《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


Waking up in this super comfy bed, I jump up in shock. Sitting not even two feet from me is Anders just silently staring at me.

Gavin: Dude, what the fuck are u doing?!?!

Anders: Good Morning sunshine, did you sleep well?

Gavin: Yes, thank you, but you didn't answer my question. Why are you in here?

Anders: Because I can be little one, and watch your mouth! I will not allow my mate to have a filthy mouth.

I roll my eyes at this huge beast of a man, and in return I get a pop to my leg.

Gavin: Ow, what was that for?!?

Anders: I told you not to roll your eyes at me or you would be punished. Being a brat isn't a cute look for you little boy!

I huff but keep my mouth closed. I decide I'm going to shower. I push the warm blankets off and attempt to climb out of this giant bed.

Anders: Excuse me, where are u going?

Gavin: To shower?

I said in the form of a question. Anders just glares at me for a moment.

Anders: Fine, but let me help you.

Before I can even get off the bed or protest Anders picks me up under my arms and places me on his hip.

Gavin: hey! Put me down! I can walk! I am not a baby!

Anders: Will you just hush and let me help you, I like carrying you. That means I get to be closer to you.

Gavin: I said no!!!

I start struggling to get out of his arms, but it is no use he is too strong and I am too high off of the ground. I would probably hurt myself if he dropped me.

Anders: Will you stop moving around before I drop you on purpose to teach you a lesson. We both know you don't weigh enough for me to actually drop you by accident. Or if you prefer I can always give you a spanking after our shower.

My face turned bright red and I went silent. I did not want a spanking or to be dropped. I'm pretty sure he was serious about both of them so I am not testing it to find out. Once the water is hot enough we both get in the shower together, he insisted on coming in with me for whatever reason. We both washed up and I let him wash my hair. Not that he gave me a choice, but it sounds better if I say it that way. He's not a bad guy, but he sure does get on my nerves.


After we get done and dried off he makes me wear some black and red sweat pants, a red hoodie and some socks since it's cold around the palace. The twins went to school today, so they won't be home until later. Anders told me he had to do some work today, but that after he was done we could go swimming in the indoor pool. He told me I could explore the palace while he was gone, but to be careful.

He gave me a phone like device to contact him on if I needed anything while he was busy. It also had the twins contact info in it as well. He told me breakfast was ready for me in the kitchen and that he would come get me later around lunch time and we would eat and then go swimming. I thanked him and he kissed me goodbye but just on the forehead.

I decide to skip breakfast, but to have some coffee instead. Making my way to the kitchen I see many people running about. Most ignore me, but some look at me with interest. They are probably trying to figure out who I am. Hopefully Anders has told people about me. If not that will be awkward if I have to communicate with anyone.

Once I make it to the kitchen I see Stephanie, Anders mom. I wave shyly and walk over to her.

Stephanie: Hi sweetheart, how did you sleep?

Gavin: Really well, thank you.

Stephanie: Did you want some breakfast? Anders said you would be down.

Gavin: I would just like some coffee if that's okay please ma'am.

Stephanie: Of course it is hun, are you sure you don't want anything to eat? *Frowning* Anders will not be happy you are not eating.

Gavin: I'm sorry, I am just not hungry much in the mornings, I plan to eat something at lunch time.

This answer seemed to satisfy her as she just nodded her head and smiled warmly at me. We talked for a while longer about the plans for today before she told me to have fun exploring and to be safe before excusing herself to get ready for the day.


I left the kitchen after finishing my coffee and washing the cup. I walked around and peeked in different rooms. There was a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, many guest bedrooms, the twins rooms, Anders rooms, the Blithe's master bedroom, a game room, library, office, meeting room, gym, indoor pool, movie theater, garden, and an outdoor pool. The palace was huge! Heading back to my room I was trying to work the phone device so I wasn't looking where I was going. Suddenly I bumped into something really hard and fell on my ass. I look up and saw a huge man in his mid 30s staring at me with a glare.

Unknown Man: Watch where you are going kid!!!

Gavin: I'm sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention.

Unknown Man: Damn right you weren't, who are you anyways?!?!

Gavin: My name is Gavin.

Before I could say more the man interrupts me

Unknown Man: You must be that human Anders brought here. Hmmm I guess you are his so called mate.

I blush slightly and look away. I don't want to talk to this creep, I just want to go back to my room.

Gavin: *Stuttering in a whisper* Um yea, that's me, can I go now please.

Unknown Man: No, I'm not done talking to you. My name is Jeremy and I work for the current king Ace. I can see why Anders likes you. You are a cute little thing, but I would probably break your little ass. Mmmm I wonder what you taste like.

He starts laughing like a mad man, I take that as my opportunity to dart around this creepy fucker. He must be paying more attention than I thought because he grabs the back of my hoodie before I can get past his reach.

Gavin: Let me go you creep!

Jeremy: I don't think so pretty boy, not until I get a taste of that pretty little mouth of yours.

He lifts me into his arms and I fight with everything I have, this nasty ass man is not putting his mouth anywhere near mine. I start yelling and screaming hoping someone will hear and come help me. He is too big for me to fight off on my own. He starts trying to pull me closer to his face, but I am leaning away as far as I can, he will have to work for it if he wants it that bad.

Luck must be on my side today because soon I am plucked out of his grasp and held tightly against a warm hard chest. I look to see that it's the king who saved me from that monster. He slowly wipes my eyes with his hands and it's then that I realize I have been crying.

Ace: Are you okay Gavin? Did he hurt you?

Gavin: *Stuttering* I'm fine, thank you for helping me and saving me from him.

Ace: Of course hun, anything for my oldest sons mate.

Ace sets me on my feet after he orders his men to arrest Jeremy. He must have already informed Anders of the situation because when I turn around I see him coming down the hallway. He looks pissed. I run into his arms and start crying all over again.

Anders: It's okay baby, you are okay. I am so sorry. No one will ever hurt you again and from now on you can't be on your own in this house so nothing like this ever happens again. I would blame myself if something happened to you.

I just hug his waist tightly and don't say anything. That was a scary event that I don't want to ever relive. Anders told me that Jeremy will be sent to jail for a while and punished accordingly for sexual harassment/assault and he no longer works for the king. I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone else.

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