《Abducted by an Alien》Getting Comfortable


I wake up and stretch. My arms are wrapped around Gavin and Trey. They both look so peaceful in their sleep. I gently get up and wake Trey up. We get ready and leave Gavin to sleep more since it's only 6am. We get his mafia stuff dealt with and give his title over to his second in command. They sign the paperwork and we decide to have his men bring over all of his stuff. He put his house up for sale and we got all of his stuff moved in. I set up a room for him, but he will stay in my room with Gavin and I mostly.

We do some more work for the companies and decide to go wake Gavin up once we finish. It's around 9am now. He has been asleep long enough. We need to get him ready and go shopping for all of us today. I plan to take both of them out to lunch as well. Gavin slowly wakes up with me rubbing his back. He is still in little space and looks adorable with his bed head. I change his diaper and put some cute little boys clothes on him. The mall we are going to is designed for littles and daddies and mommies. He will be fine.

We head to the mall and I strap our little one into the sling on the front of my chest. He doesn't complain and this makes me smile. We get him lots of toys and some other supplies. Trey needs some things and I decide to get groceries as well. I have one of my men take all of our new stuff home so we can go to lunch. Gavin wouldn't eat breakfast since he was still trying to wake up.

We walk to the food court and I leave Gavin with Trey and kiss them both before I go get us Chinese for lunch. When I return Trey is bouncing Gavin in his lap. Gavin is sucking his paci and enjoying his daddy. Trey straps Gavin into a booster seat and we all eat our lunch. Gavin eats about half and drinks his juice.


Gavin: I full daddy. Can I get down pease?

Anders: Okay baby, let daddy clean up first then we can go play on the play mats over there.

I can't tell if Gavin will like to play with other littles or not. We will have to watch him closely since he will be the smallest little playing. He is after all a human. Most littles are at least 5'10 on this planet. His 5'6 frame will be tiny in comparison. Hopefully he can make a new little friend though.

We let Gavin walk next to us, but make him hold our hand. He bounces around and tries to leave us several times. I know he is excited, but he can't just run off. I get down on my knees to be near his level and take both of his hands into mine.

Gavin: Daddy can I go play now?!?!

Anders: Yea baby, but please be carful and have fun. If you need us just come get us or call us. Daddy and I will be sitting on the bench over there. Be nice to the others!

Gavin: I will daddy!

I kiss his face and let him go. He runs off and starts to play in the ball pit. Trey and I get some work done while he plays.

Once daddy lets me go I run to the ball pit! I jump in and play for a while. Eventually a tall boy comes over and taps my shoulder.

Unknown little: Hi, can I play with you? My name is Wyatt. What's yours?

Gavin: Hi, I'm Gavin! Yes we can play! What you want to play?

Wyatt: hmmm let's go on the slides!

Gavin: Okay let's go!

We play for a while and eventually his daddy calls him over.

Wyatt's daddy: Hey buddy, who is your new friend?

Wyatt; This is Gavin, his daddies are over there.

Wyatt's daddy: Nice to meet you little one. Let's get you back to your daddies.

We walk over to my daddies and I jump in their laps.

Trey: Thanks for bringing him to us man!


Wyatt's daddy: No problem. I think our boys have become friends. I'm Joseph and this is Wyatt.

Anders: I'm Anders and this is Trey. I it's nice to meet you, I assume you already met Gavin?

Joseph: I did yes. He is a sweetheart. I'm glad the boys had fun together. Wyatt needs more friends.

Trey: Gavin does too! We will all have to get together again soon!

Joseph: Definitely! What are y'all's numbers? We can set up a play date later.

Daddy and Wyatt's daddy continued to talk. Wyatt looked sleepy sitting in his daddy's lap. I don't blame him, I am getting sleepy too. I missed my nap today. The clock on the wall says it's around 3pm. I hope we leave soon. While the big people are talking I study Wyatt and his daddy. Wyatt is blond, slightly muscular and around 5'11. His daddy is probably about 7'2 and has black hair and is heavily muscled. He is between daddy's height and daddy Treys height. Maybe they can be good friends too! Just like me and Wyatt.

We say our goodbyes and head home. It was a fun day! Once we are home we all shower and put on comfy clothes. Both of my daddy's clean the house and I help by putting my new toys away and cleaning up my play room and the game room. Trey and daddy come into my playroom.

Trey: Did you have fun baby?

Gavin: I did, thank you for letting me play. I made a new friend!

Anders: We are glad baby boy. Daddy Trey is going to be staying with us all the time now. Are you okay with that?

I just shake my head and continue cleaning. I don't mind. He is nice to me.

Trey: I also no longer run my mafia, so we don't have to worry about that anymore. I will help daddy with his duties.

Gavin: Okay daddy, that sounds good. I think I want to play tonight. Play with my daddies?

Anders: Of course we will baby. What do you want to play?

Gavin: Cars please!

We all play with my cars for a while. Trey leaves to go make me a bottle and come back. He picks me up and lays me in his lap.

Trey: Daddy made you a yummy bottle baby boy. Can you drink it for me?

He puts it in my mouth and I drink slowly. Daddy cleans the toys while I drink my milk. Once I finish daddy burps me and rocks me to sleep.

Trey: Good boy, go to sleep. Your daddies are here.

They both kiss my head and change my diaper. I soon fall asleep after daddy lays me in my giant crib. My dreams are nothing, but sweet tonight.

Once our little one is asleep, Anders and I head down to get some food, we eat in silence and then clean and organize the house.

Anders: Today was fun and we got a lot done.

Trey: Yea it was. I'm glad it went smoothly.

Anders: How would you feel about taking a vacation?

Trey: Where would we go?

Anders: I was thinking we could go to the mountains and do some camping. We can take my mini ship to get there and spend some time in nature.

Trey: That sounds fun, we would need to pack though.

Anders: Tomorrow is Friday so we can pack everything tomorrow morning and head out after lunch. It only take about 4 hours to get to the camp ground. The ship has a bathroom and shower and a bed so we won't be so uncomfortable.

Trey: Sounds good to me, we just need to ask Gavin. I hope he will let me mate with him soon. This vacation might just be the perfect time.

Anders and I share a heated kiss and head to bed. I can't wait until all 3 of us can have some fun together. I need to wait until they are both ready though. With these thoughts in my head we both eventually drift off to a pleasant sleep.

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