《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


Groaning I wake up and slowly look around. Anders and I are still cuddled in his giant bed. I try to move but it's almost impossible with his arm laying across me. I also notice that my lower region is sore, but that's not the worst thing. There is something fluffy around my bottom. I'm wearing a onesie so I can't look, but I'm pretty sure it's a diaper. My face turns bright red and I groan in annoyance. This wakes the sleeping giant up.

Anders: Good morning little one

Gavin: Morning (annoyed tone)

Anders: Whats wrong baby, you seem annoyed. Did you not sleep well? Are you still sore from last night?

Gavin: I'm fine, but am I wearing a diaper?!?!

Anders: (Looks away guilty) Maybe.... listen I think you would be so cute wearing one. Can you just try it for me today? Please for daddy?

Gavin: Ugh I guess, but I'm not using it yet!

Anders: Thats fine baby boy. Lets get you clean and ready for the day. We don't have any plans other than having lunch and dinner with my parents and the twins. We can have a lazy day of playing and watching movies since I know you are still sore from last night.

I just lightly smile and let him help me get ready. I don't mind the baby stuff, but I'm not sure how I feel about diapers. It might be a little much. I just roll my eyes and decide to deal with it later. It won't kill me to wear one if it makes Anders happy.

After we are both clean and dressed Anders carries me to my playroom.

The pants he dresses me in hide the diaper pretty well, but it's still weird. He places a paci in my mouth and sets me down to explore the playroom. He thinks he's being sneaky by taking pictures of me, but I notice.

Anders: You are so cute baby! I could just hold you all day.

Gavin: Nooooooooo daddy, it's playtime not hold Gavin time.

As I start to play I slowly feel myself slipping into my little space. It doesn't help when daddy says things like that to me.

Gavin: Daddy pway wif me?

Anders: Of course baby, what do you want to play.

I hand him a car so we can race. He laughs at my silliness, but let's me win the car race. Once I'm bored of that I sit at my table and decide to make a picture for daddy. He colors with me and we enjoy the silence and our time together.

Anders: What are you drawing little one?

Gavin: A picture of daddy and Gavin for you.

Anders: Awww that's so nice baby. I will hang it up when you are done with it.

I smile widely at him and finish my picture. I continue to play for a few hours while daddy does boring work on his tablet. Soon it's time for lunch.

Anders: Ready for lunch baby?

Gavin: Yes daddy, I get to see aunt Ava and uncle Axe and nana and papa? (Anders parents, Gavin only calls them that in little space)

Anders: Yes love, they will be at lunch

Gavin: Yay!

Daddy picks me up and notices that my diaper is wet. I didn't even know I used it. I hide my face in his chest as he quickly changes me.


Anders: It's okay baby, that's a good boy for using your diaper. Daddy isn't mad at you. I want you to be comfortable and use it.

I just blush harder and don't say anything. Once I'm all clean we head downstairs and daddy places me in my high chair. Well he try's too anyways. Axe snatches me from daddy so fast it scares me. I start whining.

Uncle Axe: Hey little one, I'm sorry uncle Axe didn't mean to scare you. It's okay.

He bounces me in his arms and kisses my head. I just want to be put down. I start trying to get down, but it's no use.

Axe: Calm down Gavin, before I drop you.

Anders: He wants to be put down bro. Put him in his high chair. You scared him.

He does what daddy says and I relax slightly. I'm not scared of uncle Axe, but he scared me by being rough. Daddy kisses my head and hands me some juice. I still feel little so I drink it slowly after thanking him. We all eat in silence for a while.

Aunt Ava: What are y'all doing the rest of the day?

Anders: Nap and movies

Aunt Ava: Okay cool, Axe and I are having some friends over tonight for dinner and I think mom and dad are also.

Anders: Thats fine, Gavin and I will be here for dinner. What are we having?

Aunt Ava: Dad maybe going to grill, so hamburgers and hotdogs. Kinda like a bbq. I am not sure though.

Anders: Sounds good!

Uncle Axe: Sorry for scaring you Gavin.

Gavin: It's Otay uncle Axe, Gavin not mad.

Aunt Ava: OMG he is so adorable. Can I hold you please Gavin?

Anders: Let me clean him up first sis.

Gavin: U can aunt Ava, tank you for asking

Everyone laughs at my cuteness and I can't help but blush. Daddy cleans me up and hands me over to aunt Ava. She turns me to face her in her lap and rubs my back. She doesn't say anything for a few minutes, I think she just likes to hold me. I don't understand why.

Aunt Ava: Why are you so cute?

Gavin: Gavin not cute

Aunt Ava: Yes you are!

She kisses my cheek and I cross my arms pouting.

Gavin: Daddy, tell her I not cute!

Anders: Sorry baby, but I have to agree with her, you are adorable.

I just roll my eyes and climb out of aunt Ava's lap. Fine if they don't let me win I will just leave. She lets me go with an amused smirk on her face. I stomp to the front door, before I even get close I am scooped up into papa arms. I forgot they were even in the room.

Ace/Papa: Where are you going little one?

Gavin: Gavin is leaving papa.

Ace/Papa: Oh really, where are you going to go. U know you can't leave without daddy.

