《The Bromance Scheme (boyxboy) (Editing)》The Talk


Jason's POV

"I really don't want to talk to somebody I can't remember," I said looking away. I felt the bed sink and I realized he was sitting on the bed close to me and my heart started beating crazy fast maybe it is my heart or the banging on the door.

"Stop playing Jason I know you remember," he said getting closer to me.

"I don't know anyone by the name of Justin," I said proudly

"I didn't tell you my name Jason," he snorted-ReallyJason? Really?

"So I want to apologize," he said quietly causing me to look into his big brown eyes and I started feeling funny all over.

"I didn't mean to be a horrible friend, or leave you, or make you hurt, or not realize your pain I'm really sorry Jay," he said and tears started to fall on his face. I don't know if of was the banging on the door or the fact he used his old name for me Jay but I broke down also and I felt his arms around me as we threw ourselves apityparty.

"I am sorry Justin I didn't mean what I said maybe we could forget, this ever happened, forget I like you and go back to Hannah," I said her name like it was acid on my tongue.Whatareyousaying ?! Stoppretendingyoudon'tNEEDHIM.

"No No! Jason I am sorry I was so confused I hated the fact that I actually had feeling for you, the fact that the kiss took my breath away,I just thought about acting gay never really .... you know.... so it was hard and when I thought about it I was always in love with you I mean that is why I want girls who have the same physical features as you I guess I never wanted to admit I wanted the real thing," he said quietly making me blush but the banging on the door stopped. But I didn't bother looking away from Justin.


"Jason I love you and I am fool if I didn't realize that before, and I am thanking god for TheRomanceScheme," he whispered and held my hand.

"I didn't mean to do all those stuff I said and did, I didn't even do it with Hannah I mean she tried togive me head and I was thinking about you all the time we were making out and when she like took off my pants I kinda exploded in her face saying your name but she was too happy thinking she caused it to realize I said your name and she changed into my shirt then Riley came and we saw the accident on T.V I thought I lost you JayI hope you know I would've come and joined you if you left me, my life is nothing without you," he said crying.

"Sorry for cutting," I whispered looking away hating the tears that fell on my face.

"You better be never do it again, and I'll handle your dad I just can't believe he did that to you-"

"Why now ? I mean is it because you realize you need to save me because I am. broken and want to kill myself? Maybe you don't love me and just feel sorry for me I mean my own dad hates me I kind of did it for him so he could be happy the two most important people in my life would be happy if I was only dead and -"

I was told to shut up in the best way possible his soft,warm lips pressed against mine and my stomach exploded. It was a gentle and soft kiss then turned in a passionate hungry kiss and his moist and soft tongue begging for entrance which and granted and he easily took dominance. We broke free gasping for air and staring into each other's eyes.


"Don't say that Jason I love you," he whispered resting his forehead against mine.

"Oh really now?" A voice said that made Justin jump off the bed. We both looked at the person who said that and I regretted it instantly because we came face to face with the monster. Myfather.

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