《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin



Friday Morning (Twins Graduation Party-They already had the ceremony)

I woke up from the most amazing dream. I look around and see Anders is still sleeping. I check the time and notice it's 8am. I am up way to early, but today is the day I have to help set up for the twins graduation party! I know they are excited to finally be done with high school. I don't blame them. I left that hell hole as soon as I could.

I quietly got up and went to take a shower, hopefully Anders won't mind. After singing a few songs and bathing my icky self I hop out of the shower. I decide I'm picking my own outfit for the day since the party is tonight, this is if I can decide on something. After looking at all the cute choices I decide that I need some help choosing. I put on my boxers and head to the bedroom. I see Anders is awake and I hope he doesn't expect me to still be in my little space.

Anders: Good morning baby boy. Did you sleep well?

Gavin: Morning and yes I did! Did you?

Anders: I always sleep great when I'm next to you baby.

I blush but don't say anything in response. I brush my teeth and put on deodorant so I don't stink.

Gavin: Anders, I need help choosing an outfit for the party.

Anders: Baby, what did I tell you to call me? Even when you aren't little.

Gavin: Sorry Daddy, can you help me pretty please with a cherry on top?

Anders: Of course little one! Daddy to the rescue!

I giggle at my daddy's weirdness and wait for him to find me an outfit.

Once I am dressed I head downstairs while daddy gets ready. I bounce into the kitchen to see Stephanie eating breakfast. Once she notices me standing shyly in the doorway she lays her piece of toast down.

Stephanie: Good Morning sweetie, I hope you slept well!

Gavin: I did, thank you! I am excited about helping you decorate for the party today.


Stephanie: Me too! I just have a few work things I need to do this morning , but let's meet around noon to start working since the party is at 6.

Gavin: Sounds good! Thank you! I will wait for Anders before I eat anything.

Stephanie: Okay hun, but you may want to put on some old clothes to set up in and save that outfit for tonight.

Gavin: Good thinking! I will go change!

She finishes up her breakfast while I head upstairs to change again.

I find one of Daddy's hoodies and some of my sweatpants to work in. Daddy comes out looking like a model and I can't help but stare.

Anders: What are you doing baby?

Gavin: Your mom said to put on old clothes to decorate in and change into the outfit you picked later before the party.

He doesn't respond but gives me a knowing look. Before I even have time to think I am scooped up into his arms and placed on his hip.

Anders: Well in that case I can carry you then since it's not your nice clothes.

I make a pouting noise and roll my eyes at him. He is such a weirdo. I don't argue as we head downstairs to eat something. Daddy places me in my high chair and hands me a sippy cup with apple juice in it. I sip on it happily and wait for my breakfast to be ready. Daddy gives me some fruit and toast since he knows I won't eat a lot. He still treats me like his baby even when I don't feel little.

The twins come into the kitchen loudly and let us know they will be helping us at noon to decorate. I don't say anything since my mouth is full. Once I am cleaned up, Axe picks me up and throws me into the air a few times.

Gavin: Axe! Stop before I get sick or you drop me!!!

Axe: I won't drop you little man! You barely weigh 100 pounds.


I roll my eyes at him as he continues to bounce me around in his arms.

Gavin: Daddy help me!

I make grabby hands at daddy and smile happily as he takes me from his little giant brother! He smacks Axe on the back of the head and it makes me laugh. I still can't get over the fact that they are so big!

Ava and Axe eat their breakfast while I go to work with daddy. He insisted I sit with him while he works. He gave me my tablet, paci, sippy cup and a blanket so I was happy. I find a movie to watch while daddy does boring work. I watch the movie Lion King and lazily suck on my paci that says daddy's boy on it.

Once the movie is over daddy stands up and carries me to our room so I can drop off my tablet and blanket and my paci. I am not having that thing while we decorate. Once we are ready we head downstairs to see his mom and the twins already hard at work. I guess they decided to start early. I get the task of decorating the tables since I can't reach the ceiling even in a chair. Anders and the twins work on the walls, doors and ceilings while Stephanie goes to the kitchen to help the cooks prepare the food. We all work for a few hours until everything is ready.

Daddy and I head upstairs to change while his mom and siblings do the same. Around 5:30pm everyone is ready and downstairs waiting for the guests to arrive. Daddy said that they invited around 200 people. That's a lot and I'm starting to get nervous.

Anders: Are you okay baby? You look a little pale.

Gavin: I'm nervous about all the people daddy. They are gonna be big people all around and I'm scared.

I can feel myself start slipping into my little space, but I force it down.

Anders: It will be okay baby, just stick with daddy the whole time and you have nothing to worry about. Let's go get something to drink.

We head to the drink table and Daddy makes me a drink in a cup with a lid so I don't spill it. We go sit down in the living room until people start coming in. A few people show up at 6, but by 7 there are at least 100 people here if not more.

Daddy and I are walking around holding hands while he chats with everyone. We eat a little, but mostly just socialize. The twins seem to be having a blast and that's all that matters since this is their party. Everyone keeps asking Anders about me and I always get shy, but I say hi anyways to be polite. Everyone so far seems really nice and friendly. We even got a few offers to hang out with some of them. I think this made Daddy happy. I don't mind either way.

The party continues on without anything eventful happing and for that I am grateful. Around 11pm most people are gone. Daddy already told me that we didn't have to clean up since the maids would do that. I was glad because I am about ready to fall asleep. Daddy and I hug the twins and tell them congrats before we head to bed. Daddy picks me up since I am about to fall asleep just standing beside him.

Once we get to our room, daddy changes me into a comfy onesie and puts my paci in my mouth.

Anders: Did you have fun baby?

I just smile and shake my head yes since I can't talk well with the paci in my mouth. He kisses my head and we snuggle under the covers after he strips down to his boxers. It doesn't take long before I am asleep in my daddy's arms. It was such a great day!

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