《Abducted by an Alien》Anders


The meeting with Father went well, but I am anxious to get back to Gavin. I have missed him this morning. I head to my room, but end up running into my mate on the way and I do mean that quite literally. He wasn't watching where he was going, but I wasn't upset. I hope he didn't hurt himself.

Feeling good after Gavin and I talked about the age play issue. It has crossed my mind even before he called me daddy, but I wasn't sure how he would react to it so I decided to wait. It seems that he already had some knowledge and desire for this type of thing as well.

I can't help but smile as I notice my little boy has passed out in my arms. I guess he wore himself out from crying and fighting me. I head to the kitchen and find my younger siblings already going to town on the food left out by the maids. I explain what happened early to them and decide to let Gavin sleep. Ava said he ate most of his breakfast, so I want bother him about lunch. The twins seem excited that Gavin has agreed to try being my baby boy. I just think Ava wants to dress him up and spoil him. Apparently that has already started. Axe informed me of the shopping spree that occurred this morning. I just roll my eyes and shake my head. I shouldn't have expected anything less out of the twins. As long as they took care of my baby I don't care how much money they spent.

We all eat in comfortable silence and then clean up our mess. Ava begs me to let her go shopping for some "little" things for him and I reluctantly agree since I'm not a big shopper myself and don't have any stuff for him yet. I give her a few instructions on what to get and not to get along with giving her his sizes. Once she leaves Axe decides to go work out. I head back to my room with my sleeping little one in my arms. I lay him in the bed and strip down to my boxers. An afternoon nap sounds like a great idea.

I wake up to insistent knocking on my bedroom door. Gavin also stirs awake as I sit up and allow the unknown person to enter the room. It's none other than Ava carrying way too many bags. Once again I'm not surprised that she seems to have gone over board on the shopping.

Ava: Hey bro, I got lots of stuff.

Anders: I can see that. Did you buy the whole store?

Ava: You wish! Sadly no, but I did get lots of onesies size small, little boy outfits size small, pacis, sippy cups, toys, a crib, a changing table and diapers and bottles just in case, along with a car seat and swing for the living room. Plus I got a high chair and playpen that are both portable. Everything is all set up around the house and his bedroom has been transformed into a nursery for when he's little or y'all want to use it.

I smiled so wide that I thought my face was going to fall off. I really do have the best family. None of that would have been possible that quickly without them. Gavin is blushing and looking anywhere but at us.

Anders: All of that sounds perfect Ava, thank you so much! What do you say Gavin?

Gavin: *Very quietly* Thank you Ava, that was really nice of you.


Ava: It's no problem, I had fun shopping and mom, Axe and I had fun getting everything ready while you guys napped. I hope you enjoy.

She bends down and kisses Gavin on the head before smiling at me again. I thank her once more as she goes to leave the room.

Ava: Dinner is at 6! Don't be late!

Anders: Okay thanks sis! We will be there!

I lightly tickle Gavin in his side to get his attention.

Anders: What are you thinking baby? Are you okay?

Gavin: Yea, I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed. I wasn't expecting all of that so soon.

Anders: Neither was I, sometimes my sister is a little too much. I'm sorry. We can still go as slow as you want.

Gavin: Thank you daddy.

Gavin whispers a thank you to me and I almost miss when he calls me daddy, but I hear it. It makes me smile knowing that he is trying. I check the time and notice it is already four. Dinner is in two hours.

Anders: What would you like to do before dinner?

Gavin: Can we go to the game room until it's time for dinner? Pretty please?!!?

Anders: That's a great idea baby. Can you wear one of your new outfits for me?

Gavin: I guess I could...

He blushes hard and I smile slightly at how cute he is. I grab a onesie that says "Cutest in the Galaxy" on it and make him lay down. I quickly remove the cute outfit I picked out for him this morning that he was still wearing and placed the onesie on his small frame. It maybe too much too soon, but I decide to risk it and clip a paci to the front of his onesie that reads Daddy's little boy just to see his reaction. He blushes and frowns slightly but doesn't say anything about it. I take that as a good sign. I test my luck and attempt to pick Gavin up like I did earlier today, but because he was actually paying attention to my every move this time he darts away from my reaching arms.

He runs to the door and attempts to get it open. He just isn't fast enough. Before he can escape our bedroom, I swing him up into my arms from behind. I turn him around and situate him on my hip so we are both comfortable. Before he starts trying to fight me I attempt to diffuse the situation.

