《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 forty 』


Soobin and Yeonjun looked to each other's eyes. it was like they are both taking permissions if the one as well as the other agrees to tell Beomgyu about it. Soobin just nodded lightly, saying that the others are allowed to know about it, then remove his gaze on the older. he snatched the bracelet from the younger's hand while they are waiting for Yeonjun to speak.

❝❞ Yeonjun uttered. ❝❞ he continued while fidgeting his fingers. he don't know why he suddenly got nervous telling it. maybe because its unnecessary or because Soobin kept glancing at him.

Beomgyu formed his lips into an 'o'. ❝❞ he asked right away as he got confused. he don't know why but his gay side is getting hype for some reason.

Yeonjun shrugged, ❝❞ he then took a sip of his juice. ❝❞ Soobin uttered and glance to the older again. he don't know why his eyes always look at him and then quickly look away. he's somehow mesmerizing the older's features as he feel like he already know every details of it before.

Beomgyu's eyes sparkle while curving his lips into a smile. he clasp his hands, ❝❞ he uttered making the two older lads' cheeks heat. Beomgyu giggled by the two's reactions. he already know where his hyungs will end up and he know they will be like him and Taehyun.

❝❞ Beomgyu asked Huening Kai who is just silently listening to their conversation. its oddly for the youngest to behave.

Huening Kai smiled then giggled. ❝❞ he said which made the caramel-haired boy frown.

he grouch at Huening Kai making him quickly feeling guilty because they were seatmates and yet he hadn't told him about this. Yeonjun then complained at Beomgyu that it's not Huening Kai's fault because it's Soobin's privacy anyways which Beomgyu complained again. Soobin then spoke that it doesn't matter for them to know.


luckily they were inside the school café and they are less students studying since some of them are just chatting also.

meanwhile, Taehyun is just sitting quietly, reading his book while the others are starting a little bit chaos. he is just thinking how he will tell to Yeonjun and Soobin about their lost memories. they already knew each other so there will be no problem for Taehyun to speak to them.

after hours past by, the bell suddenly ring which means that it is already dismissal. the students started fixing their things, grab their bags then walk out of the school.

❝❞ Taehyun suddenly spoke which made them stop from walking. five of them were walking on the hallways towards the school gate.

four of them furrowed their brows. ❝❞ Beomgyu asked. he is still a little bit disappointed that Huening Kai is his closest seatmate yet he said nothing about it and Yeonjun is like a brother to him and yet he also didn't mentioned about it.

Taehyun quickly shook his head as a no even though he knew it because of the crystal ball. but he know his boyfriend will also complain to him so he can just say no. ❝❞ he uttered then planted an innocent smile on his face before dragging his hyungs to somewhere private.

Beomgyu and Huening Kai watched the three walking away. as they disappered from their sight, Beomgyu quickly glared at the younger. ❝❞ he said and pouted making Huening Kai awkwardly chuckle.

❝❞ Taehyun asked as soon as they walk inside a vacant room. Yeonjun and Soobin shook their head while their eyebrows are still furrowed.

processing by Taehyun's words, both of their eyes widened and they looked at each other. ❝❞ they said in unison then they both nodded their heads. they quickly shifted their gaze at the younger in front of themas they were confused. ❝❞


Taehyun cut their sentence. ❝❞

❝❞ Taehyun continued. he remove one of the strap of his bag from his shoulder then took out two bottles of potion. ❝❞

hearing what the younger spoke made the two confused. they tilted their heads while waiting for Taehyun to explain. ❝❞ he then gave the two bottles of potion to his hyungs.


Yeonjun raised his brow. ❝❞ he asked which made Taehyun chuckled a little bit. ❝❞ he smirked making the two quickly refused to take the bottles.

❝❞ he giggled then handed the bottles to them.

Yeonjun and Soobin took a glimpse at the potion their holding. ❝❞ Taehyun uttered then walked out while the two follow at his back while putting the potions inside their bags.

❝❞ Yeonjun whispered to Soobin making the tall lad frown. ❝❞ Soobin complained.

Yeonjun shrugged, ❝❞ he giggled making Soobin nudge his elbow to him. ❝❞

❝❞ Taehyun uttered which made the two stopped talking.

both Beomgyu and Huening Kai stopped talking when they saw the three walking towards to them. Beomgyu opened his mouth as he was about to ask them what they talked about but Taehyun abruptly spoke ❝❞

Beomgyu pouted ❝❞ Taehyun smiled then tousle the older's hair ❝❞

Huening Kai cleared his throat catching the four's attention to him. ❝❞ he uttered making them laugh.

Beomgyu then drifted his eyes on Soobin and Yeonjun ❝single❞ he uttered then smirked. both of their hearts started beating faster than its normal pace hearing what the younger said.

❝❞ Yeonjun stuttered making the caramel-haired boy giggled. ❝❞ he spoke before starting walking while holding his boyfriend's hand.

Soobin noticed Taehyun and Beomgyu's hands intertwining which made him looked at his hand. meanwhile, Yeonjun is walking beside him so the older also looked at where Soobin drifted his eyes.

Soobin then glimpsed at Yeonjun which made their eyes met. they both looked away while they feel their cheeks slowly heating. why does they both feel like they also wanted to hold their hands?

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