Gavin: Yes I can, daddy and aunt Ava be mean to me.

Stephanie/Nana: Gasps! What did your daddy do to you sweetie? (Smiling)

Gavin: They call me cute (rolling his eyes)

Everyone busts out laughing and I just pout harder. This makes me mad so I try and get out of papas hold.

Gavin: Papa! Put Gavin down!


Ace/Papa: No can do squirt. You can't leave without someone with you no matter how mad you are.

I start crying and fighting to get down. Daddy comes and takes me from papa.

Anders: I think someone needs a nap.

I continue to cry and try to get down.

Anders: Calm down baby boy before you hurt yourself. Mom, can you get me a bottle for him please and put some pain pills in it too?

Stephanie/Nana: Of course hunny that should help him feel better.

Anders: Thanks mama, I think he is still hurting some from our bonding last night.

Nana brings daddy my bottle and he sits with me on the couch. I am still crying, but have calmed down some. I slowly drink the bottle and feel my eyes getting heavy. Crying makes me sleepy. I finish the bottle as daddy rocks me in his arms. I drift off to sleep, feeling safe and calm in my daddy's arms.

Once Gavin falls asleep I sigh in relief. That is the first real fit I have seen him throw. I think he was just overwhelmed with everything and not actually upset about us calling him cute. Usually he isn't in little space for long periods of time so that could also be the issue. I explained all of this to my family and they seemed to agree. We discussed dinner plans and they were fine if Gavin still wanted to be in little space. We will see how he is when he wakes up.

I decide to head upstairs to get some work done and everyone else decides to do the same. We agree to meet at 6 for dinner. It's only 1pm now. I will let Gavin sleep until 3 and then he has to get up. We can then watch a movie until dinner. I get busy working as the minutes tick by. Around 3 Gavin starts to move around and whine. I put my work stuff away and quickly change his wet diaper. It makes me smile that he is using it on his own. I didn't think he would.

Anders: Hey sleepy head, do you feel better?

Gavin: Yes daddy, tank you.

Anders: What movie do you want to watch? We can go to the theater room until it's time for dinner.

Gavin: Lion King please

Anders: Anything for you baby.

I gently pick my little man up and we head to the theater. I stick his paci in his mouth since he still seems to be in little space. I hold him while I get the movie set up after he wouldn't let me set him down. Someone is a clingy baby right now. Once the movie is playing I sit down with Gavin in my lap and we snuggle and watch the movie. It finishes around 5:45 and I take us to freshen up before dinner.

Gavin: I wear this for dinner daddy?

Gavin asks me as he points down at his outfit.

Anders: Yes baby, thats fine. You look adorable.

He blushes but doesn't say anything. I made sure not to call him cute. We don't need another melt down before dinner.

Anders: There will be some extra people at dinner. Can you be a good boy for daddy?

Gavin: Yes daddy, Gavin be good boy.

I kiss his head and rub his back as we head down to the dining room. We are the first to arrive so that's good. I sit my baby in his chair just as my parents come in followed by the maids with carts of food. I guess they decided to grill another night. Mom hands Gavin a sippy cup of juice and he thanks her quietly.

Stephanie/Nana: Where are the twins? Our company won't be coming tonight, one of their kids got sick.

Anders: I have no idea, I haven't seen the twins or their friends.

Ace/Papa: I heard them upstairs near their bedrooms. I will go see if they are ready to eat.

Once dad leaves I check on Gavin and he is playing with his fingers on the tray. He is so cute, I got so lucky to have him as my mate. Not even a minute later, dad, the twins and their friends come into the dining room.

Aunt Ava: Hello my beautiful family! This is Sarah, Brittany, and Amy, and those idiots are John, Josh, and Jeremy. We all went to school together. Sarah and John are mates, Brittany and Josh are mates and Amy and Jeremy are mates.

Anders: Nice to meet everyone! This is my mate and little boy Gavin.

Ava and Axe have not found their mates yet and I could tell that has been in on their minds. Hopefully they find theirs soon. Everyone try's to talk at once, but dad being the life saver he is quiets everyone down and has them sit down.

Dinner is enjoyable and everyone is pleasant. Gavin doesn't say anything and just eats his food. I can tell he is overwhelmed by all the people. Once he finishes I clean him up and plop his paci in his mouth. He seems to be deeper in his little space, so I just leave him be. The twins' friends are really nice and can't stop talking about little Gavin. Luckily he is in his own world so he doesn't get upset with the attention. Everyone can't get over his small size, but they understand it since he is human.

Once everyone finishes the twins and their friends leave to go out and my parents head to their room. Gavin and I head to our bedroom as well.

Anders: Hey baby, was dinner good?

Gavin: Yes daddy.

Anders: Do you want to see Carter tomorrow?

Gavin: Yes please, pway date!

Anders: Okay baby, let daddy text Scott.

I text Scott and set it up for us to meet at the park tomorrow for a picnic and then we can come back to the house and swim. They agree to meet us at 10 at the park so the boys can play and then we can eat and go swimming. Once that is set up, I let Gavin know and he seems excited. I change both of us and get us in bed with some cartoons and a bottle for Gavin. We end up falling asleep with Tom and Jerry playing in the background and Gavin laying in my arms. What a great lazy day!

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