Anders: Gavin, let daddy carry you please. You don't even know where the game room is. Plus I don't want you getting hurt.

Gavin: You don't have to always carry me, I can walk beside you or even hold your hand. Remember I don't want to be in a little baby headspace anyways.

Anders: That's no fun though. I like holding you and being close to you. Plus even if you are in a toddler headspace they still get held.

I catch him rolling his eyes at me, but I decide to let it go for now. I have to have patience with him in order for him to trust me and for this to work. I lightly bounce him in my arms and head to the game room. Once we enter his little face lights up. He attempts to get down, but that's only happening if I allow him to since he is so high up.

Gavin: Daddy, can you let me down please?

Anders: In just a minute Gavin. We need to go over a few rules for this room. There are only two. The first is no running and the second is always listen to daddy. Do you understand?


Gavin: Yes Daddy, can I go play now??

Anders: Yes, just remember the rules and come get me if you need something.

He nods his head and try's to get out of my grasp once more. I gently stick his paci in his mouth and he makes an agitated face at me but leaves it in. I kiss his head and finally set him down.

Anders: Have fun baby.

He smiles at me and then speed walks away and heads to a race car game. I watch him play for a while before I decide to pull out my phone and text the twins.

Anders: Hey! What are the plans for tonight?

Ava: The carnival is in town, we should all go after dinner.

Axe: I'm in, I will ask mom for us Ava.

Ava: Thanks bro!

Anders: Sounds fun, I will ask Gavin if he wants to go.

Ava: Yay!

Axe: Sweet! Mom said that's fine that we go but we have to to be home by 12 Ava.

Ava: Fine by me!

Anders: We will see you both at dinner, we can all ask Gavin then. He's playing a game right now so I don't want to interrupt him.

Axe: 👍

Ava: 😁

I checked the time and noticed it was getting close to 6. I head over to Gavin and get his attention.

Anders: Are you ready to go? It's time for dinner.

Gavin: Oh yea sure. Thanks for letting me play.

Anders: Anytime love. Let's go.

I hold out my hand for him and he looks at me in shock for a second. I know he was expecting me to pick him up, but I am letting him walk this time. His paci was no longer in his mouth, but I wasn't upset. We head to the dining room and I decide that Gavin will just sit in my lap instead of in a chair or in his high chair. I don't think he is ready for that step just yet. I lead him over to my chair and pull it out. I sit first and then lift him into my lap. His face is red and he looks down shyly. He must have forgotten what he was wearing for a minute. We all eat dinner and enjoy some family time. It's nice to spend some time with both of my parents.

After dinner we all help clean up and no one comments on Gavins outfit. For that I am thankful. I could tell Ava wanted to but she refrained from embarrassing him much to my pleasure. As much as the twins get on my nerves they are great siblings and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Gavin agreed to go with us to the carnival, but wanted to make sure he could wear big boy clothes. I of course told him that he could, which instantly made him relax.

We all headed upstairs to get ready and agreed to meet around 8 to head to the carnival. We would be driving my mini ship since it would be dark outside. Gavin would probably have to sit in his car seat, but that shouldn't be that big of a deal. After all he is pretty small so it will be good for safety reasons also. I change into some jeans and a hoodie and grab a similar outfit for Gavin, just in his size. He can't wear one of my hoodies out in public, people would look at him like he was crazy.

Anders Outfit ^

Gavins Outfit ^

After we are both dressed we head to the twins room and I tell them that we will meet them at my mini ship. Gavin holds my hand all the way out of to the ship. I check to make sure I have my phone and wallet before we get into the ship.

Anders: Gavin, you are going to have to sit in the car seat okay. It is for your safety.

He doesn't respond, but instead just nods. I lift him into the seat and buckle him in. The seat is still pretty big, even though I tightened the straps almost all the way. Either Ava got the wrong size seat or misjudged Gavins size. We may have to exchange it later on. I will ask her about it. I let Gavin play a game on my phone while we wait for the twins. Luckily we don't have to wait long and soon they both loudly board the ship.

Anders: Buckle up you two.

Ava: Yes dad!

Axe: Yea whatever dude.

I roll my eyes and look at Gavin in the rearview mirror, he is busy playing a game so he isn't worried about our bickering.

