《Abducted by an Alien》Gavin


Beep Beep Beep, blasts my annoying alarm clock. I roll over and hit the damn thing and it flies off my night stand completely. It's Monday morning and I have classes all day today. Joy. Sitting up I sigh and decide to shower and get ready for this boring ass day. My life is super boring, but it's safe. I'm a senior in college at the university of Texas. I am studying accounting, and I love it, but honestly I am just ready to be done so I can get a real job. I mostly keep to myself and only have a few "friends", if you could even call them that, that I talk to in my classes.

After taking a long hot shower, I get out and examine myself in the mirror. I wouldn't say I'm ugly, but I'm definitely nothing special. It's probably why I'm still single, I think bitterly to myself. I'm on the short side for guy, so that doesn't really work in my favor, but I try and make it work anyways. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Boring I know right. Knocking myself out of my depressing thoughts I find some joggers and a hoodie to wear to class because I honestly just don't care, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone anyways. Again, way to go Gavin, with those thoughts you will always be single I yell at myself.

After I check my appearance one last time, I run over and grab my book bag, phone, keys and a banana and head to my little sports car. My parents left it to me when they passed away a few years ago in a car accident. The car and this little studio apartment is about all I have to my name. Since I am an only child my parents left me enough money for college and to pay for a place to live until I finish school. That was nice of them, but I miss them both everyday. I just hope they would be proud of me today.


Once I get to campus I park in student parking and head to class. Not looking forward to a day filled with math, but I head inside anyways. I can only hope for the best as I finish my banana and throw the peel in a trash can as I pass by.

I head back to my car after a very long day. I decide to just head straight home and make something for dinner when I get home since I am starving. No need to spend money when I have food at home. I make it home and head inside after locking up the car. The late afternoon air is chilly so I rush inside. I decide to just have some cereal because I'm too lazy to cook. I decide to do some homework and then clean the whole apartment. Once that is done, I make myself take the trash out so it doesn't pile up at the front door. I hate taking the trash out, but it's a necessity unfortunately.

I grab my shoes and jacket since it's a lot later and I assume colder out and head outside with the trash. The air is freezing and feels weird. I look around but don't see anything. Why do I have a weird feeling, like someone is watching me? Shaking my head I ignore my crazy irrational thoughts and take care of the trash. I need to hurry, so I can get back into my warm apartment. Turning around after dumping the trash to head back inside I see something that makes my blood run cold.

Right in front of me is a giant ass man if you can even call him that. "Hi little one", I need you to come with me baby." his deep voice coos at me. My breathing picks up and all I can think is Gavin this is not the time to have a panic attack. Little one?!? Baby?!?! Who is this creep?!!? My thoughts are going 90 to nothing and before I let myself think anymore I take off in the opposite direction like a bat out of hell. There is no way I am going anywhere with that dude if I have anything to say about it. I make a beeline for my apartment door hoping to outrun this strange man.

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