《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 forty-one 』


❝❞ Jungkook said as he enter their locker room. Yeonjun quickly widened his eyes and looked at the older. ❝❞ he uttered which made the older laugh. ❝❞

he don't know why Soobin waited for him until his working shift is done. earlier, after five of them went out of the school, Beomgyu and Taehyun took the bus as their homes are a little bit far from the school meanwhile three of them, Yeonjun, Huening Kai and Soobin, walked on the streets.

Soobin asked if Yeonjun will walk straight to his house and when the older said he have a work, he quickly insisted, without a second of thinking, that he will wait for him. Yeonjun refused to but Soobin still didn't change his mind.

when they got in the caféteria, Soobin make sure that Yeonjun wasn't joking about his job, then walk Huening Kai to their house since he needs to make sure the younger's safety, and then went back to the café again to wait for the older.

and Yeonjun felt uncomfortable working while someone is watching him.

❝❞ Jungkook teased again making Yeonjun flustered. he slightly slap the older's arm making Jungkook hiss but still smirking teasingly. Yeonjun then rolled his eyes then get his bag as he is done changing his clothes.

Taehyun's words earlier suddenly came inside his mind. he thought if it is true that their bodies were switched last week. he wants to believe it but it is still impossible. yet, he still do not know why his memories lost so maybe Taehyun told the truth.

Jungkook suddenly snapped his finger in front of Yeonjun, making his senses went back to the world. ❝❞ Jungkook said and walked out of the locker room, while Yeonjun is following behind him. he didn't complained as his mind is still clouded with thoughts.

he made sure that every door is locked and the gas tank is close before he went outside of the café. ❝❞ Jungkook uttered and winked at Yeonjun, making Soobin a little bit surprised and confused at the same time.


Yeonjun rolled his eyes and bid his goodbye to Jungkook as he is walking away with his boyfriend. ❝❞ Soobin then asked the older while he is closing the caféteria. ❝❞ Yeonjun uttered and put the keys inside his bag.

❝❞ Yeonjun said and glared at the tall guy while they are slowly walking on the sidewalk. he put his hands inside his pocket and remove his gaze off the younger.

Soobin hummed before speaking, ❝❞ Soobin pause for a second to glimpse at the older who is waiting for him to speak. ❝❞ he managed not to stutter but he still did.

hearing those words made Yeonjun stopped from his tracks which made Soobin also stop. the younger suddenly feel his cheeks started to heat as their eyes met so he quickly looked down. he shouldn't invite him to his house but he don't want to drink the potion alone and manage it by himself.

unfortunately, Yeonjun felt butterflies in his stomach getting wild. he want to agree but at the same time he don't want to. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun cut the younger's sentence and started walking again. Soobin widened his eyes while his lips automatically curved into a smile.

both of their hearts are starting to beat faster again making themselves stay quiet throughout their walk.

after a few minutes, they reached Soobin's house. he took his keys from his bag, opened the door and let Yeonjun walk inside. the older roam his eyes around the house before speaking, ❝❞

Soobin shook his head as a no. ❝❞ he said. Yeonjun hummed and nodded while putting his bag on the couch.

❝❞ the younger said before he walk upstairs and went inside his room. Yeonjun then walk to the kitchen to find something to eat. even though he is a visitor, he want to eat already so shame won't stop him. Soobin won't mind though, he thinks.

he check the cabinets to find some ramen and after seeing it, he took the pot and put some water in it before putting it on the stove and wait for it to boil for him to cook.


meanwhile, when Soobin went inside his room, he carefully put his bag on the floor then slammed his body on the bed. ❝❞ he muttered to himself.

he took a deep breath and stand from his bed to get his clothes from his wardrobe. he also get one for the older. he then took off his uniform and wear a normal t-shirt and shorts. after that, he went downstairs and walk to the kitchen, seeing the older cooking ramen for both of them.

❝❞ Soobin uttered while walking near at the stove. Yeonjun just nodded and quickly walk out of the kitchen.

his heart is always beating faster when the younger is around him and he do not know why. thinking about it makes him frustrated.

Yeonjun went to Soobin's room and saw a shirt and pajamas on the bed. he first locked the door, just in case the younger might barge inside, then changed his clothes. he neatly fold his uniform and put it inside his bag when he walk to the living room.

he then go to the kitchen to see if the younger is done cooking the ramen because he is absolutely hungry right now. ❝❞ Soobin simply said as he saw the older coming inside. Yeonjun just nodded and sat on the vacant chair in front of Soobin.

they just eat quietly. both of them didn't insist to speak as they feel really awkward mostly thinking that their bodies were switched. they are concern how they managed it last week even though they barely know each other.

Soobin glance at Yeonjun who is silently munching the noodles of ramen inside his mouth. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun cut off the younger's sentence after he swallow the food inside his mouth.

Soobin formed his lips into an 'o' and nodded. he then formed his lips into a thin line while gluing his gaze on the ramen as he feel like he can't speak anything to the older. and so they just finished eating silently.

Yeonjun washed the dishes even though Soobin didn't let him wash it.

❝❞ the younger uttered and pointed a door that is near at the stairs. Yeonjun nodded. before Soobin walk upstairs, the older spoke, ❝❞ Soobin hummed and nodded his head then continuously walked upstairs.

as both of them entered their rooms, they sat on the bed and picked the potion inside their bag. their hearts are beating crazy because of nervousness. thoughts keep running inside their minds. they are hesitating to drink it but curiosity is taking them as they want to know what happended between them last week.

❝❞ Yeonjun muttered to himself before opening the cap of the potion. he firstly take a sniff of it know if it smells poisonous, but instead, it smelled like floral. he then let out a sigh first after he shut his eyes and then quickly drink the potion.

he quickly put the bottle on the floor as he feel dizzy. a few seconds later, he immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

meanwhile, Soobin keep shifting on his sit and thinking whether he will drink it or not. he already open the cap and smelled it, the only thing to do is drink it. ❝❞ he murmured under his breath.

without a minute passing, he drink the potion and after that, he put the bottle on the nightstand then he comfortably lay down on his bed before he doze himself into sleep.

❝❞ Taehyun mumbled while looking at the crystal ball that is showing both Yeonjun and Soobin.

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