《The Bromance Scheme (boyxboy) (Editing)》The Scheme


°°°°Justin's Pov°°°°°


I groaned and stretched my hand out and threw the stupid alarm across the room. It stopped and I smiled and started to fall asleep again and something hard crashed down on my body.

"Ahhh!" I screamed pushing the thing to the floor then I heard loud laugh.

"Go away I know it's you, go away," I said snuggling up into my bed.

"Justin dude get up first day of school you don't want to be late," the voice said.

"Didn't I tell you,I started to home schooling instead?" I asked trying to sleep again.

"No" the voice said again.

"Well yes I did now leave my room Jason before I karate kick your ass," I stated bluntly hoping he left. Jason Thomas is my bestfriend since forever and I swear I love him to death but he knows how cranky I get in the morning.

"Oh I see..." he said and I heard him leaving and I sighed in relief.

"I'll just double check with your mum, Ohhh! Mrs.Har-"

And with that I jumped on him pulling him to floor."Dude I hate you!" I shouted. I hate waking up in the morning but once the Mightly Mary Harris is involved I'd get up in a split second. My mom is a nice, sweet, kind lady but when it comes to school she will turn into the big bad wolf and I'm the little piggy with a newspaper house. So since I love my life right now and would not like to die but would love to kill Jason, I will get up.

"Awww Jussie Wussie I love you too," he said in a baby voice, I punched him.Jason is a horrible friend and I dont know why I hang out with him. Oh right I do because according to the girls 'W make the perfect gay couple.' Which we use to get girls with our little bromance thing. We pretend to be into eachother and the chicks totally fall for it and then we realize that maybe we have feeling for the girl at the time and she totally falls for it and then we hit homebase.


"Dude what is the point of school away... I think I will just be a pimp and make my hoes get my money-"

"Ah Ah Ah! Don't disrespect the ladies'" he said cutting me off. I just stared at him. You see Jason is very complicated one minute he is Mr.NiceGuy then he turns into a complete dick.Bipolar Much?. I dont know if he is a virgin or not,well of course I'm not, I mean come on a teenage boy has his needs right?

He bursts out laughing ,"I know right I couldn't believe it either'" he said still laughing. See? You could never tell with this guy. I take a moment to observe him, he is wearing a jacket as always for some reason he always wear long sleeved clothing he says it is because he gets cold easy . I suspect he was drunk and got a lame tattoo of spongebob's face or something and wont let me see.

"Dude fudge off will you, you know I hate school I usually skip the first week anyway," I said smiling. That my friends was an example of why I'm going to hell I lied and Jason always says 'lying is a sin' blah blah blah. So I'm surely going there, I at least hope there is cake. Yumm now I'm hungry.

"Yeah right! All talk you know your mum will kill you just hurry and get ready, I heard lots of new HOT chicks are transferring to school and I wanna pick out who I want," he said smirking and getting up.

"Yeah yeah whatever! You just want me there to pull off the bromance thing," I said slowly crawling to my bed I looked at his smirking face. I knew that was what he wanted I get scared sometimes because every now and then he makes it seem like we are really together but I just brush it off because know I'm not at all really gay.


"Yeah that is what best friends are for, you know girls can't resist the little bromance love stuff when we start and the faces they make you know," he said winking.

I chuckled " 'Ohh my goshh you too are so cute,' 'I wish you were straight so we could date I love someone who isn't not afraid to show their feeling' ," I said mocking the girls in a high voice.

We both laughed."The best part is when we say we are willing to try new things because they are special," he said laughing harder. I know it sounds mean but can you blame us? If there easy what can a poor horny teenager do?

"And like that we have them wrapped around our finger," I said smiling remembering all the times. Jason and I did it soo much it waas our trade mark. I remember all the times I brought girls home mom didn't really 'approve' so I just started hitting it at the girl's house.

He slapped me butt,"Hurry and get ready babe," he said smirking. When Justin does stuff like that I get creeped out for some reason. I mean it has to be creeped out I'm feeling what else would this turning and flipping in my stomach be?

"Touch me like that again and I'll kill you, bromance scheme thing is for getting girls nothing else," I said glaring at him.

"Okay Mr.I Am On My Period, just hurry up," he said dropping himself on my bed.

"Yeah whatever," I mumbled going into my bathroom. I walked in and popped my head out and watched Jason. An evil idea popped into my head and how could I not do it? After all he did attack me a while ago and almost got me killed from my she wolf of a mother.

"I admire you Jason," I said feeling a smirk crawling up my face.

"Why?" he asked curiously raising his eyebrows.

"Oh I admire you because you are brave enough to stay there and get my manly juice all over you," I said smirking.

"What?" he asked still confused. Sometimes times you would think this kid is a dumb blonde or something.

"Nothing I had a lot of free time on my hands and-"

"EWWW! dude no! no!" he shouted jumping off my bed. I laughed hard and closed the door and started to get ready.

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