《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 thirty-five 』


❝❞ Yeonjun muttured but clear enough for the lad from the other line hear it. he's not used to say things like this to Beomgyu but he also don't want to keep it to himself if he know he has a friend that he can rely on.

"wait- what?! what happened??"

he let out a sigh before speaking, ❝❞ he rubbed his temple as he is being stressed by the what happened. he expected these things to happen since all his father always do is to drink alcohol and sleep and it became his routine everyday so Yeonjun is not surprised.

his eyes quickly drifted to a doctor who is walking towards him. he quickly stood up from his seat. ❝❞

"o-okay. take care hyung!"

❝❞ Yeonjun ended the call after he said that. he shove his phone inside his pocket and waited for the doctor to speak.


Yeonjun quickly shook his head as a no then spoke ❝❞ he curved his lips into an assuring smile which made his doctor sigh and nodded.

the doctor took out a paper from his pocket then gave it to Yeonjun. ❝❞

❝❞ he is so lucky that his cousin is a doctor.

and not because they are relatives that's why his cousin payed the bills, but because Yeonjun's mother was the reason why he became a doctor and he owe her a lot. when she died, he was also the one who took care of the bills and payed half for her funeral. if she didn't support him and payed the other expences for his studies which Yeonjun's cousin's parents cannot afford, he might just ended up being an accountant or something.

he know that Yeonjun is struggling after his mother died and he actually told him that he can support him from his studying but the younger refused because he want to be independent mostly Yeonjun knew that he will live alone after his father will die.

❝❞ his cousin uttered then smiled. he checked his watch as he remembered that he need to go somewhere. he tapped Yeonjun's shoulder and spoke, ❝❞


Yeonjun nodded and said thank you and goodbye to him before his cousin walk away. he then took out his phone and after he dialed someone, he put his phone on his ear. ❝❞

"yes, sir! how can we help you?"

❝❞ he asked while he put the receipt paper of the hospital bill inside his pocket. luckily, he already prepared for these things a month ago so it won't be hassle for him.

he actually want his father's body to be cremated but its better to put his grave beside his mother's grave. for at least, they can are beside each other and he knows that his father will wish that even though he don't tell him about it.

after some chit-chat about the burial and the coffin', Yeonjun ended the call. he sat on the bench beside the door of the room where his father's dead body is inside.

he saw a spam of messages from Beomgyu telling him to cheer up and everything will be fine. well, Beomgyu knew that Yeonjun's mother already died and now his father is gone. he knew it will be hard for the older to live by his own. Yeonjun don't know if he will be glad that his dad is now gone or be sad because he is still his father. maybe both, he guess.

tuesday morning came and it's another bright day of the year to go to school which Beomgyu hate, but still go to school on time and never goes late. i mean, somewhat all of the students do that.

Beomgyu feel a little bit gloomy as he knew that Yeonjun can't attend his class and the worst part is the reason why he can't attend is because of his father. the younger actually suggested to be in his father's funeral but Yeonjun refused and told him that there will be no interment.

his lips curved into a bright smile as he saw the strawberry-haired guy standing outside the school gates while his attention is on his phone. he quickly plug off his earphones and put it inside his pocket before walking faster towards the lad. ❝❞


Taehyun quickly drifted his eyes to somewhere after someone called his name. he shove his phone inside his pocket as he saw Beomgyu approaching him. he planted a smile on his face seeing the caramel-haired guy looking so bright as always.

❝❞ Taehyun uttered which made Beomgyu nodded. they went inside the school. as they are walking on the hallways, Beomgyu's eyes shifted to the faculty room on the left side. he then remembered Yeonjun's favor for him. ❝❞ he spoke before walking away, leaving the younger lad confused.

when Taehyun saw the older went inside the faculty room, he walked beside the door of it then leaned his back on the wall. three minutes past by before Beomgyu came out from the room and they headed to their respective room.


Soobin quickly turned around as he felt someone tapped his shoulder. his gaze drifted to a blonde girl that is standing in front of him. his brows furrowed seeing her blushing and biting her lips.

the girl avoided his eye contact. she looked on the floor then looked around the room to see if someone is still inside and when she saw no one except both of them, she shifted her eyes on the floor again while fidgeting her fingers on her back.

the whole day class had now ended just like a blink of an eye. there are no classes after three in the afternoon since their finals are approaching and students, mostly in the fourth year, need to study. but no one can go outside of the school until five. they can study in the rooms, cafeteria, library, or fields so that they can have peaceful time studying to where they want.

❝❞ the girl stuttered. she quickly looked to the tall lad's face to see his expression but she can only see coldness into his eyes like he doesn't care. well, that's his expression always and how he treated the people around him except Huening Kai.

Soobin shrugged then turned around as he continue fixing his things, making the girl embarrass. ❝❞ she spoke a little louder while holding her tears. she's been keeping her feelings for a long time. hell, she don't know why she even liked him.


the girl gasped and tears started to escape from her eyes. she should expected this, though. why did she even hoped that the lad who is cold-hearted will like her back. besides, she knew he already liked someone else. ❝❞

Soobin quickly zipped his bag then diverted his eyes on her. he raised his brow as he is confused by what she meant. ❝❞ he's not even closed with him so how can he like the older?

❝❞ she chuckled in pain before speaking again. ❝❞

his head suddenly ached as he tried to remember the happenings last week. he can't even recall everything. his memories are still lost. ❝❞

Seoyeon widened her eyes and she quickly shook her head. ❝❞ she reasoned out. she have a sister in that class but she is not the reason why Seoyeon always see Soobin. the fact she's always following the lad for she like him and she's been planning to confess her feelings since last week but always fails because of Yeonjun.


his eyes widened. he don't know what to act and believe. he don't know anything. if they really are dating, why the older didn't tell him when they saw each other yesterday? is that the reason why Yeonjun kept on looking at him? did something happened?

shrugging off his thoughts, he suddenly remembered Yeonjun's bag that was inside his house in the previous weekend.

are they actually dating? how he cannot remember?

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