《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


An annoying beep jolts me from my peaceful sleep. I groan and try to roll over, but I am trapped in Anders huge arms. He is so warm, but I really need to pee. I wiggle around while trying to pry his arms from around my waist. He doesn't even flinch and his arms don't move an inch. I sigh and rub the sleep from my eyes. I guess I will have to wake sleeping beauty up. This thought makes me laugh out loud. He would kill me if I actually called him that to his face. I struggle to turn over so I am facing his massive chest.

Gavin: *Whispering loudly* Hey Anders! Please wake up! I have to use the bathroom!

Anders: No, go back to sleep baby.

Gavin: Let me go before I pee on you!

Anders: Fine, but only if I get a kiss first.

Sighing, I lean forward and give Anders a quick peck to his lips. He pouts for a moment before he finally releases me from his steel like grip. I slip out of bed and practically sprint to the bathroom. I was serious when I said I had to go. Before I close the door, I hear Anders loudly laughing at my distress.

I finish my business and decide to take a shower. The hot water feels amazing as I try and focus on making myself clean. My thoughts turn to last night events and I can't help the almost silent groan that escapes my mouth. How could I forget what I said last night?!?!?! Anders probably thinks I'm a freak and a weirdo. Why did I have to call him daddy in my sleepy haze???? That is so embarrassing. What's worse is he hasn't said anything about it, but he did just wake up.

I quickly decide I would let him bring that up otherwise I am going to pretend that I didn't say it. It honestly just slipped out. I have never had a daddy before, but it just felt right with him. If he wants to discuss it, I will be open about it. Although I do have limits and things I don't like about the whole ddlb lifestyle. I wonder if he even knows what that is. Who knows, I guess time will tell.

I quickly finish up and get out. I head back into the bedroom to find Anders gone with a note left in his place on the bed. I pick up the note and read it silently.

Good Morning baby boy,

I hope you enjoyed your shower. My father called me to an important meeting. I should be done soon. I have laid out some clothes for you on my bed. Get dressed and head to the kitchen. The twins have been instructed to meet you for breakfast and have offered to hang out with you until I finish up here. Have fun this morning and I can't wait to be with you soon (probably around lunch time) as we have some things to discuss.

Much love,

Anders Aka Daddy 😉

After reading and re reading the note, I noticed the clothes he mentioned were folded on the bed. I quickly got dressed and tried to calm my nerves. I can't believe he actually signed the note with "Daddy". I mean for fucks sake. This man is going to drive me insane and not in a good way.


I fix my hair and finish making myself presentable. I grab my phone and head head downstairs to the kitchen. I wonder what's for breakfast? Luckily I remember how to reach the kitchen, not that it would have mattered since Ava and Axe are practically yelling at each other. I can hear them from the hallway. I guess they are done with school for now. Rolling my eyes I enter and the scene that greets me is amusing to say the least. Axe seems to have Ava's phone and want give it back to her. They are chasing each other around the kitchen and yelling.

Ava: Give me back my phone you jerk!

Axe: Make me!

Ava: Oh thank God! Gavin, help me please.

Axe: What is the little dude going to do? He can't get the phone from me either. You need dad or Anders sis!

Gavin: Um, hi guys.

Ava: Gavin can you please push the button on the wall and call my parents room?

Gavin: Uh yea sure!

Axe: You better not you little brat.

I freeze and look at both twins. Now I am conflicted. What do I do?!?! I don't want to piss Axe off, but I want to help Ava. Ugh!

Gavin: Ugh fine, just give Ava her phone back Axe!

Ava: *Jumps on Axes back suddenly while he is distracted* Gavin grab my phone!

I reach for the phone, but Axe moves it out of my reach. Ava is then able to grab it from behind him since she is on his back. She hops down and dodges his hands. We high five and both take a seat at the bar to eat our breakfast.

Axe: You guys are no fun!

Ava: *Laughing* You mad bro? Didn't think your sister or a little human could outsmart you? No offense Gavin.

I giggle and Axe just rolls his eyes. We both know he isn't really upset, but it's fun to tease him.

Ava: What are we doing this morning?

Axe: Doesn't matter to me, we just have to keep Gavin entertained until Anders gets done. What do you want to do Gavin?

Gavin: Can we go outside? Maybe show me around some?

The twins look at each other and almost seem to be having a silent conversation. They both turn to me with huge grins on their faces.

Ava: That's a great idea Gavin! Anders might not like it, but he didn't say we couldn't.

Axe: Finish eating and get what you both need, meet me at the front door in 10 minutes.

Ava and I both nodded and cleaned up our mess. I went to find my shoes and double checked that I had everything I needed before we left the house. I have a feeling this is about to be an adventure, I just hope we don't get in trouble. The twins seem like trouble.

