《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


I wake up slowly and check the clock. It's about 7am, and my diaper is soaked. This is embarrassing since I'm no longer in little space. I attempt to wake Anders up because his arm is preventing me from getting up. After what seems like hours, but is only a few minutes he wakes up. I blush deeply and attempt to hide my face with his arm.

Anders: Good morning baby, what's wrong?

Gavin: Um I need to change...

(Looks down nervously)

Anders: Aww it's okay love, it happens. Let's get you changed so we can head downstairs for breakfast. We have a meeting to go to at 10am with mom and Ava to discuss our wedding and reception plans. I will find us some clothes.

I just nod lightly and wait for him to get us some clothes. Even when I'm not in little space Anders still likes to dress me. I watch as he pulls out a matching maroon nike outfit for me and a black one for himself. He grabs black sneakers for his outfit and white to go with mine.

Once we are dressed and have completed our morning routine Anders picks me up and places me on his hip. We head downstairs and into the kitchen. There is a big pot of Grits on the stove and some toast is staying warm in the toaster oven. Anders places me in a regular chair and fixes us some grits and toast.

Anders: What do you want to drink baby boy?

Gavin: Just some water please.

Anders: Are you sure baby? We have apple it orange juice.

Gavin: Water is good, thank you.

After he pours us something to drink we begin eating. I munch away happily on my toast and decide to dip said toast into my grits. Anders looks at me like I'm strange, but doesn't comment. I smile to myself and continue eating the yummy food.

Once we are finished I help Anders clean up and we head to his parents office. Stephanie or mom I should say, hired a wedding planner for us which I am thankful for. I know nothing about planning a wedding. Ha. Ava and Stephanie are already in the office when we arrive. There is an unknown man also seated on the couch that is located in the office.

Stephanie: Hey boys! Thank you for meeting with us. This is Robert and he will be planning the wedding and reception for y'all.

Anders: Nice to meet you Robert! Thank you for your help. I'm Anders and this is my mate Gavin.

Robert: It is my pleasure! It's nice to meet you both!

I smile slightly at the over excited man and we all move to sit around the meeting table to get busy discussing plans. We decided to have the wedding this year in a few months time. We decided on October 10th. (It's currently June) Anders wants to have the ceremony here at the palace outside and the reception in the ballroom located at the back of palace. The palace chefs will make the food and Robert will take care of the decorations. Ava will be on my side as my maid of honor and Axe will be on Anders side as his best man. All of Anders family and friends will be invited. I agree to wear a white suit, while Anders will be in a black one. We chose colors and decorations, cake, food, guest list and more.


I let the others handle the details, because it is starting to make my head hurt. Honestly I don't care what we have, I just want it to be over and done with so I don't have to stress. Eventually they decide to call it quits on the planning for today. I sigh in relief and realize that I have slowly slipped into my little space. I am currently playing with the strings on daddy's hoodie while I squirm around on his lap.

Anders: You okay baby? Do you need to go potty?

I blush, but nod my head. I do need to pee, but don't wanna get up.

Anders: Okay love, let's go. I don't want you to have an accident since you are not wearing a diaper.

Daddy stands up and I cling to his neck. He kisses my forehead and excuses us from the room. We head to our bathroom and as soon as daddy puts me down I run to the toilet and do my business. Once I'm done, daddy helps me wash my hands.

Anders: Feel better baby?

I just shake my head yes.

Anders: How old are you cutie?

I hold up 3 fingers and find myself back in daddy's arms.

Anders: Are u hungry baby? It's past 1pm. Sorry the meeting took so long.

Gavin: It Otay daddy, me have noodles?

Anders: You want Mac n cheese baby boy?

Gavin: Yes pwease.

Daddy takes me to the kitchen and places me in my high chair. He makes us some star shaped mac n cheese. He also fills my sippy cup with some apple juice and places it on my tray. Daddy let's me eat by myself only after strapping a bib around my neck. I hate bibs, but I am hungry and don't want spanks so I just eat quietly.

Ava and Axe come in the kitchen a few minutes later and fix some of my Mac n cheese for themselves while talking with daddy. That's mine, but I guess they can have some too. I will be nice this time.

Ava: I think we got a lot of stuff figured out today for the wedding.

Anders: I agree. I am glad Robert is taking care of most of it. Some time soon the four of us need to go get our outfits.

Axe: I can't wait! Any excuse to party and I'm in!

Daddy rolls his eyes at his little brother, but doesn't comment. I giggle at them and they all look at me with giant smiles on their faces.

Axe: Did we say something funny little man?

Gavin: No, but you silly. Daddy annoyed at you.

Anders: You are so smart baby, that's right daddy is annoyed at uncle Axe because he's a brat.

