《Abducted by an Alien》Carter


Once I pull Gavin upstairs to the game room I show him all the cool games we have. We decide to play a racing game first. I kick his little ass at this game and he doesn't get mad like I figured he would. He seems way more chill than some of my other friends. That is a nice change. I decide to ask him some questions.

Carter: How old are u Gavin?

Gavin: 22

Carter: Nice! This maybe a dumb question but I have to know. How tall are u?

Gavin: 5'6, short I know.

Carter: Aww that's cute! You look pretty small so I just have to remember to be careful with you if we start rough housing.

He just laughs nervously and I decide to change the subject.

Carter: Did you go to college and if so what for?

Gavin: I was about to graduate with my degree in accounting.

Carter: Very cool, I am an author and Scott is a police officer. Maybe Anders will let you help with the accounting side of his job, although I doubt he would let you do so much work. He seems very protective of you.

Gavin: If you only knew the half of it. Ha

We both laugh at his joke and continue playing the other games we have in our game room. Soon enough Scott is calling us down to decide what we want for a late lunch early dinner.

We all vote on pizza and beer and decide to have a movie afternoon/evening. Plus a sleepover so that should be fun. I really like Gavin, he's a cool little dude. I hope we can become good friends.

Once the younger boys head upstairs I ask Anders how it's going with Gavin. They both seem happy. He tells me he is ready to complete their mate bond and I couldn't be more excited for them. Once we call the boys down and I order the pizza, Anders and I asked them if they had fun.

Carter and Gavin: YES! Definitely!

They both shout at the same time.

Scott: I'm glad to hear that but let's use our inside voices please.

They both look guilty and I can't help but laugh. Anders joins in and soon we are chasing our boys around the house threatening to tickle them to death. Carter grabs Gavin and I know he intends for them to hide. I stop Anders from chasing them and we make a plan while the boys hide.


Scott: They are going to hide so we can give them a few minutes, it will be even better once we find them. They will be at our mercy.

Anders: I love the way you think.

We give them a few minutes and then head off in different directions upstairs to find our naughty boyfriends. Carter is going to be wishing he didn't run away from me. I hear the boys laughing in mine and Carters bedroom and decide to text Anders to meet me there.

Once we arrive we spilt up and search for them since the giggling has stopped. Anders finds them in the back of our closet and picks Gavin up before he can bolt. He drags a struggling Carter with him and I pull him to our bed.

Anders: You boys are naughty and deserve lots of tickles from the tickle monsters.

Scott: I have to agree with you Anders.

Anders carries Gavin to the bed and we both get on top of our little boyfriends. We both start tickling them and the room fills with sweet laughter that is music to my ears. I glance over and see Anders has both of Gavins hands locked in one of his giant ones. Gavin never had a chance.

Carter try's to fight off my advances but he's no match for me. I have at least 60 pounds on him. We continue to tickle the boys until they are both breathless and begging to be let go.

Scott: Once you both say we are the best boyfriends ever we will let you go.

Anders nods in agreement and Gavin gives in right away, but what he says shocks us all.

Gavin: Daddy, stop please! You are the best daddy in the world.

Anders kisses all over his face and stops tickling his little mate. Carter and I share a look, but don't say anything since we already knew about their relationship. Carter tells me that I'm the best also so I stop my assult.

I notice that Gavins eyes are a little glazed over and I wonder if he has slipped into little space. I look at Anders to confirm and he just shrugs his shoulders as if to say "I'm not sure".


Scott: It's okay if he wants to be little around us. We don't mind.

Anders: Okay thanks man, I'm sorry.

Scott: No worries bro!

Anders: Gavin baby, can you tell daddy how old u are?

Gavin: Dis many

Gavins holds up 3 fingers and we all coo at how cute he is. Carter has the biggest smile on his face.

Scott: Do you want to hold him babe?

Carter: Can I?

Anders: Let me go change him and then we can all take turns cuddling with little Gavin. I'm sure he would like that.

Anders and Gavin head off to change while I send Carter to put on some comfy clothes and I go pay for the pizza and get myself changed. This should be an interesting afternoon. I didn't think we would get to meet baby Gavin so soon.

I quickly change Gavin into his fox pjs and socks and clip a matching paci to his outfit. I give him his blankie and we head downstairs. Gavin hasn't said anything after I asked him his age and I can tell he is fighting with himself to be big or not.

Anders: You can be little baby, it's okay. Daddy is right here and uncle Scott and uncle Carter will love it so don't worry.

Gavin just shakes his head and puts his paci in his mouth. He hides his face in my neck as we continue down the stairs. Carter and Scott must have decided to change too since they now have on lounge clothes. Scott fixes everyone pizza and drinks and brings it to us. Carter chose Cars for us to watch since Gavin is little.

Gavin sits in my lap and lets me feed him. Once he is done I will allow Carter and Scott to hold him as long as he is okay with it. It will be interesting to see how little Gavin reacts to them. He hasn't been around many strangers since he arrived here and none while in little space. I just hope he doesn't freak out. He seems fine at the moment.

Once everyone is done and we clean up, Scott grabs beers for everyone except Gavin. He still has some juice in his cup.

Anders: Gavin, can uncle Carter hold you?

Gavin: Yes daddy.

I smile at him and place him in Carters lap.

Carter: Hi little man, u are so cute!

Gavin just blushes and let's Carter bounce him on his knee.

Carter: Babe, he is so light! We need to get ourselves a little! He is adorable.

Scott: Is that right? Haha well I don't know about that, but I'm sure Anders will let you baby sit sometimes and have play dates with little Gavin.

Anders: Of course, I think Gavin really likes you Carter!

I let the boys bond for a while until Scott decides it's his turn and scoops Gavin up into his arms. He gently swings him around and his little giggles fill the air.

Gavin: Uncle Scott! Pwease stop, Gavin gonna be sick. (Lisps around his paci)

Scott: I'm sorry little man, I just got excited.

Scott sits down with Gavin in his lap and kisses his hair.

Scott: Carter is right about one thing, you are adorable.

Gavin hides his face in Scott's neck and we all lightly laugh at how shy he is. Scott bounces and cuddles Gavin for a few more minutes until he is reaching over to me to be held.

Anders: Hey baby, did you have fun with uncle Carter and uncle Scott?

He shakes his head yes and continues to suck on his paci. Scott plays the movie and Gavin gets comfy in my lap. I cover us up with a blanket and we all enjoy the movie.

Both Carter and Gavin fall asleep before the movie is over so Scott and I decide to carry our boys to bed. I lay Gavin down and strip to my boxers. I pull my baby on top of me and fall into a dream filled sleep. What a great end to a fun day.

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