《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


I bolt upright in the bed and look around. Sighing with relief when I realize I had just been dreaming and glad to know my dreams were not reality once again. I try and sit up but once again I can't move because of Anders. All of my fidgeting must have woken him up.

Anders: Good Morning baby boy, how did you sleep?

Gavin: Okay I guess, but I was having some bad dreams

Anders: Do you want to tell me a about them?

Gavin: Not really, they were just replays of the different incidents that have happened to me recently.

Anders: I'm sorry baby, I hope you were still able to get some sleep.

Anders rolls on top of me but makes sure to keep all of his weight off. He grins down at me and slowly leans down to kiss me. I moan and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Our tongues fight for dominance, but of course his wins. Once he notices I need air or feels me pushing him off, he sits up and pulls me into his lap. I thought he was going to say something, but instead he grabs my face and kisses it all over. He is making me all hot and bothered so I think we need to stop. I tap on his chest and he reluctantly pulls away once more.

Anders: Lets go get a shower and get cleaned up and then I am taking you to the house doctor for a check up.

Gavin: Awwww man, a shower sounds great but do I have to go to the doctor?

Anders: Yes you do little one, I need to make sure you are healthy since you haven't been eating much since you got here.

Gavin: *Pouting* Ugh, but I don't wanna.

I then decide I'm done with this conversation and I quickly get off of Anders lap before he can stop me. I run to the bathroom and slam the door shut and attempt to lock it so I can be alone. I can't figure out how the lock works so I settle for leaving against the door. I don't need to go to the doctor I am not sick!

Anders: Little boy, you better move so I can open this door without hurting you.

Gavin: No! I'm not going to the doctor and you can't make me!

Anders: I'm not sure why you are throwing a tantrum over this, but my patience is already getting thin. I do not want to spank you, but don't put it past me.

I didn't respond because honestly I'm not trying to get a spanking, I just don't want to go to the doctor. I am an adult, I should be able to make that decision for myself. Anders suddenly pushes the door open with a little more force and as much as I resist my efforts are in vain. I quickly back away from the door and try not to freak out. I haven't really seen a mad Anders at least not when the anger was directed at me.


Before I realize it there are tears streaming down my face, this is all too much.

Anders: What is going on baby? Why are you crying?

Gavin: *Crying* I don't wanna go to the doctor, they scare me.

Anders: I will be with you the whole time, no one will hurt you. It is just a check up to make sure you are healthy baby. Can you be my brave little man and do this for daddy?

Gavin: *Sighing* I guess, but I can't make any promises about not being difficult.

Anders gives me a small smile and suggests we get in the shower. I look at him likes he's crazy, but decide not to argue since I'm tired and feel icky. While I'm getting undress, a naked Anders turns on the shower and helps me in. He helps me wash up and washes my hair for me. He quickly cleans himself and soon we are drying off in the steam filled bathroom.

Anders: After the doctor we are just going to have a lazy movie/game day since I know you are tired.

I nod my head and smile slightly when he says lazy day. Those are the best ones. Anders throws on some sweats and a hoodie, but leaves his feet bare. He then tosses me some boxers and I quickly put them on and continue to towel dry my hair while he is finding me an outfit to wear. He comes over with a baby onesie that looks like a panda outfit. It's actually adorable and looks really warm and comfy. He carries me to the bed and lays me down in order to dress me. This makes me blush and I look away from his handsome face. Once I am ready he clips a panda paci to the front of my onesie and cleans up our mess from the shower.

Anders: Lets go ahead and go see the doctor so we can get that over with. I know you are anxious about it, but I promise you it will be fine. The doctor is actually my uncle on my moms side. His name is Shawn and he is my moms older brother. He already knows we are coming, I messaged him the night of the carnival to make sure he had some time to see us.

I start to shake a little bit at the thought of seeing a doctor, but Anders said he will be with me the whole time. I try and give Anders a smile, but I just want to get this over with. Before he picks me up he places the paci in my mouth and tells me it's to help keep my calm. I slowly start sucking on it and surprisingly it helps some.

