《The Bromance Scheme (boyxboy) (Editing)》Confused


Justin's POV

"Jason will you please just stop!" I shouted for the hundredth time. Jason was running and I was chasing him. I don't know why he is running,he is so stubborn I will kill him. I finally got up to him and grab his wrist he turned around and his facial expression killed me he looked disgusted and other feelings hidden deep in his eyes I couldn't even recognize. I feel so guilty and start to hate myself because that kiss did something to me and I just can't explain.

"That was horrible, only because of this stupid scheme let us just never talk about," the words fell out of my mouth before I realized what I said. I looked at him something else flash into his eyes for a second then it quickly went anyway his whole facial expression and behavior changed everything went blank my heart literally dropped and I don't know why.

"Yeah whatever dude let's go home I'm feeling sick," he said. Sick because he kissed me? Was the kiss really that bad?

"Come on Riley and Justin," he said but the way he said my name like just saying my name was enough to make him go all king Kong in the place, I didn't even realize Riley was behind me. I'm trying not to over think this, I just nod and follow him back to car. The ride home was awful just complete silence.

"Bye Jason," I whispered getting out of the car. I don't even know why I whispered, okay I know why. I was just so afraid to speak to him I never saw him like this. He drove off without even saying goodbye that hurt even more and it drove me insane because I don't know what he is thinking. I want to know! Why am I even thinking about this? That stupid kiss I'm not gay and that kiss meant nothing!


I'll try to convince myself that as long as possible. I mean I think I'm loosing it I'm up in my room it has been four hours since Jason dropped me off I tried texting and calling him but he won't answer. I traced my fingers along my lips I could still feel this kiss lingering there.


What the fuck!?! I need to go to sleep before I turn gay or something, I'm not against gays I mean I pretend to be gay to get girls for Ben's sake! Who is Ben? I'm getting a head ache, I don't mind pretending to be to gay or a lil bromance thing to get girls but to actually be gay is a whole different 'balls' game I don't want to play..



Pic of Justin.

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