《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin and Anders


We headed into Anders room and he decided we were going to take a bath together. I was a little hesitant at first but he has already seen me naked in the shower so what's the difference. He started the bath and added bubbles. I hopped in while he got us some wash cloths and towels. We bathed each other and washed our hair. His hands felt so nice in my hair. Once we were all clean he turned me around so I was sitting in his lap.

Anders: Can I kiss you baby?

Gavin: Yes please.

Switching to Anders POV for this part:

That's all the encouragement I needed to attack his sweet little mouth and face with kisses. I threaded my hands into his hair and pulled him closer to me. My hands caressed his sides and slide down to his cute little ass. Squeezing his cheeks caused him to moan into my mouth, giving me the perfect opportunity to use my tongue to explore his hot wet mouth. I pulled back once he started pushing on my chest so he could catch his breath.

Anders: You taste so good little one.

Gavin: I have never kissed anyone before, but that was amazing. Can we do it again?

Anders: You don't ever have to ask baby.

And with that we spent the next few minutes making out and exploring each other's body's until the water started to turn cold.

Pulling away and sighing I helped Gavin out of the bath and dried him off. I tossed him some pjs and got changed myself. We will have to continue where we left off later tonight after the movie if he is still in the mood or not to sleepy. I would like to explore his body more at some point.


Back to Gavins POV

That bath did not go how I expected it to, but I am not complaining. Anders is a really good kisser. When he gets all dominate like that it turns me on. Anders insisted that he gives me a piggyback ride to the kitchen so I climb on his back and we head to the table. He drops me in my chair and we both greet his parents and the twins. Anders tells them the plans for tonight and his parents seem to like the idea. I eat a little food and get lost in my own thoughts throughout the rest of the meal.

Anders: Gavin! Baby! Little one! Hello! Earth to Gavin!

Gavin: What? I'm sorry, I was spaced out.

Anders: I noticed, I asked you if you were done eating?

Gavin: Oh uh yea, sorry.

Anders: It's okay love, glad you are okay. I was starting to worry.

I blush in embarrassment and look down at my lap while everyone laughs at my spacey attitude. Anders glares at everyone and they shut right up. Perks of having a giant alien prince as a mate I guess. We head to their movie theater and the twins pick the scary movie. They decide on one called the Exorcist, which I haven't seen. They said it was pretty good. I will have to take their word for it.

As the movie starts Anders pulls me into his lap and puts a blanket over us.

Anders: Don't get scared now!

Gavin: Ha ha, if I do, you better protect me!

Anders: Always baby!

He just loves teasing me. I hope this movie isn't that scary, I'm not saying I'm a baby but I do get scared easily. I will just cover my face on the scary parts. Problem solved.


Once the movie has been playing for a while I look over and notice that the twins seem to be enjoying the movie, but every time I look at Anders he is looking at me. Weirdo. The movie isn't bad, but it is creepy. I have been hiding my face a lot and screaming like a little girl. Anders just squeezes me tight whenever I get scared and that helps a lot. Before long my eyes start getting heavy and I cuddle into Anders while I try and fight off sleep.

Anders: You can go to sleep baby boy it's okay, you are safe, I got you.

Gavin: But I'm not tired. I want to finish watching the movie with you.

Anders: Baby, you are about to pass out, just close your eyes and get some sleep, I will take you to my bed once the movie is over.

Gavin: *Sleepy voice: Otay, sounds good. Night night daddy.

Anders: Surprised voice* Goodnight little one

Anders POV

Gavin was asleep, before he even heard my reply. That was unexpected, I wonder if he even realized that he called me daddy. I guess we will have to discuss this in the morning. It doesn't matter to me what he wants to call me since I have tons of names for him. I just didn't know if he was into the Dom/sub lifestyle type stuff or if he even knew what any of it was about. He doesn't come across as a little, but why would he call me daddy outside of the bedroom then unless he was a little. Maybe it was an accident because he probably doesn't even know what a little is. We will have to discuss all of this and see what he wants. I am open to any and all of it, I just want my mate to be happy and healthy.

I look over at the twins and they also look surprised, but they both just shrug. They are familiar with different types of kinks, but aren't involved in any currently.

Ava: He would make a cute little, but I don't know if he would be into that.

Anders: Yea it's tough to say, without talking to him. I will find out more tomorrow. You two should go to bed since you have school tomorrow. Or wait nevermind, you are done with school except for finals until graduation right?

They agree and head to their rooms anyways. I pick up my little mate and head to my bedroom. He is sleeping with me tonight so we can cuddle. Once we get to my room I gently lay him down and admire his soft features. I let my thoughts wonder about him becoming my little boy and it brings a smile to my face. "You would make an adorable little boy," I tell him softly. "But only if that's what you want. " I would love to be your daddy if that's what you need, or anything else for that matter. All you have to do is tell me.", I whisper to him softly.

Climbing into bed, I pull my little mate into my arms and fall asleep listening to his soft breathing and thinking about the conversation to come. Hopefully that one little word doesn't drag us back to the beginning.

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