if slashing at the prince's chest. Virgil dodged the wooden blade, ducking away from it and swiftly moving behind the general. Tafe moved to turn but was stopped when Virgil placed the edge of the blade near his neck. The prince smiled as he realized he had won this round, yes, the match went to the general, but the fact that he had even been able to score a single point was definitely worth bragging rights.

Virgil didn't remove his sword until the match was called and over, he knew better than that. Once it was done he sighed with a slight relief and moved away from Tafe and his soldiers.

"You did very well Prince Virgil," the general commented after a few moments, "I must admit, I was not expecting you to carry as much skill as you did. it is not often I meet a well enough adversary as young as yourself."

'Thanks,' Virgil signed warily as he took a drink from his flask of water, 'You too I guess, good job not killing me. Nice self-control.'

"Virgil," Logan warned lightly, he was still the only one who understood but what if that wasn't always the case? Virgil rolled his eyes and was about to see if he could convince Logan to let them go back in when the General spoke again.

"Perhaps I will speak to your grandfather about allowing you to continue your combat lessons with me."

Virgil's head snapped upward and he quickly looked towards Logan for help, his face said it all, 'No.'

Logan shook his head as he stood up, "No, sir, I do not think the prince would appreciate that. Nor would Ira, it would take him away from his studies."

"I do not care for the opinions of that witch. The lessons would serve you well Virgil."

"His grandfather will not-"

"Mr. Croft, are you intending on speaking for the king?" Tafe asked Logan. Logan opened and closed his mouth for a moment before shaking his head, "Are you speaking for Virgil?"

"I'm just translating Uncle, the prince would not like to train under you."

Tafe narrowed his eyes, "I will speak to your grandfather," he repeated, "I will see the both of you at dinner, Logan, I expect a moment of your time before you retire to your chambers tonight."

"I'll be busy," Logan growled.

"It was not a request. You will be there or I will revoke your privileges to visit your friends in the tower. Is that understood?"

Logan huffed angrily as he nodded and spoke through gritted teeth, "Yes sir."

The general didn't wait a moment more before he and his parade of soldiers marched away to the other end of the castle. Logan growled angrily as he let himself fall back onto the bed of grass he had previously been sitting on. Virgil frowned and took a seat next to him, patting his friend's head sympathetically with a frown.

He felt bad for Logan, he wouldn't want to be left alone with Tafe either. Unfortunately for Logan, he'd lived with the man for years now, it was not uncommon for his uncle to pull him into his office for a brief 'chat' which often meant a lecture or an hour of his uncle reprimanding him for something (normally something that was out of his control). Logan sighed, "I hate that man," he muttered to Virgil.

'Wanna try sneaking away from Franklin and Quintin for a bit?' Virgil asked. For the most part, the two wouldn't get in trouble if they snuck away from their guards and neither would their friends. As long as they didn't sneak away to do something they weren't supposed to then the worst they got was an annoying talk from Virgil's grandfather and a stern look from Logan's uncle.

The guards were the ones who got in trouble, the general would make them run laps or clean out the waste buckets in the cells for a few hours before they'd be assigned to the two again. This was because Markus and Keiran had a strong belief that it shouldn't be possible for the two to be able to sneak away if they really weren't planning on 'causing mischief' and were just intending on finding an abandoned room or exploring the more forsaken parts of the castle that had yet to be taken care of. They believed the guards were at this point being lazy and slacking off. So, if neither they nor their friends and family were going to get hurt, then every two or three days Virgil and Logan might sneak away from the guards a couple of times.

Logan nodded, anything to be free of this 'new life' for a few hours.

'Good. I say we sneak down to the kitchens and steal as many cookies as we can to give to the others on our next visit.' Virgil signed with a smile.

"They'll be cold and hard by then," Logan said with a frown.

Virgil shrugged, 'I'm sure you can think of a spell to help us out a bit. Lets say in an hour or two, okay?'

Logan nodded, if there was one bright side to any of this, it was that Virgil still occasionally managed to find ways to keep their spirits up. Logan blamed his time with Remus, there was no doubting the ex-prince had spread his love of chaos to Virgil.

The two glanced over at their guards to see if they had understood any of what had been discussed, doubtful but not impossible, they had not. Virgil pulled on a smile as he stood up and brushed himself off, playing innocent before using his notepad to request they go inside for a bit.

Logan sighed as he stood to follow Virgil, but looked to the tower the others were being kept in. He was surprised to see Roman's face peeking out from the window. Roman smiled when he noticed he had been caught, and gave a small wave. Logan couldn't help but do the same, he was about to try and sign a message (though by now he had noticed that he was much better at understanding it then actually signing) but by then Franklin had noticed what he was looking at and was dragging him away.

He groaned but decided to keep this spot in mind, maybe during their brief time away from the guards later Virgil and Logan could come back here too and see if they could find any way to communicate with the others. Logan looked back to the window one last time this time, however, when he looked to the window Roman was frowning.

Don't worry, help will arrive soon, just a little bit longer.

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