《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 thirty-six 』


Huening Kai quickly grabbed his bag then walked towards to the two lads who are waiting outside the room. he shove his phone inside his pocket before tapping Beomgyu's shoulder making the caramel-haired boy hummed in response. ❝❞ he asked.

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun and lowkey asked him if its okay with him by just his stare. Taehyun quickly understand the older's gaze so he slightly nodded his head which made Beomgyu smiled then looked back at Huening Kai. ❝❞ he somehow already knew who is the friend that Huening Kai is pertaining to as he has only one friend in the third year.

Huening Kai curved his lips into a smile. he pulled his phone from his pocket and texted his friend while they are now walking towards the library. they actually want to study in the fields since it have fresh air but Yeonjun is not around so it will be boring for Beomgyu and Taehyun also want in the library for it is peaceful.

speaking of Yeonjun, Beomgyu quickly get his phone that was inside his pocket then checked the older's messages. Yeonjun kept on texting him earlier but he can't read it nor reply to him since the class were still ongoing.

Yeonjun messaged him that his father's burial will be tomorrow and then afterwards he will attend his class the next day. he also make sure that the younger have nothing to worry about for he can handle everything and he will just be fine which made Beomgyu convinced. he replied back to the older before turning off his phone then sit beside Taehyun and get his book inside his bag.

they chose the four occupied seats and one table that is located at the edge of the corner of the library instead of sitting on the big table and have many seats in the middle of the library. they want to study peacefully and both Huening Kai and Taehyun know that Beomgyu will talk to those students he know since the lad almost know everyone, except for the first year students.

Taehyun plugged in his earphones and played some calming music to make him focused in memorizing and understanding the contexts. Beomgyu have his colorful pens and highlighters aligned beside his book and started taking down the important notes while at the same time, highlighting his book to remember the important things. Huening Kai have his plushie with him and a lollipop inside his mouth but making sure he don't make some noise so that he cannot disturb the two that are studying. he already took down the notes and highlighted every important things so all he need to do is read and understand it.


they are actually supposed to have 'group' study but Beomgyu suggested that they will just study by their own then ask if there are some things that they aren't familiar with or things that is hard to understand. then they will have group study days before their finals to make sure they clearly remembered and understood everything to ace their tests.

Huening Kai suddenly felt his phone vibrated which made him quickly took out it from his pocket. he checked the message and replied to him before putting his phone inside his bag then drifted his eyes into somewhere.

seeing the tall lad walking towards them, he slightly waved his hand then gestured to sit beside him.

Beomgyu and Taehyun diverted their attention to the familiar guy who sit beside Huening Kai. ❝❞ Soobin curved his lips into a small smile slightly waved his hand. Taehyun want to laugh because it really feels like they don't know each other but he just maintained the stern expression planted on his face.

❝❞ Beomgyu greeted back. ❝❞ he introduced making the older giggled by his cuteness. ❝❞ he shortly introduced himself. Huening Kai might had mentioned him already so he is not going to talk about himself.

Soobin actually want to study alone but because of what Seoyeon mentioned earlier, he want to talk about it to Yeonjun. he expected that the older is with them that's why Soobin want to tag along but he didn't see him around which made him kind of disappointed. he want to ask to Beomgyu where is the older but the younger might get confused.

shrugging off his thoughts, he pull out his book inside his bag and started studying also. he put his bag on his lap then hugged it while Huening Kai is watching him to see what will the older's comforting way of studying. it's his first time to study with him since Soobin always want to study alone for he knew the younger will disturb him.

he put his hands inside his bag and the moment he took one out, Huening Kai's eyes widened then immediately slapped the older's arm which made Soobin startled. he quickly put a bread inside his mouth before making a hushing gesture. well, it is not allowed to eat inside the library but it's his way of studying. what can he do?


both Beomgyu and Taehyun glimpse at Soobin who's attention is in his own book while chewing something inside his mouth. they just both giggled before drifting their attention back to their own business.

an hour passed by and all they do is to study which made Beomgyu kind of irritated now. his fingers are hurting a bit since all he do is write and highlight. Huening Kai is also writing on his notebook and glimpsing on his book while his plushie is on his lap. Taehyun is still listening to calm music and reading. meanwhile Soobin is now.. sleeping.

the older complained earlier that his eyes are hurting so he decided to take a rest and continue after a couple of minutes but he ended up drifting into his dreamland.

they didn't bothered him anyways since it's allowed to sleep inside the library only when times like this.

Beomgyu lift his arms up and stretched up his arms and back while letting out whining out quietly. he then checked the time on his phone. seeing that they still have an hour before the gates will open made him sigh. ❝❞ he murmured to himself and lightly dropped his forehead on the table, making the two youngers' attention caught.

Taehyun glance at Beomgyu's notes and books beside him. he noticed that almost all important topics are written on his book and were already highlighted. he tousle the older's hair, ❝❞ he asked.

Beomgyu groaned then lift his head up. he put his hand below his chin and placed his elbow on the table, supporting his head not to fall. he then opened his notebook that had formulas written inside it.

❝❞ he complained then pouted which made Taehyun sighed. he was about to say something but Soobin's bag fell off from his lap as he moved his arms on his head.

hearing a thud, Soobin quickly opened his eyes and lifted his head. ❝❞ he got shocked by his own motion.

Huening Kai slapped the older's arm and made a hushing gesture. Soobin groaned and rolled his eyes before getting his bag then placed it on his back.

❝❞ Soobin asked while looking at his watch. ❝❞ Taehyun answered which made the older nodded. he closed his book then opened his notebook.

when Beomgyu noticed that it has also formulas written on each paper, he already knew what topic is Soobin will study right now. ❝❞ he called, making the older diverted his eyes on him and let out a hum. ❝❞

Soobin furrowed his brows then looked at to what Beomgyu is holding. the older clicked his tongue as he remember how complicated the second year math for him back then. he almost cried because he cannot understand a single formula.

❝❞ he paused for a second as he saw the younger already pouting. it must be hard for them also. ❝❞ he uttered making Beomgyu grinned.

he quickly get his pad of paper and put it on the table. ❝❞ he said then gave his notes to the older to make him see the formulas. ❝❞

Soobin quickly shifted his eyes on the younger as he mentioned the older's name. he nodded his head then furrowed his brow before asking, ❝❞ and then returned his attention to the formulas.

❝❞ Beomgyu uttered then took out a sigh as he remember how "important" it is for Yeonjun. he then quickly rose his lips into a smirk when he realized Soobin is asking about where is his friend that he didn't even know. ❝❞ he suddenly spoke off guard. ❝❞

hearing his question made Soobin choke by his own saliva. ❝❞ he giggled making Beomgyu rolled his eyes. ❝❞ he muttured, so that Taehyun won't hear it, but clear enough for Soobin to hear.


Beomgyu hummed then spoke, ❝❞ he curved his lips into an amusing smile which made Soobin raised his brow. the younger then chuckled by his expression.


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