《Abducted by an Alien》New Adventures with Two Daddies


I wake up really hungry. I didn't eat dinner last night, so that's probably why. Daddy and Trey are still asleep. I guess I will have to get myself some breakfast. I slide down the bed and sneak out of the room. If they were awake I wouldn't be able to go alone. I am a big boy, so I can do it myself.

I make it to the kitchen and decide to just eat a Pop-tart for breakfast. It's only 7am. The pop tarts are on a high shelf in the pantry. I curse quietly and decide to get a chair and carefully climb up. On my tippy toes I can just barely reach the box of pop tarts. I grab the box and open it. Right when I am about to grab one out I am grabbed from behind and placed on my angry daddy's hip. I Yelp in surprise and try to calm my breathing.

Anders: What are you doing?!?! That is dangerous baby. What if you fell?

Gavin: I was fine daddy, I just wanted a pop tart. Put me down! I am a big boy.

Anders: I understand, but we do not climb in chairs, you could have asked daddy Trey or I to get you one.

Gavin: I wanted to do it myself!

Anders: I don't care; I want you to be safe. I don't want a hurt little boy. Do you understand me?

Gavin: Yes daddy.

Anders: You are going in timeout for 15 minutes and I haven't decided yet if you are getting a spanking or not. After that then you can have your food.

Gavin: No! I'm hungry now daddy.

Anders: I don't care, you should have thought about that before doing something dangerous.

I start crying and hitting daddy as he takes me over to the time out chair in the corner of the living room.

Anders: Do not move until I come get you. You do not hit daddy either unless you want a spanking. I will come get you when the timer goes off.

That little boy is going to be the death of me. Once Trey and I woke up we started panicking when we couldn't find Gavin anywhere. It pissed me off to find him standing in a chair in the pantry. He could have fallen and hurt himself. I put the chair back while I calmed down. He still has 10 minutes in time out. I can't decide if I should spank him or not.

Anders: Hey Trey, do you think he deserves a spanking?

Trey: I would if I were you. He needs to learn that's not okay and that he could have hurt himself really bad.

I think this over and decide he will get 5 on his bare ass. His timer goes off and I go pick up my now quiet little boy.

Anders: Did you think about what you did baby?

Gavin: Yes daddy, I sorry for being bad.

Anders: Thank you baby, you are still getting five spanks because I need you to remember we don't climb in chairs. If you would have fallen and broken something daddy would be upset and sad.


I place him in my lap and pull his pants and diaper down. I decide to do them hard and fast to get them over with. He is really crying now. I fix his clothes and cuddle him in my lap.

Gavin: Gavin sorry daddy, no do again.

Anders: It's okay baby, all is forgiven. Give your daddies some hugs and kisses.

He hugs me and I kiss him. He does the same to Trey and we head to the kitchen. I put him in his high chair and get him his strawberry pop tart and some milk in a bottle. We eat in silence and then head upstairs to get ready. I dress Gavin comfortably and Trey and I pack up for our vacation.

Gavin: Are we leaving daddy?

Anders: Yes baby, we are going camping, does that sound fun?

Gavin: Yes!!!

He is so cute, I can't help but smile. We finish packing clothes, food and the tent and load the ship. Once we have everything we head out. It's about 1pm. We should get to the campsite around 5pm. Trey holds Gavin in his lap and I drive the ship. Gavin didn't want to sit in his car seat. Trey's lap was his only other option.

Trey: Are you feeling better buddy?

Gavin: Yes daddy.

Trey: Okay good, I think you need some tickles now.

Trey continues to tickle our little boy until he is begging for him to stop. I love his laugh. Trey stops since Gavin's face is turning red. He lets him calm down and kisses his head.

Gavin: Daddy can I has a snack?

Trey: You need to eat some lunch baby cakes.

Gavin: Well can I has some lunch then pwease?

Trey: Of course you can baby. Let daddy make you a sandwich and some chips.

Trey places Gavin into his car seat and straps him in. If not he would try to get up and probably cause trouble. I'm watching there interaction from the rear view mirror. I am glad they are having this time together. Trey hands Gavin a sippy cup of water and a grilled cheese sandwich with some sour cream and onion chips on the side. Trey also hands me the same and makes one for himself. He's such a good wifey! We all eat and let our thoughts consume us.

Once we are done, I put the ship on auto pilot and help Trey clean up. I get Gavin out of his seat and change his diaper. Since we are in a safe area I decide to let him run around the ship for a while. He is really hyper and needs to burn off some energy. Trey and I cuddle on the sofa and keep an eye on our baby. He is playing with some toys and running all over the place.

Eventually we make it to the campsite and don't have any issues getting everything set up. I grill some hotdogs and we eat around the campfire.