Anders: There you go baby, try and take some deep breaths and calm down. It's okay. Let's get this over with.

Anders picks me up and holds me on his hip like he has done several times before. He coos at me and tells me how adorable I am. I'm sure my face turns bright red, so I decide to hide it in his neck. I don't need anyone to see me like this. We soon reach the doctors office on the other side of the house and I try and calm my nerves.


Anders: Hey Shawn, thanks for seeing us today. This is Gavin, my mate and little boy.

Shawn: Hey to my favorite nephew and a special hello to the famous Gavin. How are you guys today?

Anders: Doing well, I just wanted to get Gavin a checkup to make sure he is healthy. We had some concerns about his eating habits and the fact that he claims to weigh 137, but easily fit in the 50-100 pound car seat with room to spare.

Shawn: Okay no problem! Let's take a look at the little guy. Anders if you can will you set him in the scale please, it is made for age play babies.

Anders does what the doctor says and try's to pry my hands off of him, but it's not happening.

Anders: Gavin baby, I need you to let me go so the doctor can look at you. I will be right here.

Gavin: O okay, I sorry.

Anders: Its okay buddy, we just have to be a big boy and let the doctor do his job so we can get done faster.

I look at the numbers on the scale and see that it is not 137 like I originally thought. I only weigh about 120. The doctor looks a little concerned, but not really.

Shawn: Anders, Gavin should be close to 140 with his height, so he's about 20 pounds underweight. As long as he doesn't loose anymore, he should be fine since he has a smaller build. Let me do a few more tests and you both will be free to go.

Once the doctor looks over me some more, he gives me a few shots and takes some of my blood to make sure all of my levels are healthy. Finally he is finished and we can leave.

Shawn: I will call you with the results from his blood work, y'all have a nice day! Here is a sticker Gavin since you did so well.

Anders: Thank you Shawn!

Gavin: Thank you.

I smile at the animal sticker and snuggle into my daddy's arms. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. At least I didn't have to get naked. We head to the kitchen to grab some food and meet up with the twins along the way.

Anders: Hey guys, we are having a lazy movie/game day today if y'all are interested in joining us.

Ava: I'm in! All of my work for school is done. I am so ready to graduate. I can't believe this week is finals and then we are done with high school.

Axe: I will also join, and I agree sis! I am so ready to be out of that hell hole!

Anders: Language Axe!

Axe: Oops sorry Gavin.

Gavin: It's otay.

I give them all a big smile and put my paci back in my mouth. I need the comfort right now. I catch the twins looking at my daddy and he just smiles and shrugs his shoulders at them. I'm sure they are wondering about my actions, but I don't feel like explaining. Daddy places me in my high chair and gives me some Mac and cheese to eat with a sippy cup of apple juice. I immediately start eating after I thank him. I am actually hungry and this food looks amazing. Everyone giggles at me and I can't help but blush.

Anders: Slow down baby, no one is going to take it away from you.

Ava: Yea little one, we can't have you choking or anything.

My blush deepens as a force myself to slow down. We continue eating and I just listen to the siblings banter back and forth. Soon everyone is done eating and Anders informs me that we are watching a scary movie and that his parents are joining us since they have the day off. I mean it is Sunday, so I hope they have the day off. Anders cleans me up and helps me down. He actually lets me walk which is a small miracle. He grabs a blanket and we head to the movie room. Axe sets the movie up and we all get comfortable. I climb into a spot in the middle, Anders sits on my right and Axe sits on my left. Beside him is Ava. On the other side of Anders is his mom Stephanie and then beside her is their dad Ace.

Anders pulls me into him and I snuggle into his chest. It's cold in here so I pull the blanket around my shoulders so it covers everything except for my head. The movie they chose is called The Silence. I don't mind scary movies most of the time, but occasionally I get freaked out. Without even realizing it I had slipped my paci back in my mouth and was sucking on it loudly. Anders seemed to notice that I was cold so he pulled me into his lap and snuggled me closer. If I get any more relaxed and comfortable I will be asleep.

We watch the movie for a while more before I start to get really sleepy. Without another thought I let myself slip into unconsciousness.

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