I giggle again and keep eating my food. Ava joins in my laughter.

Ava: Boys boys boys, what are we going to do with them Gavin?

I just shrug my shoulders because I am too preoccupied with my food to worry about any of them. Once we are all finished, Ava and Axe clean the kitchen up while daddy cleans me up. I mean I'm not that messy of an eater, but being in the mindset of a three year old I tend to get a little messy.


Once I am clean daddy lets me out of my chair and I hop down. Enjoying the freedom of not being carried I run up the stairs and into my playroom. It's time to have some fun! I decide I want to build with my legos, so that's what I do. Soon after I start, daddy comes into the room looking like a crazy person.

Anders: Gavin! Why did you run off like that? Daddy didn't know where you went.

Gavin: Gavin wanted to pway daddy.

Anders: (sighing) I understand baby but you need to tell daddy and not run in the house. You could have hurt yourself.

Gavin: Gavin sorry daddy.

Anders: It's okay buddy, daddy loves you. Can I play with you?

Gavin: Yes pwease.

We play for a while before I hop up and run out of the room. Daddy will probably be mad, but that's better than having an accident. I make it to the bathroom just in time. Once I finish and clean up I head back to my play room, or try to anyways. Daddy is standing in the door to my playroom with an angry expression on his face and his arms crossed.

Anders: Come here little boy.

I don't move at first and soon realize that was a bad idea. Daddy comes to me and picks me up roughly.

Anders: What did we just talk about Gavin?!?!

Gavin: To tell daddy when I need to go somewhere and no run.

Anders: And what did you do?

Gavin: I ran and didn't tell you where I going.

Anders: that's right baby boy, I'm sorry but you are done playing for the day and will sit in timeout for 15 minutes to think about how your actions can put you in danger. You already know the dangers so I won't lecture you again, but you need to think before you act. Is that clear?

Gavin: Yes daddy, I sorry. Me be better.

Anders: I know you will baby. Go sit in the corner and I will start your 15min timer.

I slowly walk to the corner and sink down to the floor. I hate timeout, it's so boring. Once the timer goes off and daddy says I can get up I don't waste any more time.

Anders: What did you learn little one?

Gavin: No running inside and always tell daddy where I going or if I need something.

Anders: Good boy, now clean up your toys. We are going out to dinner tonight and we need to get ready. I will meet you in the bedroom in a few minutes.

Once my toys are cleaned up I shake my head hard and slip out of my headspace. I'm over this baby stuff for today. I head to the bedroom and get in the shower. Anders didn't say I could shower yet, but I don't care. I need some alone time. While I wash myself I decide to have my own personal playtime. Images of a certain tall handsome alien fill my head. I slowly start stroking my now hard member as I imagine doing naughty things with my mate. He may be annoying at times, but I can't deny how good looking he is. My hand moves faster and soon I am moaning softly as I pleasure myself. I don't last long and soon I cum all over the shower wall. Slumping over in exhaustion I finish bathing myself and after a few more minutes I decide I'm clean enough.

I dry off quickly and head into the bedroom. Did I actually get away with what I just did in the shower?, I think to myself. I hope so! Somehow I missed Anders sitting on the giant bed watching me with a smirk on his face.

Anders: Did you enjoy yourself little one?

Gavin: Oh shit, you scared me. I didn't even notice you sitting there. What are you talking about? Enjoy what?

Anders: Watch your mouth baby, and before you even deny it, I heard you pleasuring yourself. I didn't know you could be so loud. Lucky for you I am not mad, it was entertaining to say the least.

By the smirk still plastered to his face, I'm gonna guess he had his own fun while listening to me. I decide to ignore his comment and wear the clothes that he already laid out on the bed. They weren't anything fancy, just some nice jeans and a long sleeve button down.

Anders: Are you going to ignore me?

Gavin: Yup! Also I'm out of little space, just so you know.

Anders: I gathered that baby, still doesn't give you the right to act like a brat.

Anders rolls his eyes and goes to shower and change. I guess he got the hint that I needed some space, which I am grateful for. I check the time and see it's already almost 5pm. I decide to watch some tv until it's time to go to dinner.

Once Anders is ready we head out and decide to walk to the Italian restaurant since it is close by. We both end up ordering pasta with a salad and some bread. Everything tastes amazing and I am so full once we are finished. After talking he pays the bill and we head home. We make it home around 8pm and I am sorry to say, but I'm exhausted. Being a baby half the day makes me tired. Don't laugh, if you were in my shoes you would understand. Anders and I cuddle on the couch for a while before I start drifting off to sleep. He carries me to our room where we cuddle all night and I get some much needed sleep.

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