Anders: Do y'all want to sleep in the tent tonight? We can go hiking tomorrow.

Trey and Gavin: Yes please!!


Trey and I set up the tent while Gavin explores the area a little bit. He is very curious in little space. We all change and I pull out the stuff to make s'mores. We roast marshmallows and just enjoy each other's company around the campfire. Eventually we take baths and head to bed. We are all excited for hiking tomorrow.

I wake up squished between my two daddies.I need a diaper change. I start wiggling around and eventually get up. Both of my daddies wake up and stretch. Their arms hit the top of the tent and it makes me giggle. I can stand up comfortably in the tent.

Trey: What's so funny little boy?

Gavin: Daddy's are too big for little tent.

Both of them exchange looks and just shrug. They change me and put me in some jeans, a diaper, an undershirt, a sweatshirt and some little hiking boots with socks. They pack up some water and snacks for our hike. I am given a bottle of vanilla milk and a granola bar for breakfast.

Daddy takes his phone so he can take pictures for me and of me. We head out and I actually get to walk this time! The view is so beautiful! Daddy picks me up and takes a selfie of all of us with the view in the back!

He puts me down and I skip ahead and take in all the sights. It is so pretty out here. We continue our hike around the big lake and daddy takes lots of pictures for me. I can't wait to look at them later. We arrive back at the campsite around lunch time. I look at some of the other pictures we took.

We eat lunch and do some more exploring. Eventually we shower and relax in the ship. I know Trey wants us to mate. I think I am ready. I am no longer in little space, so I decide to tell my daddies I am ready.

Gavin: Trey, I think I am ready for us to mate. I want to feel complete. Then I want Anders afterwards.

Trey: Are you sure you are ready baby? I don't want to rush you.

Anders: Yea. Are you sure love? We can wait.

Gavin: I'm ready Anders

We all head to the bedroom and Anders sits down to watch. He is going to let Trey complete the bond first before he joins. We all strip out of our clothes and lay down. Trey kisses me all over and rubs my already hardening member. I moan softly and bite my lip to try and stay quiet.

Trey: Moan for me baby, I want to hear you.

I glance over at Anders and he is stroking his giant dick watching us. Trey is a bigger guy and I don't just mean muscles. He is more soft than Anders. I love it. He continues to tease me as he slowly opens me up. Once he thinks I'm ready he slowly enters me. I grab his shoulders since it hurts. I haven't had sex in a while. Once he is fully inside me he gives me time to adjust. I nod and he starts moving until he finds my sweet spot. I moan loudly and he slams into me.

Trey: Are you going to cum for me baby boy?

Gavin: Yes! Can I cum now?

Trey: Come with me baby.

We both cum hard and he collapses beside me still buried deep. He cuddles me while the mate bond forms and I slow my breathing.

Gavin: That was good daddy.

Trey; I am glad you enjoyed yourself baby boy. Daddy loves you.

Gavin: I love you too.

Anders: Are you both ready for round 2?

I groan as Trey pulls out of me. Anders takes his place and Trey starts sucking me off while Anders makes sweet love to me. We continue to ravish each other all night long. Once we finish I am cleaned up by my mates and we drift off to a peaceful sleep. My last thoughts before I pass out is that I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow!

We all wake up around the same time. I am tired from last night. I can only imagine how little Gavin feels. I am not sure what the plans are today but I am all about not doing anything. I change Gavin and kiss him deeply. He tastes sweet. I also kiss Anders and we decide on heading home today. Anders and I pack everything up and let Gavin sleep. He did drink a morning bottle with some pain medicine in it. I place a sleepy Gavin in his car seat and push a paci in his little mouth. He stays asleep as we head home. Anders is driving once again.

We arrive home around 10am on this beautiful Sunday morning. I wake Gavin up and we all unpack the ship and clean ourselves up. Gavin is moving slow.

Trey: Are you still sore baby boy?

Gavin: Yea it hurts still.

Trey: I'm sorry baby. Come here.

I pick him up and take him to the bedroom. I lay him on the bed on his stomach. I lift his shirt and start massaging his back. I hope this will help his sore muscles. Once I finish he is almost asleep. I pick him up and kiss his head. He snuggled into my chest and falls asleep. I go and find Anders in his office working. I sit down with Gavin in my lap and help Anders with his work while Gavin sleeps.

Around 3pm we finish up. Gavin has been awake for a while just cuddling in my lap. He is such a good boy most of the time. I place him on his feet and we head to the game room. We all play some games until it's time for dinner. Anders orders pizza for us and we all watch a movie and relax. This weekend has been a fun packed one. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my two lovers.

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