Anders: Ava, what size car seat did you buy? It seems really big.

Ava: Oh yea, about that. That was the smallest one they had other than the infant ones. Most of the ageplay equipment stuff is made larger to accommodate all kinds of species/creatures. I knew it would be too big for him, but I knew you would want one anyways. We could try the infant one, but I wasn't sure how much he weighed. The weight for that one is 0-50 pounds. The one he is currently in is 50-100 pounds. They go up by increments of 50 each time.

Anders: Well that is weird. Gavin, how much do you weigh?

Gavin: Uh I don't know, the last time I weighed I was like 137 or so. I don't know how accurate that is though.

Axe and Ava: You do not weigh that much!

Axe: Yea dude, there is no way you are that much.

Ava: I agree. I am about 130 and you are smaller than me by far. We will have to find out once we get home. I thought for sure you couldn't be more than 100 pounds or so. That's why I bought the 50-100 pound car seat.

Gavin just shrugged but didn't respond, I can't blame him. That is an embarrassing topic. My poor baby can't win for loosing lately. We finally arrived at the carnival. Everyone's excitement was starting to rise and I couldn't help but notice that even Gavin seemed to be ready to have some fun.

We road tons of rides and ate tons of junk food, well some of us did anyways. I think the twins had lots of fun as well. Gavin didn't stop smiling the whole night and it made my heart swell with so much love for him. I couldn't stop kissing him every chance I got and I could tell he wasn't used to all the attention. Hopefully he learns soon that I'm extra and he will have to get used to lots of attention.

Soon it is getting close to time to head home. Gavin gently pulls on the sleeve of my hoodie to get my attention. I squat down so we are at the same level.

Anders: What is it baby?

Gavin: I have to go potty daddy.

Anders: Okay baby, let daddy find a bathroom and we can go.

I look around and finally spot one next to the entrance. I tell the twins to meet us over there in a few minutes. I grab Gavins hand and we head in that direction.

Anders: Do you want me to come in with you hun?

Gavin: I think I can manage from this point. Thank you.

Anders: Okay baby, I will be right here if you need me just shout.

Gavin: Otay.

He heads into the bathroom and I notice the twins are heading this way. At least they came this way instead of messing around. Gavin is taking too long and I don't plan to wait to make sure everything is okay. I storm into the bathroom and see Gavin up against the wall trapped in place by a huge male body. I see red as I charge toward Gavins attacker. I throw the giant male across the bathroom and call for Axe. He rushes into the bathroom moments later and takes in the scene.

Anders: Can you get that guy out of here please, he had his hands on Gavin.

Axe: Yea sure bro, is Gavin okay?

Anders: I don't know. Gavin, baby, are u okay?

Gavin: I'm scared daddy.

My heart breaks at his confession. My little boy seems to be in a state of forced regression because of fear. I growl softly, but try to remain calm for Gavin.

Anders: Gavin, are u hurt?

Gavin: No daddy, u stopped him before he hurt Gavin.

Anders: Baby, how old are u right now?

He slowly holds up 3 fingers and I let out a small sigh. Poor baby. I hug his small body to my own and gently pick him up.

Anders: Can u tell me what happened buddy?

Gavin: After I went potty, I was washing my hands and that man just comes up behind me and forces me up against the wall. He starts asking me questions and saying naughty things to me. I don't answer him and I think that made him mad. Then you came in right when he was starting to press me harder into the wall with his body.

Anders: So he didn't hurt you other than pushing you against the wall and saying mean things to you?

Gavin: No, can I go sleep now please daddy.

Anders: Yes baby, thank you for talking to daddy.

Before I even finish my sentence he is softly snoring in my arms. He must be physically and mentally drained with all the events that have occurred since I found him. I hope he knows I will do everything I can to keep him safe. We all head home after Axe helped me report that scumbag to the authorities. The nerve of some people. I just hope my mate is going to be okay. He has been through a lot in a short amount of time. I need to make it my goal to make sure he gets the rest and relaxation he needs. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a lazy day of movies and games around the house.

Once we arrive home we chat with our parents for a few minutes before heading to bed. I will let us pass on the shower tonight, we can worry about that in the morning. Now it's time to get some much needed sleep. After telling everyone goodnight and changing us both into some comfy clothes I pass out with my sleeping little boy in my arms.

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