《The Bromance Scheme (boyxboy) (Editing)》Hope


Jason's POV

It's been a while I'm just here in darkness I could scream but it made no sense I heard faint voices every once in a while but when I tried to follow it I just couldn't so I am just wondering around in darkness. If this is heaven I really have to have a talk with my priest. Then again it could be hell because loving ..... I can't remember his name or if it is a him maybe it's a girl so that would mean I am in heaven wow let me tell you thatt hey were really selling it making heaven sound super awesome.

I heard laughing I followed the noise and saw al ittle boy playing with his mother it has to be his mother she looks exactly like him. They look happy and he was with another boy, is that his friend?And that tall man must be his father they look happy. Wait No! Why is the boy crying..... oh his mother...., she died. I wish I could tell him it would be okay! Why is he hurting himself and hiding it? Somebody help him! Why isn't his friend there to help him? Why is his father beating him. There weren't any smiles anymore just sad and angry faces the boy is crying but noone is hearing him! Please somebody help him! Please save him!


Justin's POV

"Jason wake up," I said with my voice cracking."It's been two weeks Jason please wake up, I can't sleep eat and your dad is even worse he just a walking zombie each day he would come crying and begging you to wake up and you just won't, do you hate me so much now that you won't come to me Jason? Mom is helping him she comforts him the best she could Riley doesn't hate me as much but she misses you, Mel and Tia miss you too, I miss you Jason please just wake up," I whispered as tears fell down my face.


"Justin honey please eat, had to force a sandwich down your throat a couple days ago eat please," mom begged coming into the room. She looked pale and depressed, all of us did. I sighed and stared at Jason again bruises all over and scars from cuts on his hands, a band around his head, his pale skin, his busted and blue lips, he just looked horrible he looked how I felt dead.

Tears started streaming down my face again mom ran up to me and hugged me but I did feel it I couldn't feel anything I was just numb, I thought about the thing that caused this to happen the thing that meant I might loose Jason. The Scheme.

I watched as Jason tried helplessly to ask a girl out. Leah Sean I admit she was cute but she didn'thave nice brown hair like Jason so she wasn't my type. I watched as he scratched behind his neck nervously avoiding eye contact talking to Leah who looked bored out of her mind. This is going to end well.......I watched as Jason waved her goodbye and walked to me with his head down.

"Don't worry Jay I heard she has head lice anyway," I said trying to make him feel better and hegave me a weak smile and nodded.

"I have a idea,"he said and his mood completely changing."So I heard that girls like boys who, well I don't know but I read girls are attracted more to boys who had a little bromance thing........ going on , something about it being cute and wanting things they can't have so maybe we should try it,"he said with eyes ful lof hope.

"Dude I am not gay," Isnorted.

"I know but just for pretend and we will get alot of girls, please Justin I read about it and it works, it is sad that I can't even get a girlfriend maybe because I am ugly and my accent-"

"Fine Whatever!You are so annoying when you guilt trip me,"I said annoyed he grinned and hugged me.

"Dont worry we just like hold hands and stuff call each other babe every now and then and kiss on cheek,"he said and grimaced at the last part.

"Fine but this better work," I said trying to hide the smile I liked the thought of us doing that stufff or some reason maybe because we were bes tfriends.

"Yeah let's call it The Bromance Scheme,"he said cheerfully putting his shoulder over mine i smiled I liked the name it had a ring to it.

"Justin," mom said shaking me and snapping me out of my thoughts. I regretted the scheme now for what it had caused but I loved it at the same time it was heard to explain. Suddenly I felt a finger rubbed against mine . Jason'sFinger. I know he going to wake up that small movement gave me a little hope.


ShallIwritemore ? :3 @Our_Lord_SatanIamherewaitingforanupdateonInvisibleeverybodyshouldcheckitoutBTW =) VoteandComment

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