《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 thirty-seven 』


❝❞ Yeonjun uttered while standing in front of a grave where his dad's name is written on it. he curved his lips into a bitter smile as he holds his tears from falling while remembering the days when he and his parents were living happily. he couldn't imagine that he is living by himself in this young age of his. he never wished to have a life like this.

his eyes then drifted on the grave beside his father's then put some flower in front of it. he stared at the name written on the grave which was his mom's. ❝❞ he muttured. he quickly stood up and wiped the tear that suddenly rolled down on his cheek.

he then let out a deep sigh before he drew a smile on his lips again. ❝❞ he shove his hands inside his pocket as he walk away. he want to stay for a little bit but he might get emotional and he want to sleep already since he had lack of sleep yesterday for fixing the burial of his father.

he slept so late yesterday night for making sure everything is settled for the burial and he woke up so early this morning to prepare. luckily, the short ceremony ended quickly since Yeonjun is the only one who came. he didn't invited anyone from his relatives but he made sure to tell them about the news. his uncle actually offered support for Yeonjun yet he declined it. besides, he's already graduating so it's possible that he can have a permanent job after his graduation.

while walking towards to the bus station, his attention was suddenly caught by a young girl who is eating a lollipop, standing on the bus station. she is holding the lady's hand standing beside her which is probably her mother. he suddenly furrowed his brows as he noticed that she keep on glancing to him. when their eyes met, the little girl slightly gasped then quickly stood on the other side of the woman.


Yeonjun stopped walking then stood up not far away from the lady. his eyes were glued on the little girl since he is standing behind them. he somehow think that she knew the girl but he cannot remember when or how.

as she felt the lad's gaze behind her, she tighten her hold on her mother's hand which made the woman got curious. ❝❞

the little girl quickly shook her head while her eyes are glued on the ground. she playfully sucked her lollipop to make her stay calm. Eunji want to approach the lad but she know that he cannot remember her which is making her sad but she is wondering why Yeonjun is staring at her. she might not see it but she can feel it.

as soon as the bus came, Eunji quickly ran inside making her mother gasped and followed her. the girl sat near at the back even though there are seats at the front. her mother sat beside her and she saw Yeonjun sat at the front which she expected.

❝❞ her mother asked. she already noticed Eunji's behavior when the lad came and stood behind them. since she is not always with her daughter because of her work, she don't know everything.

Eunji widened her eyes and quickly shook her head as she know what her mother mean. ❝❞ she uttered then pouted. her mother furrowed her brows, recalling the stories that Eunji told her. she then formed her mouth into an 'o' and nodded as she remembered it.

❝❞ Eunji muttered to herself after she pull out her lollipop from her mouth then glance at it.

night quickly passed by and morning came.

Soobin groaned as he's getting annoyed by his alarm. he reached his phone on the nightstand beside his bed. he was about to off his alarm but then he noticed the time which made his eyes widened. ❝❞ he immediately stood up from his bed and almost stumbled running towards the bathroom.

he didn't realize that he kept on snoozing his alarm earlier without knowing the time, and now the classes will start less than thirty minutes.


after taking a quick shower, he rapidly get his uniform inside his closet and wore it. he then wear his socks and shoes before wearing his i.d and getting his bag near the door. he was about to run outside his room when he noticed his phone is not inside his pocket.

he can't remember where he put it which made him curse inside his mind. he firstly look on his bed and under the sheets and pillows, then under the nightstand but his phone wasn't there. ❝❞ he groaned and tousled his hair in frustration. he roamed his eyes around his room and landed on his closet. he let out a sigh as he saw his phone above it.

getting his phone, something suddenly dropped from the top of the closet making Soobin startled. he quickly picked up the thing after shoving his phone inside his pocket.

it's a bracelet that is made up of blue yarn and have some beads for design. he furrowed his brows as he is trying to remember how he got this bracelet but seeing the name written on it made him gasped. 'ch.yeonjunnie♡'

memories from a decade ago suddenly flashed inside his mind.

❝❞ the little Yeonjun uttered and pouted as he heard his parents calling him. he don't want to go since he is having some fun time with the other little kid that he know he won't had a chance to meet him again but they need to go home now.

the little Soobin gasped when Yeonjun was about to ran away. he quickly pulled the kid's shirt making Yeonjun's eyes drifted on him. ❝❞ Soobin mumbled yet clear enough for the older kid to hear.

Yeonjun let out a chuckled because of Soobin's cuteness before speaking, ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun's mother yelled while walking towards to them. their eyes drifted on her before looking at each other again.

Soobin pouted and let go of the older kid's shirt. ❝❞ Yeonjun planted a sad smile on his face as he saw the younger's expression. he don't want to leave him gloomy, though, so he quickly removed his bracelet and gave it to him. ❝❞ he grinned.

Soobin's eyes sparkled and get the bracelet from Yeonjun's hand before her mother grab him. ❝❞ he yelled while running away towards to his father.

❝❞ her mother yelled.

❝❞ Soobin suddenly paused, realizing that Yeonjun won't hear him for he can't shout that loud. ❝❞ he murmured before diverting his eyes on the bracelet.

❝❞ Soobin put the bracelet inside his pocket and quickly ran away outside his room. he immediately locked the door and took a bus to make sure he'll get to his classes on time. he still have less than ten minutes and the ride will take only five minutes. he just need to run quickly.

as the bus stopped near the school, Soobin quickly get off. he then run towards the gates and to the hallway. when he was about to reach the stairs, his eyes suddenly caught by a blue-haired guy who is also running to the stairs.

❝❞ he muttered to himself.

when the guy turned right as he is about to go upstairs, Soobin's eyes widened seeing his side-view face. he then realized that it was Yeonjun which made him grinned.

he don't know why he is so happy even though he is now late and his professor might be starting but he don't care. maybe he is happy because he now remembered that Yeonjun he met decade ago is the Yeonjun he saw right now or maybe he is happy because he can talk to him about the 'date'.

neither of the reasons why, he is still happy that Yeonjun is now here and his heart can't stop from beating faster as it wants to win a marathon.

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