《The Bromance Scheme (boyxboy) (Editing)》Apology?


Justin's Pov

"Hi Justin," she said shyly her cheeks were red like cherries. I just stared at her why was the new girl that punched me in front my door.

"Come in," Jason said pushing me aside so she could come in, she nodded and came in I stared at her.I snapped back into reality when Jason was pulling me into the other room with a smile on his face.

"The new girl is here!" he whispered/yelled. "I know she had a thing for me I'm so sexy," he continued smirking.

I chuckled, " Yeah it would be true if she came to your house not mine," I said grinning feeling kinda proud.

"Hey you-"

"Shhh!!" I put my finger on his lips cutting him off. " You hear that voices, she is talking to someone in the other room," I said slowly walking towards her.

"Who?" he whispered following me.

"MOM!" I shouted running into the room.

"Oh Justin, you didn't tell me-" she was saying and I cut her off by grabbing the new girl's hand and dragging her up to my room with Jason following. I know it seems rude but the worst thing i could of done is stay there mom would go all Agent Gibbs on me then she might start showing her pictures of Jason and i when we were little and I know for a fact she would she her the picture of us naked in the bath tub..... Dont ask it was a one time thing.

"Yeah mum this girl is doing a project with me no time to talk!" I shouted dragging her into my room and slamming the door after Jason came in breathing heavily. Jason is really lazy walking up about 12 stairs and he is out of breath.


"You really need to get some excerise Jason," I snorted. He was just about to tackle me when someone cleared their throat, shit I almost forgot the new girl was here.

"Oh yeah Hi new girl," I said sheeplishly.

"Umm.. It's Riley," she replied awkwardly, Jason and I just stared at her. I tried to keep a strtaight face while Jason was behind me only poking my back for some unknown reason.

"Please stop staring, I just came here to apololgize for punching you, I just was going through a rough time moving here and having to break up with my girlfriend and then I took it out on-"

"Wait girlfriend?" I asked giving her a questioning look. Shit that meant Jason won-

"HA! I TOLD YOU GIVE ME MY 20 DOLLARS!" Jason shouted grinning and doing his happy dance. I sighed, he continued dancing I gave him his 20 and punched him so hard he fell on the floor I burst out laughing, then suddenly before I could react Jason was on my back tapping me in my head.

"Get off monkey!" I shouted. I swear this boy was so freaking heavy which was hard to believe because he was so boney which was even harder to believe because he never excerised and was so damn lazy.

"NO NEVER AND STOP MAKING FUN OF WEIGHT IN YOUR HEAD!" he shouted back laughing and continued tapping me it always amazed me how he knew exactly what I was thinking guess that is why we were best friends.

"MOM!!! Jason is-"

"Ummm... Should I go ?" Riley said softly. Jason and I forgot again that she was there. We both stopped and stood there looking at her.Well this is awkward.

"Ohhh no sorry see I made a bet with this dumbass here," Jason said pointing at me, I slapped away his hands glaring at him.


"That you were les or bi and I clearly won," he said cheerfully I hate when he always right about stuff it pisses me off because I hate to lose and he knows this so he just rubs it in my face.Asshole

"How did you know?" she asked confused. Oh no now Jason is going to talk about his ability or whatever he calls it.

"Oh you see I have this gift-" Ohh 'gift' is the word.

"He has this quote-unquote 'Gift' for telling people's sexuality, he said he just knows even when they dont know," I said in a mucking tone.

"Ohh so are you two dating?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"EW!" I shouted making a nasty face.

"We are straight," we said again in sync.

"Oh but I saw you holding hands and stuff," she said again glaring at us.

"Oh that is just a little sche-"

"No No No.. Jason we cant tell her now, anyway yes we straight," I said cutting Jason off and tapping him in the head.

"But you are in love, I thought Jason said he could tell people sexuality and he cant even tell his own or his bestfriend?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"No it-"

"Anyway I better get going nice talking to you two I just moved in two houses down, that is howI know where you lived saw you passing by.. bye now," she said leaving the room and a short while after I heard the front door close.

"She is crazy I think I would know if I was gay or bi," Jason said kinda nervously and dropped on my bed.

yeah..... We would know... Right?

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