《Your Book Sucks and Here's Why》Become the Taylor Swift of Wattpad (aka Famous)


As of when I'm writing this (2019), Business Insider wrote an article about how Taylor Swift is the highest paid celebrity in the world, having a net-worth of around $360 million. Now, why is this important? Well, because she's fucking famous as hell, and don't we all want to be famous like her? Of course we do!

So, how do you become the Taylor Swift of Wattpad?

It's simple, but it probably goes against everything you'd like to hear. I'm just going to say it: write popular genres. You know, the cliches. The bad-boy loves stories. The bad-boy werewolf love stories. The bad-boy romance stories with love triangles. Basically, everything that's dime-a-dozen when it comes to creativity (or a lack of it). Just ignore everything you've read so far in this book and do the exact opposite. Don't write within niches that no one knows about (like Henry Bowers x Eddie Kaspbrak as I did, because no one reads that particular sub-genre).

If you want to write in niche genres, go for it! You won't find fame within them, though, or at least not substantial fame, simply because the audience is so limited in numbers.

Just keep in mind (and I'm sure none of you care), but just remember: Wattpad fame rarely translates to fame on the real market when books enter the legitimate publishing phase and are sold places like Amazon or Barnes and Noble. This is simply because the audience shifts from early teens who love sappy romance riddled with cliches to (young) adults who (in general) prefer a more mature, realistic take on a story. That being said, selling your soul and writing something you aren't passionate about may not be worth it in the end for you, especially if you're pursuing a serious career as an author.


That being said, am I telling you to sell out to what the masses want and produce a generic, overused work of fiction that you aren't crazy about just to get views/votes? If fame is what you're after above all else, then yes, that's the way to go. Also, for anyone who is thinking, "I won't ever get famous because I'm a shitty writer and I don't have any followers and no one knows who I am," well, you may be right. It's also about targeting yourself to what the people want and writing accordingly. This may include Harry Potter fanfiction, Game of Thrones fanfiction, really any fanfiction... You get the idea.

Hopefully, you can tell that this was not to be taken seriously. I am mocking people who sell their souls and write stupid shit just to get famous. I deeply do not encourage writing what's most popular just to get views. The numbers of views don't matter. I'm going to say it again for the people in the back: the number of views don't matter. I struggle with this, too; the feeling that your book is terribly written and worth nothing simply because it hasn't attracted thousands of viewers, and you don't have dozens of eager fans gushing about how great your book is. I find myself not wanting to post chapters anymore because no one seems to care.

But I care.

And it's your book, so no matter what it's about, you should care.

Seeking after fame on Wattpad hinders your creativity and reinforces the false idea that it doesn't matter what you write or even if you like what you're writing as long as the number of views skyrockets. That is as far from the truth as it can be, and don't believe that for a minute. Your book is amazing and wonderful and other flowery adjectives not because of what's within it, but because you wrote it. You sat down and dedicated countless hours to it, you saw it through to the end, you developed your characters and your plot, but most of all, you enjoyed the process. You had fun writing it.


If you're not having fun, stop reading this book right now. I want you to take a long, hard look at your plot and ask yourself, what can I do to this story that will allow me to start looking forward to writing again? If you have to stick the two main characters together in a romance, do it. If you have to kill off an annoying character, do it.

The most important thing you'll read in this book is this: all of the advice I've given you is important, but it's completely and utterly worthless if you don't enjoy writing your story.

So, for the love of God, write.

In my IT (2017) fanfiction, the plot isn't great, the characters are a bit stereotypical, and there isn't much guiding the storyline other than romance, but boy do I have one hell of a time writing it. You know, it'll never end up in shop windows or YouTube book reviews or made into movies. The only people who'll ever read it are a few here and there on Wattpad. But so what? It has brought me great joy to immerse myself into the world I've depicted in the novel, and that's all that matters.

I want you guys to know that your story matters. Your characters matter. Your plot-line, no matter how cliche, matters. You having a great time whilst writing matters. All of this matters way more than you becoming the next Taylor Swift of Wattpad. Sure, as you advance, you should adhere to some of my (and other people's) advice on leveling up your writing and ridding your plots of cliches and such.

But for now, enjoy the process.

Maya Angelou once said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

So write it. If no one else listens, I will. If no one else reads it, I will. If no one else fucking believes in you, I will. No matter what anyone thinks or says or believes about your story, it is worth everything.

Trust the process. Trust yourself. I believe in you.

Do you believe in yourself?

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