《Abducted by an Alien》New Daddy?


Once we make it home from the park Anders and I decide to give little Gavin a bath. He is so cute and I can't wait until he lets me complete the mate bond with him. We make it upstairs, Anders is of course carrying Gavin. He is still working on getting more comfortable with me. Anders asks me to hold him while he starts the bath. I gladly except.

Trey: Did you have fun today baby boy?

Gavin: Yes daddy Trey!

Trey: Good, I'm glad! Are you ready for your bath?

He doesn't respond but instead claps his little hands happily. I will take that as a yes. I strip him down with ease and sit him in the bubble bath. Anders grabs some toys for him and we both get him clean.

Anders: This is the longest he has been in little space. I hope he doesn't freak out when he's big again.

Trey: Yea I hope he doesn't either. We will deal with it if he does.

After Gavin is clean Anders lets me change him into some cute pajamas. We decide to watch a movie and have a sleep over tonight. I have noticed that little Gavin doesn't talk much, I wonder if big Gavin is the same. I guess I will find out. Anders told me that Gavin sometimes calls him daddy even when he's not in little space. I think that is adorable and I hope he will do the same for me soon.

Anders: What movie do you want to watch baby?

Gavin: Monsters!!

Anders: Do you mean Monsters Inc?

Gavin: Yes daddy, duh! That's the only monsters one you let me watch.

I laugh at their interaction and get comfy on the couch. Anders puts Gavin in my lap while he sets up the movie. He goes to make popcorn for us while the commercials are playing. I turn Gavin around in my lap and kiss all over his little face.

Gavin: No daddy, don't do that!

Trey: Sorry little one, you are just so cute I can't help it!

I love that he calls me daddy in little space. I leave his face alone and he tries to slid off of my lap. I stop him and he pouts up at me. He is so tiny compared to Anders and I. That just makes him more perfect.

Trey: Where are you going baby boy?

Gavin: Gavin needs to find daddy, movie is about to start. Pwease let me down.

Anders: Daddy is coming right back, he was just making us some popcorn. Can you stay here with me please?

Gavin: No! Want down!

He tries once again to get out of my lap, but it's no use. I am way stronger than he is. It's cute that he tries though. I can tell he is about to have a tantrum, so I decide to stand up with him in my arms and go find Anders. Gavin has started to cry since he didn't get his way.


Anders: Hey guys, what's wrong? Why are you crying baby?

Trey: I wouldn't let him go find you by himself so he's upset.

Gavin: (Reaching for Anders) Daddy mean!

Anders takes him from me and hands me the popcorn.

Anders: (bouncing Gavin) It's okay baby boy, can you calm down for daddy? Daddy Trey just didn't want you to hurt yourself since you are little.

Gavin doesn't respond and I feel bad for making him get upset.

Trey; I'm sorry Gavin, daddy just didn't want you to go by yourself. I wanted you to be safe. Can I have a hug?

Gavin thinks about it for a minute and eventually leans over to hug me. He is so sweet. I wipe his tears away and kiss his head. He snuggles into Anders and slowly starts to calm down. I grab his paci and gently press it to his lips. He takes it immediately and this seems to calm him down even more. Anders made him some milk so hopefully he will drink that later before bed. We all watch the movie and eat some popcorn. Anders gives Gavin his bottle and the little falls asleep soon after. I guess he needed a nap.

I slowly wake up and look around. I am now in Treys lap and him and daddy are watching a scary movie. I can tell I'm no longer in little space so I pull my paci out of my mouth. Ewww drool! My head hurts. I sit up more and get the attention of my daddies.

Anders: Hey baby, did you have a good nap?

Gavin: Yea thanks. What time is it?

Trey: It's close to 6. You slept for a while. Are you hungry? Do you remember yesterday?

Gavin: Yes I'm hungry and I do. My head hurts though.

Trey: So you know I'm your other mate then?

Gavin:(sighing) Yes I remember. Little Gavin seems to be very happy about that. I can't say I'm super happy but I'm not upset either. It will just take some time to get used to having another dominant male around me all the time.

Trey: I understand that hun. Take all the time you need. I would like to be your daddy too if you will let me. I can't wait to get to know you and your little side better.