Ten minutes later we are ready to leave, Ava can see I'm nervous so she tells me that she will tell Anders our plans so that I will relax. I exhale the breath I didn't know I was holding and she grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

Ava: Don't worry Gavin, everything will be fine. We want let anyone hurt you.

Axe: Yea, what she said. Anders would kill us if we let you get hurt so don't stress.


Gavin: Thanks guys! Sorry I'm just nervous since I haven't been out of the palace yet.

Ava: It's okay! Let's go have some fun!

Axe: Stick close to us and don't wander off Gavin, not everyone on this planet is as friendly as we are and many do not see humans or creatures from other planets as equal.

My heart rate increases as I replay his words in my head as we exit the palace. Ava is still holding my hand, which makes me feel a little better, but she's not Anders. They suggest we head into town to look around at the shops and then head back home to make sure we are back in time for lunch since that's when Anders is supposed to be done with his dad.

We walk around and I take in all the sights and sounds. Not too far from the palace is a type of market place. Everything is slightly bigger than normal since people on this planet are on average bigger than humans. There are tons of people or should I say aliens everywhere although they look human to me other than the slight size differences. I stick close to the twins the closer we get to more crowed places. I do not feel like dealing with any pissed off aliens today.

The twins insist on buying me things although I keep telling them no. Do you think they listen? If you answered no, you are correct. I ended up with a new phone case, a tablet like device, some clothes, and a new hat. We walk around for a while longer, but eventually Axe tells us we have to head home. It's almost noon and Anders just texted that his meeting was about over.

Once we make it home we go our separate ways so that we can all put our new stuff away. We agree to all meet up later this afternoon. I guess I will have to show Anders my stuff later. I'm not really hungry since we had a big breakfast, so I hope Anders isn't expecting me to eat a lot. After putting my stuff away I head out of the room and decide to just go back to the kitchen to meet Anders since we said we were meeting for lunch. I don't even make it to the stairs before I collide with something super hard. I fall back onto my butt and a yelp of pain leaves my lips. I look up and notice it's Anders that I ran into.

Anders: Hey baby, sorry for knocking you down. Are you okay?

Gavin: It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going.

Anders: Are you hurt?

Gavin: I don't think so, other than my pride.

Without another word and before I have time to react Anders scoops me up into his arms and places me on his hip like you would a toddler. I'm sure my face turns bright red because I can feel the heat all the way down my neck. I start to struggle in his arms.

Gavin: Hey! What are you doing?!?! Put me down, I can walk!

Anders: I know, but I don't want to. I want to carry you.

Gavin: Grrrr, Anders put me down! I am not a baby.

Anders: Is that any way to talk to your daddy little boy? I will spank you.

I continue to struggle, as my mind races. The words daddy and little boy keep replaying in my head. I thought we would discuss the ddlb lifestyle first, but he is acting like we already have. I don't think I am ready for this yet.

Tears of frustration start streaming down my face.

Gavin: Let me down, we didn't even talk about this yet and you are acting like we have. I don't understand.

Anders sits on the bed with my in his lap still struggling.

Anders: Baby calm down before you hurt yourself. I'm sorry. I will slow down and we can talk about things first, just please stop crying. I didn't mean to make you upset. I just wanted to hold my baby and make sure you were really okay.

Gavin: *Still crying* You know about ddlb?

Anders: Yes, and I assume you do too since you called me daddy last night.

I nodded my head and let him wipe the tears from my face. I heard the twins try to come in the room, but Anders told them we would be down soon. I am glad he sent them away, I didn't want them to see me crying. They would probably think I was a baby for real then.

Anders: Do you want to try doing some ageplay stuff Gavin? If not it's okay, we can go slow and only do the things you want if you are interested in trying it out. You just have to talk to me.

Gavin: I would like to try it with you, but I do not want to wear diapers or drink from bottles. Everything else I am open to, but I want to go kinda slow.

Anders: Are you okay with me just taking the lead and we can go from there? If something makes you uncomfortable or your aren't ready to try it just tell me and we can slow down or move on for the time being. Rules and all that can come later if you want. Sound like a plan?

Gavin: I like that idea.

Anders: I do have one favor to ask, I would really like it if you would try to start calling me daddy all the time and try to let all of your worries go so it will be easier for you to regress. Don't worry my parents and siblings already know about the lifestyle and know that I was planning on discussing it with you. Just know you are safe and no one is judging you here. This planet is a lot more open to different life styles than Earth is.

Gavin: Okay daddy, I will try for us.

We both smile and I finally feel okay again. I am glad we talked about that. I hope he doesn't expect me to start acting younger right away, because that is not going to happen. He kisses my head and lifts me up again. I bite my lip to keep from protesting. I did just promise to give all of this a try. Crying has made me tired, so without giving it much thought I lay my head on Anders shoulder and fall into a light much needed sleep as we head to the kitchen for lunch.

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