《Abducted by an Alien》Doctor Visit


Waking up, I notice I am still in little space. I stretch, sit up, and try to get out of bed. Try being the key word here, both Trey and Anders have their giant arms around me. Pushing them off doesn't seem to work, but it does wake them up.

Anders: Good morning baby boy, what are you doing?

Gavin: I want to get up daddy.

Anders: Why do you need to get up? It's still early baby.

Gavin: Done sleeping, time to get up!

Trey: Hey, what's all the yelling for?

Gavin: Daddy want let me get up and I'm done sleeping!

Anders: You don't need to shout Gavin, we will get up soon. Now be a good boy and try to go back to sleep.

Both of my daddies pull me back down and trap me in their arms. I cross my arms and pout. I don't want to sleep anymore! Once they fall back asleep I think of another plan, I start sliding to the end of the bed and somehow I am able to get their arms off of me now that they are asleep again. I jump silently off the end of the bed and head to the bathroom. I need to take this yucky diaper off now. I strip myself and decide to take a quick shower to clean myself off. I don't need my daddies help. Gavin is a big boy! Once I'm all clean, I hop out of the shower and come face to tummy with both of my daddies. I quickly try and grab a towel to cover my naked self, but I'm not fast enough. Before I even know what happened I am wrapped in a towel and sitting on my biggest daddies hip.

Anders: Care to tell your daddies what you are doing?!?!

Gavin: Gavin needed a shower, he felt icky. 🤷‍♂️(this is how I imagine his reaction)


Trey: Didn't we tell you to go back to sleep little boy?!?!

I don't respond and both of my daddies just sigh and carry me to my room. They change me into a clean diaper and a long sleeve onesie with some socks. I don't complain and just let them baby me. I have nothing more to say to them. I do what I want. Ha!

Anders: That was naughty of you baby, you could have hurt yourself. I should spank your ass, but I feel like now is not the time. You will get a punishment later though. You have a doctors appointment with my uncle this morning to make sure you are healthy. He will be here soon! After that you can write lines for being a naughty boy this morning.

I don't respond and just pout in his arms. We head to the front door to let the doctor in and I can't help but tense up. I hate the doctors, they always have something to say. I will try not to roll my eyes too much during this visit.

Doctor: Good morning boys, thanks for having me over!

Anders; Thanks for seeing him today. The only concern I have is he still doesn't eat much, but I don't really think he is unhealthy. I know he was around 100 pounds last time. He doesn't feel like he has gained anymore though.

(Pretend they have a clinic in their new house)

Doctor: I understand, let's see what we got. Place him on the bed please.

The doctor does all the usual checks and I sit there quietly. I am not looking forward to my punishment after this. Ugh, why did I have to be so stupid. My hand is going to be hurting over a shower. Epic fail Gavin. I don't even notice when the doctor picks me up and places me on the baby scale. I roll my eyes at this, like I can't stand on an adult scale. News flash, I can! I look at the numbers and cringe slightly, looks like it's under 100 now. Daddy is not going to be happy about that. Kill me now. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Gavin: Oh look at the time, it's time to go! See daddy I'm all good!

I try to jump off the scale, but I'm grabbed by daddy Trey before I can get out.

Trey: Not so fast baby boy, you could hurt yourself. You must be in a rush for your punishment.

Dang it! I am placed back on the bed and daddy's big hands sit on my shoulders. Effectively keeping me still.

Doctor: Gavin, you are smaller than when we first checked you. What's going on buddy? Are you having problems eating?

Gavin: No, I eat. I'm just not always hungry. I guess I have a fast metabolism. We don't always eat every meal either.

Ooops, maybe I shouldn't have said that since the doctor is now glaring at my daddy. Well it's true, I am already in enough trouble no point in lying.

Anders: Eh, he's right. Sometimes we just eat a late lunch and don't have dinner or Vice versus.

Doctor: You all need to be eating s balanced diet. Gavin seems healthy overall, he's just small. Maybe he's supposed to be that small. 95 pounds is pretty tiny though. Just keep an eye on it.

Trey and Anders: We will! Thanks doc!

I giggle at their silliness and raise my arms to be picked up by daddy Trey. He places me on his hip and tickles me. We head out of the room and back to the kitchen. The doctor leaves to go back to the palace. Time to eat I guess.

Gavin: Daddy, can I have cereal please?

Trey: Sure baby, let me fix it for you.

I'm placed in my high chair and given some water in a sippy cup. Soon my fruity pebbles are placed in front of me and I dig in. Nothing better than sugary goodness. This should make me gain weight! Eh, oh well if it doesn't.

Once we all finish eating I have to write my lines. Daddy gives me a piece of paper with the words "I will listen to my daddies, so I don't get hurt" at the top of it. They leave me in my high chair to complete my punishment. That's smart since I can't get out of this chair. Not that I would try to escape, but you never know.

Anders: You need to fill up the front side of that paper baby boy and then you will be done.

Gavin: Otay daddy, me be good boy.

Both of my daddies kiss my head and clean up the kitchen while I write. It actually feels good to write, I haven't done it in a long time. Once I finish my hand is hurting. Daddy takes the paper from me and lifts me into his arms.

Anders: Good job baby boy, daddy is proud of you. Thank you.

Gavin: Gavin sorry daddy. No do that again.

Anders: Thank you baby, we love you! All is forgiven.

I get lots of hugs and kisses from both of my daddies. Now what to do for the rest of the day.

Gavin: Paci daddy?

Trey: Here baby. (Places it in his mouth)

Gavin: Tank you.

Daddy Trey and daddy Anders spend the day cuddling with me on the couch. Life is pretty sweet right now, I just hope it stays that way!

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