Gavin: (smiling slightly)I would like that.

Anders: Enough of the mushy stuff. What do y'all want for dinner?

Gavin: Can we have wings please daddy?

Anders: That is fine with me. Does that work for you Trey?

Trey: I will eat anything! I didn't get this body by being picky!

We all laugh at Trey and head to the kitchen. Anders asks the cook to make us wings and fries. I run upstairs to change into some big boy clothes, and of course my two giant men decide to come with me to do the same! Once we are all comfortable we head to the dinning room to get ready to eat.


Anders: What do you both want to drink?

Gavin: Water please

Trey: I will take water also. Thank you!

This is all so weird to me. My mind keeps going back to when Trey was mean to me, but looking at him now it's hard to believe that was ever the case. He seems so different. I'm glad he is giving me space and letting me go at my own pace. I would probably freak out on him if he was smothering me. Anders should take some pointers from him! I smile to myself at that though, Anders gives me water in a sippy cup and I can't help but roll my eyes at him. Doesn't he know I'm not in little space right now. He probably doesn't care. Well he's gonna learn today! Sassy Gavin is out!

Gavin: I can drink out of a normal cup you know.

Anders: I know baby, but I don't want to clean up any messes. Just eat your food please.

Big bossy pants. I don't respond and instead start to eat my delicious wings and fries. I am not going to argue with the idiot. Trey thinks this is funny and starts laughing loudly. I glare up at him and he just coos at me. He tries to pinch my cheeks, but I slap his hand away. Jokes on you big boy!

Anders: Be nice baby boy, before I spank your little ass.

Gavin: He's being mean to me. He needs a spanking too then.

Anders: You should be getting a spanking for your little tantrum you had while in little space, but I was going to let it slide. Keep being a brat and your little bottom will be a bright red soon!

Gavin: Sorry. I will be good.

We continue eating in silence and soon everyone is done. I take my dishes to the sink. I have to stand on my tippy toes to reach the water facet. Damn these tall ass aliens. Both of my daddies start laughing at this and it makes my pout. Trey comes up behind me and picks me up.

Trey: Let us help you hun.

Gavin: I don't need your help! Put my down.

I dont think they liked my yelling. Whoops! Trey sets me down and Anders swats my ass. Ouch, that hurt.

Anders: Watch how you talk to us baby boy. I can still give you that spanking. I'm sure Trey would love to watch.

I don't respond and leave both of them in the kitchen to clean up. I run upstairs to the game room and decide I'm playing by myself the rest of the evening. I don't need them breathing down my neck 24/7. For some reason I am annoyed tonight and need some time alone. Must be due to my head hurting. I should have asked for some medicine. I will ask later. I spend the next few hours playing games. Eventually I start to feel sleepy and decide to go find some medicine for my head and go to bed. I sneak into the bathroom and find what I'm looking for. As I'm coming out of the bathroom I literally run into straight into Trey and Anders. Damn that hurt. They cause me to fall on my butt.

Trey: Woah little one what are you doing? Are you okay?

Gavin: My head was still hurting so I got some medicine. I need to change and go to bed I'm sleepy.

Anders: Okay baby, can your daddies help you?

I don't respond but I just make grabby hands at Trey and slip completely into little space. I think my daddies notice because they pick me up right away.

Trey: Let's get our little baby changed.

They put me in a clean diaper and a cute long sleeve onesie. I am placed on the big bed and my daddies get on either side of me. I turn onto my tummy and feel my paci being placed in my mouth. I slowly start sucking it and soon I am fast asleep cuddling between my two daddies as they rub my back.

Once Gavin is asleep, Trey and I decide to go get some work done and chat more. This way we don't have to work tomorrow. We discus our relationship and get a lot of things done. We admit to finding the other attractive. We decide that we will spend the day with Gavin tomorrow and discuss things with him. Trey wants to move in and hand over his mafia title to his second in command. We plan to do some shopping and enjoy our mate tomorrow. We get more things done and hopefully we can get Trey moved in and things settled by the weekend. We soon head back to bed and snuggle with our little one. Life keeps getting better. Before we fall asleep, Trey and I share a passionate goodnight kiss. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.

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